Purcellville, Virginia, Jan. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Purcellville, VA—Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), the largest homeschool advocacy group in the United States, is proud to sponsor The Georgia Black Home Educators Network (GBHEN) presenting Flourish 2023: The Black Family Homeschool Conference on Jan. 25–27, 2023, at the DeKalb Conference Center in Clarkston, GA.
“As homeschooling continues to grow in the Black communities, we are honored to provide the needed support so families can continue and begin to homeschool successfully,” said HSLDA president Jim Mason.
HSLDA provided a generous grant and is sending Darren Jones, HSLDA’s director of group services, LaNissir James, HSLDA educational consultant and HSLDA outreach coordinator, and Dr. Rochelle Matthews-Somerville, HSLDA special needs consultant.
“We are so thankful to HSLDA and their willingness to help Black families homeschool well,” said GBHEN co-founder Nicole Doyle.
At the Flourish Conference, Ms. James will present a workshop on, “Developing a High School Plan” to help equip homeschool parents with the tools they need to homeschool through high school. She will also share her personal road-schooling experiences in a panel discussion called, “Homeschooling Your Own Way.”
Dr. Matthews-Somerville will present two Special Needs workshops: “Understanding the Twice Exceptional Learner: Boundless Gifts!” and “Developing and Drafting Student Education Plans.” Both talks are designed to inspire and equip families with information so they can spend less time searching for information and resources and more quality family time homeschooling and enjoying their children.
Mr. Jones will be encouraging homeschool group leaders in their mission to assist homeschool families. Jones will explore how to set a vision and purpose for the group and point out various pitfalls to avoid as groups grow.
The conference is tailored to address the concerns of Black homeschooling families by providing access to education and parenting experts. In addition to Dr. Cheryl Fields-Smith, Amber O’Neal Johnston, author of “A Place to Belong: Celebrating Diversity and Kinship in the Home and Beyond,” will be among featured keynote speakers.
The conference will present programming tracks for parents, leaders, and teens, and is available nationwide on a virtual platform, thanks to the VELA Education Fund.
Topics include:
- Georgia Homeschooling 101
- Developing the Four-Year High School Plan
- Home Education Support Group: Administrative & Operational Concerns
- Drafting IEPs and Understanding the Twice Exceptional Learner
- Homeschooling Your Way: Methods & Philosophies Black Homeschooling Fathers Panel
Visit www.georgiablackhomeeducators.org/conference to register.
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is America’s largest and oldest homeschool advocacy group. Founded in 1983 with the mission to make homeschooling possible for all families, the organization has helped empower millions of homeschooling parents and students. As a membership organization for families homeschooling their children, HSLDA provides a myriad of resources from legal advice to educational consultants to support member families through every step of their homeschool journey. Learn more about HSLDA at https://hslda.org/

Sandra Kim HSLDA 7036084792 sandrak@hslda.org