Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No. ___)
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
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Preliminary Proxy Statement |
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Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
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Definitive Additional Materials |
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Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
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Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set
forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials |
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Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for
which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the
Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration No.: |
3) |
Filing Party: |
4) |
Date Filed: |
April 2, 2010
Dear Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend Trustmark Corporations 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
This meeting will be held in the Trustmark Ballroom at the Jackson Convention Complex, located at
105 Pascagoula Street, Jackson, Mississippi, on Tuesday, May 11, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.
At the meeting, common shareholders will be asked to elect a board of directors, approve the
amendment of the Trustmark Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan to revise the
definition of performance goals for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code,
ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as Trustmark Corporations independent auditors for 2010 and
transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Prior to the meeting, please
carefully read the accompanying proxy statement.
Thank you for your support of Trustmark.
Richard G. Hickson
Chairman and CEO
Trustmark Corporation
248 East Capitol Street
Jackson, MS 39201
Tuesday, May 11, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. |
Trustmark Ballroom |
Jackson Convention Complex |
105 Pascagoula Street |
Jackson, Mississippi 39201 |
(1) To elect a board of twelve directors to hold
office for the ensuing year or until their
successors are elected and qualified. |
(2) To approve the amendment of the Trustmark
Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation
Plan to revise the definition of performance
goals for purposes of Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code. |
(3) To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as
Trustmark Corporations independent auditors for
the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. |
(4) To transact such other business as may
properly come before the meeting. |
Common shareholders of record on March 15, 2010,
are eligible to vote at the meeting in person or
by proxy. |
You are urged to sign and return the enclosed
proxy or vote your shares by telephone or Internet
promptly, whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting. If you do attend the meeting, you may
revoke your proxy prior to the voting thereof. You
may also revoke your proxy at any time before it
is voted by written notice to the Secretary of
Trustmark Corporation, by delivery to the
Secretary of a subsequently dated proxy or by
submitting a later vote by telephone or Internet. |
T. Harris Collier III
Secretary to the Board |
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Solicitation by the Board of Directors
This proxy statement is being sent on or about April 2, 2010, in connection with the
solicitation by the Board of Directors of Trustmark Corporation (Trustmark) of proxies to be voted
at the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the Annual Meeting) and at any adjournment or
postponement thereof for the purposes set forth in the foregoing Notice of Annual Meeting of
Meeting Location, Date and Time
The Annual Meeting will be held in the Trustmark Ballroom at the Jackson Convention Complex,
located at 105 Pascagoula Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201, on Tuesday, May 11, 2010, at 10:00
a.m. To obtain directions to attend the meeting and vote in person, contact the Secretary at
1-601-208-5088 or toll-free at 1-800-844-2000 (extension 5088).
Shareholders Entitled to Vote
Common shareholders of record at the close of business on March 15, 2010, are entitled to
notice of and to vote at the meeting in person or by proxy. On the record date, Trustmark had
outstanding 64,491,118 shares of common stock.
Required Vote
A majority of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote constitutes a quorum. The twelve
candidates who receive the highest number of affirmative votes will be elected as directors. In
the election of directors, each shareholder may vote his shares cumulatively by multiplying the
number of shares he is entitled to vote by the number of directors to be elected. This product
constitutes the number of votes the shareholder may cast for one nominee or distribute among any
number of nominees. For all other proposals, each share is entitled to one vote on each proposal.
Any such proposal, including approval of the amendment of the Trustmark Corporation 2005 Stock and
Incentive Compensation Plan and ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP (KPMG) as independent
auditors, will be approved if the votes cast in favor of the proposal exceed the votes cast
opposing the proposal, if a quorum is present. While abstentions and broker non-votes are counted
as shares present at the meeting for purposes of determining a quorum, they are not otherwise
counted and, therefore, will have no effect on the outcome of the election of directors or any
other proposal.
