Although to say goodbye is different in every country and is said for various reasons, there is one no one will ever want to hear and that is the FINAL FAREWELL!
About the Author
Ray Deaton is not an official of any church or denomination; he is a member of a church. He IS first, last, and always a child of the one and only LIVING GOD. He has relied on HIS inspiration and direction for this book.
Deaton has lived in this world for the better part of a hundred years, and HE has placed him in a variety of experiences many of which are part of this book.
The Final Farewell is a 74-page paperback with a retail price of $13.00 (hardcover $25.00, eBook $8.00). The ISBN is 979-8-89127-762-5. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at https://dorrancepressroom.com or our online bookstore at https://rosedogbookstore.com/the-final-farewell-pb/
Matthew Zappone
RoseDog Books
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