Applicable rules determine whether proposals presented at shareholder meetings are routine or
non-routine. If a proposal is routine, a bank, broker or other
holder of record which holds shares for an owner in street name generally may vote on the proposal
without receiving voting instructions from the beneficial owner. If a proposal is non-routine,
the bank, broker or other holder of record generally may vote on the proposal only if the beneficial owner has provided voting instructions. A broker non-vote occurs when a broker or other
entity returns a signed proxy card but does not vote shares on a particular proposal because the
proposal is not a routine matter and the broker or other entity has not received voting
instructions from the beneficial owner of the shares. The amendment of the Trustmark Corporation
2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan and ratification of the selection of KPMG as
independent auditors are considered routine matters, while the election of directors is considered
to be a non-routine matter.
All valid proxies received by Trustmark will be voted in accordance with the instructions
indicated in such proxies. If no instructions are indicated in an otherwise properly executed
proxy, it will be voted FOR the director nominees named in Proposal 1, FOR approval of the
amendment of the Trustmark Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan in Proposal 2,
FOR ratification of the selection of KPMG as independent auditors in Proposal 3 and on all other
matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors of Trustmark.
How to Vote
Shareholders of record can vote in person at the Annual Meeting or by proxy without attending
the Annual Meeting.
To vote by proxy, either:
(1) |
Complete the enclosed proxy card, sign, date and return it in the enclosed postage-paid
envelope, |
(2) |
Vote by telephone (instructions are on the proxy card), or |
(3) |
Vote by Internet (instructions are on the proxy card). |
If you hold your shares through a bank, broker or other holder of record, your bank, broker or
agent will provide materials and instructions for voting your shares. If you hold your shares
through a bank, broker or other holder of record, and you plan to vote in person at the meeting,
you should contact your bank, broker or agent to obtain a legal proxy or brokers proxy card and
bring it to the meeting in order to vote in person.
Revocation of Proxies
Any shareholder may revoke a proxy at any time before it is voted by written notice to the
Secretary, by revocation at the meeting, by delivery to the Secretary of a subsequently dated proxy
or by submitting a later vote
by telephone or Internet (instructions are on the proxy card).
If you hold your shares through a bank, broker or other holder of record, you should contact
your bank, broker or agent to revoke your proxy or change your vote.
Voting on Other Matters
The Board of Directors is not aware of any additional matters to be brought before the
meeting. If other matters do come before the meeting, the persons named in the accompanying proxy
or their substitutes will vote the shares represented by such proxies in accordance with the
recommendations of the Board of Directors of Trustmark.
Cost of Proxy Solicitation
Solicitation of proxies will be primarily by mail. Associates of Trustmark and its
subsidiaries may be used to solicit proxies by means of telephone or personal contact but will not
receive any additional compensation for doing so. Banks, brokers, trustees and nominees will be
reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in sending proxy materials to the beneficial owners of
such shares. The total cost of the solicitation will be borne by Trustmark.
Trustmarks governance structure enables the Board of Directors (the Board) to effectively and
efficiently address key, specific issues such as business growth, human capital and technology,
among others. This is accomplished through five standing Board committees and through the
effective utilization of the directors combined wisdom and diverse experience and business
Provisions of Trustmarks governance structure include, among other things, a mandatory
retirement age of 68, a minimum ownership of Trustmark stock, required notification of changes in
professional responsibilities and residence, a directors attendance policy, as well as the
authority to seek advice or counsel from external advisers on an as-needed basis.
Board Mission
The role of the Board is to foster Trustmarks long-term success consistent with its fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders. As part of this role, Trustmarks Board is responsible
Providing strategic guidance and oversight, |
Acting as a resource on strategic issues and in matters of planning and policy-making, |
Ensuring that managements operations contribute to Trustmarks financial soundness, |
Promoting social responsibility and ethical business |
conduct, |
Providing insight and guidance on complex business issues and problems in the banking
and financial services industries, |
Ensuring that an effective system is in place to facilitate the selection, succession
planning and compensation of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and |
Ensuring Trustmarks compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. |
The Board has adopted, and annually reviews, formal charters for the Board and its committees
to address the governance guidelines and responsibilities of each. Likewise, the Board has adopted
codes of conduct for directors, senior financial officers and associates. These materials are
available on Trustmarks website at or may be obtained by written request
addressed to the Secretary of the Board, Trustmark Corporation, Post Office Box 291, Jackson, MS
Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Board met four times in 2009. Each director attended at least 75% of the total number of
meetings of the Board and Board committees of which the director was a member in 2009.
Director Attendance at the Annual Meeting
Directors are expected to attend the annual meeting of
shareholders, and in 2009, all directors were present, with the exception of Adolphus B. Baker and
Fred E. Carl, Jr.
Director Independence
The Board has affirmatively determined that the following directors and director nominees are
non-employee directors (within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(the Exchange Act)), outside directors (within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code) and independent directors (within the meaning of Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ
Listing Rules):
Adolphus B. Baker
John M. McCullouch |
Fred E. Carl, Jr.
Richard H. Puckett |
William C. Deviney, Jr.
R. Michael Summerford |
Daniel A. Grafton
LeRoy G. Walker, Jr. |
David H. Hoster II
Kenneth W. Williams |
Kenneth W. Williams has reached the mandatory retirement age and will, therefore, not stand for
re-election at the Annual Meeting.
Board Leadership
Trustmarks Chairman of the Board also serves as CEO.
Therefore, under the governance guidelines set forth in Trustmarks Board Charter, the
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Kenneth W. Williams, serves as the Boards Lead Director. Upon
Mr. Williams anticipated retirement from the Board, effective at the Annual Meeting, the Board has
determined that, if re-elected, Daniel A. Grafton will serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee
and, therefore, as Lead Director.
The primary responsibility of the Lead Director is to chair meetings of the non-management
directors, and in 2009 the Board held three such independent sessions. The Lead Director also
refers to the appropriate Board committee any issue brought to his attention by shareholders,
directors or others. The Lead Director is the primary communicator between the directors and the
CEO, who is directly responsible to the Board in its entirety, although individual Board members
may communicate directly with the CEO and may freely discuss their views with other Board members
at any time. The Executive Committee is responsible for reviewing Trustmarks corporate governance
structure to ensure that it remains the most appropriate structure for the company and its
shareholders. Trustmark believes that, at this time, Mr. Hicksons leadership as Chairman and CEO
is the most efficient and effective leadership structure, given Mr. Hicksons broad experience in
and acute understanding of the financial industry and the markets Trustmark serves. Additionally,
this structure enables Mr. Hickson to guide the company through the current economic circumstances
with appropriate support from the Lead Director and the committee chairmen, each of whom is an
independent director.
Committees of the Board of Directors
There are five standing committees that collectively provide guidance on strategic issues,
planning and policymaking: Audit and Finance, Executive, Human Resources, Nominating and Strategic
Planning. Currently, the committees are comprised solely of independent directors, with the
exception of the Executive and Strategic Planning Committees.
Audit and Finance Committee
Under the terms of its Charter, the Audit and Finance Committee meets at least five times a
year and is responsible for, among other things, annual approval of the independent auditors,
oversight of audit activities, risk management policies, financial reporting and regulatory
compliance, as well as review and approval of Trustmarks profit plan. The Committee meets with
the independent and internal auditors without management present on a regular basis.
The Audit and Finance Committee Charter is posted on Trustmarks website at
under Investor Relations/Corporate Governance/Audit and Finance Committee Charter.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Board if a matter requires Board action before a
meeting of the Board can be held. The Committee is responsible for reviewing the corporate
governance structure and annually evaluating each directors performance against specific
performance criteria.
Human Resources Committee
The role of the Human Resources Committee is to ensure that appropriate policies and practices
are in place to facilitate the development of management talent, orderly CEO succession planning,
corporate social responsibility and the setting of management compensation.
The Human Resources Committee Charter is posted on Trustmarks website at
under Investor Relations/Corporate Governance/Human Resources Committee Charter.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is charged with the responsibility of seeking, interviewing and
recommending to the Board qualified candidates for Board and committee membership.
The Nominating Committee Charter is posted on Trustmarks website at under
Investor Relations/Corporate Governance/Nominating Committee Charter.
Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee provides guidance to management on the strategic planning
process and issues of strategic importance including business growth and expansion, material
transactions and technology. The Committee is also responsible for monitoring progress with
Trustmarks long-term strategic and financial objectives.
Board Oversight of Risk Management
Trustmark believes that its leadership structure allows the directors to provide effective
oversight of Trustmarks risk management function by receiving and discussing regular reports
prepared by Trustmarks senior management, including the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief
Risk Officer, on areas of material risk to the company, including credit, liquidity,
market/interest rate, compliance, operational, technology, strategic and reputational risks. The
Board (or the appropriate committee in the case of risks that are under the purview of a particular
committee) receives these reports from the appropriate risk owner within the organization to enable
it to understand the risk identification, risk management and risk mitigation strategies. When a
committee receives the report, the chairman of the relevant committee presents a report regarding
the risk, including strategies for managing
or mitigating the risk, as appropriate, to the full Board at the next Board meeting. This enables
the Board and its committees to coordinate the risk oversight role, particularly with respect to
risk interrelationships. Additionally, in recognition of the importance of its enterprise risk
oversight function, the Board has approved the formation in 2010 of an Enterprise Risk Management
Committee, which will be comprised solely of independent directors, at the Bank Board level.
Committee Membership
The following table shows the current membership of each committee and the number of meetings
held by each committee during 2009. |
Audit and Finance |
Executive |
Human Resources |
Nominating |
Strategic Planning |
Director |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
Adolphus B. Baker |
X |
Fred E. Carl, Jr. |
X |
William C. Deviney, Jr. |
Daniel A. Grafton |
X |
Chairman |
X |
X |
Richard G. Hickson |
X |
David H. Hoster II |
X |
X |
X |
Chairman |
John M. McCullouch |
X |
X |
Chairman |
X |
Richard H. Puckett |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R. Michael Summerford |
Chairman |
X |
X |
X |
X |
LeRoy G. Walker, Jr. |
X |
Kenneth W. Williams |
X |
Chairman |
X |
William G. Yates III |
X |
2009 Meetings |
5 |
2 |
7 |
1 |
0 |
(1) |
Mr. Walker joined the Audit and Finance Committee on May 12, 2009. |
(2) |
Messrs. Hoster, Puckett and Williams joined the Executive Committee on May 12, 2009. Until that
time, Mr. Reuben V. Anderson, Mr. C. Gerald Garnett and Mr. William G. Yates, Jr., who each retired
from the Board following the 2009 Annual Meeting, served on the Executive Committee. |
(3) |
Messrs. Baker and McCullouch joined the Human Resources Committee on May 12, 2009. Until that
time, Messrs. Anderson and Garnett served on the Executive Committee. |
(4) |
Messrs. Hoster, Puckett and Williams joined the Nominating Committee on May 12, 2009. Until
that time, Messrs. Anderson and Garnett served on the Nominating Committee. |
(5) |
Messrs. Carl, Hoster, Puckett and Yates III joined the Strategic Planning Committee on May 12,
2009. Until that time, Messrs. Anderson, Garnett and Yates, Jr. served on the Strategic Planning
Committee. |
Director Compensation for 2009
The following table provides compensation information for the year ended December 31, 2009,
for each non-employee member of the Board.
Change in |
Pension Value |
and Non-Qualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Fees Earned or |
Stock |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Paid in Cash |
Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Total |
Name (1) |
($)(2) |
($)(3) |
($)(4) |
($) |
($)(5) |
($) |
($) |
Reuben V. Anderson (6) |
$ |
12,500 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
31,656 |
--- |
$ |
44,156 |
Adolphus B. Baker |
$ |
25,083 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
82,145 |
--- |
$ |
114,144 |
Fred E. Carl, Jr. |
$ |
17,000 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
23,916 |
William C. Deviney, Jr. |
$ |
24,333 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
148,021 |
--- |
$ |
179,270 |
C. Gerald Garnett (6) |
$ |
11,500 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
11,500 |
Daniel A. Grafton |
$ |
35,375 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
42,291 |
David H. Hoster II |
$ |
30,833 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
37,749 |
John M. McCullouch |
$ |
28,333 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
35,249 |
Richard H. Puckett |
$ |
33,083 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
120,179 |
--- |
$ |
160,178 |
R. Michael Summerford |
$ |
50,250 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
57,166 |
LeRoy G. Walker, Jr. |
$ |
22,250 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
125,964 |
--- |
$ |
155,130 |
Kenneth W. Williams |
$ |
31,500 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
9,590 |
--- |
$ |
48,006 |
William G. Yates, Jr. (6) |
$ |
8,000 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
8,000 |
William G. Yates III |
$ |
16,500 |
$ |
6,916 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
23,416 |
(1) |
Richard G. Hickson, Trustmarks CEO, is not included in this table as he is an associate
of Trustmark and thus receives no compensation for his service as a director. The compensation
received by Mr. Hickson as an associate of Trustmark is shown in the Summary Compensation Table on
page 30. |
(2) |
Includes fees deferred pursuant to the voluntary Trustmark Corporation Non-Qualified Deferred
Compensation (NQDC) Plan and/or the Directors Deferred Fee Plan. Where applicable, also includes
fees paid for attendance at Community Bank Advisory Board of Directors meetings and at committee
meetings of the Trustmark National Bank Board of Directors (the Bank Board). |
(3) |
The amounts in this column reflect the aggregate grant date fair value of time-based
restricted stock awards granted to the directors on January 27, 2009 (computed in accordance with
ASC Topic 718 excluding the impact of estimated forfeitures). Assumptions used in the calculation
of these amounts are included in Note 13 to Trustmarks audited financial statements for the year
ended December 31, 2009, in Trustmarks Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 25, 2010. At December 31, 2009, each non-employee director
had 467 shares of performance-based restricted stock outstanding, with the exception of Messrs.
Carl and Yates III, who had 217 shares outstanding. These awards will vest only if the related
performance measures are achieved. If vesting of the related performance measures exceeds 100%,
each non-employee director will also receive up to an additional 467 excess shares of time-based
restricted stock, with the exception of Messrs. Carl and Yates III, who will receive up to an
additional 217 shares of time-based restricted stock. At December 31, 2009, each non-employee
director had 504 shares of time-based restricted stock outstanding from grants under Trustmarks
stock and incentive compensation plans. |
(4) |
No stock option awards were made during 2009. At December 31, 2009, the non-employee directors
had the following options outstanding from grants under Trustmarks stock and incentive
compensation plans: McCullouch, Summerford 6,000 each, Grafton 2,000, all other non-employee
directors 12,000 each, with the exception of Messrs. Carl, Hoster, and Yates III, who had no
options outstanding. |
(5) |
The amounts in this column reflect the increase in actuarial present value of the directors
accumulated benefits under Trustmarks Directors Deferred Fee Plan, determined using interest
rate and mortality rate assumptions included in Note 12 to Trustmarks audited financial
statements for the year ended December 31, 2009, in Trustmarks Annual Report on Form 10-K filed
with the SEC on February 25, 2010, and include amounts which the director may not currently be
entitled to receive as such amounts are not yet vested. |
(6) |
Messrs. Anderson, Garnett and Yates, Jr. retired from the Board on May 12, 2009. |
Prior to May 12, 2009, non-employee directors received an annual retainer of $12,000 plus
$1,500 for each Board meeting attended. The Executive Committee Chairman received an additional
annual retainer of $6,000, and all other Executive Committee members received an additional annual
retainer of $3,000. The Audit and Finance Committee Chairman also received an additional annual
retainer of $12,000. All committee chairmen and committee members received $1,250 and $1,000,
respectively, for each committee meeting attended (including ad hoc committees). In addition,
directors who served either as chairman or member of a committee of the Bank Board received $1,000
or $750, respectively, for each committee meeting attended. Beginning May 12, 2009, non-employee
directors receive an annual retainer of $12,000 plus $1,500 for each Board meeting attended.
Chairmen of the Executive Committee and Human Resources Committee receive an additional annual
retainer of $6,000. The Audit and Finance Committee Chairman receives an additional annual retainer
of $12,000, and Chairmen of the Nominating and Strategic Planning Committees each receive an
additional annual retainer of $2,000. All Board committee chairmen and committee members receive
$1,000 for each committee meeting attended (including ad hoc committees). In addition, each
director who serves as chairman of a committee of the Bank Board receives an annual retainer of
$2,000. All Bank Board committee chairmen and committee members receive $750 for each committee
meeting attended. For meetings wherein the director attends via teleconference, the director
receives one-half of the meeting fee. In addition, directors who serve as advisory directors on
Trustmarks Community Bank Advisory Boards of Directors receive a fee of $250 for each Advisory
Board meeting attended. Directors are also eligible to be reimbursed for expenses incurred in
attending Board and committee meetings. The CEO receives no compensation for Board or committee
Trustmark maintains a Directors Deferred Fee Plan for non-employee directors who became
directors prior to 2003, and who elected to participate in the plan. Under the plan, participating
directors had to defer $12,000 of fees annually to fund a portion of the cost of their defined
retirement benefits and death benefits. The amount of the retirement benefit and death benefit
is determined based upon the participants annual contribution amount, the length of Board service
and the age of the director at date of entry into the plan. In order to control costs, and based on
peer company and broader market data provided by the compensation consultant that comparable
organizations were not providing this benefit to directors, the Board amended the plan on April
28, 2009, to cease future benefit accruals under, and contributions by directors to, the plan
effective March 1, 2010. The plan requires retirement benefits to commence at a directors normal
retirement date (March 1 following age 65). Thus, should a director continue service beyond his or
her normal retirement date, retirement benefits would begin prior to cessation of Board service.
Currently, one director has reached his normal retirement date and is receiving annual benefits of
$28,359. Depending on a number of factors, the projected annual benefit at retirement is payable
for the longer of life or twenty-five years and ranges from $47,000 to $78,000 (taking into
account the March 1, 2010 benefit accrual freeze) for current directors electing to participate in
the plan who are not yet receiving benefits. The vested annual benefit as of December 31, 2009,
payable at the directors normal retirement date to current directors electing to participate in
the plan ranges from $42,000 to $72,000. If a participating director dies prior to retirement, his
beneficiary will receive a scheduled death benefit for ten years. If the plan is terminated, or a
directors Board service is terminated, within three years after a change in control of Trustmark
(as defined in the plan) and prior to March 1, 2010, affected directors will be credited with up
to an additional five years of Board service for purposes of determining retirement benefits at
the directors normal retirement date. Trustmark has purchased life insurance contracts on
participating directors to fund the benefits to be paid under this plan.
Non-employee directors are eligible to receive equity compensation awards under the Trustmark
Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan. In the event of a change in control, the
vesting of stock options is accelerated, and directors are entitled to a time-weighted portion of
any unvested restricted stock, based on actual performance to date. Prior to 2007, Trustmark
granted stock options to its non-employee directors. In 2007, Trustmark ceased granting stock
options and commenced granting performance-based restricted stock to its non-employee directors on
terms substantially similar to those granted to executive management. When implementing a similar
change with respect to restricted stock grants for executive management, Trustmark began granting
non-employee directors a restricted stock award consisting of one-third time-based restricted stock
and two-thirds performance-based restricted stock, on terms substantially similar to those granted
to executive management beginning in 2008. Based on an observation from Mercer that non-employee
director equity compensation paid by Trustmarks peer companies more commonly consisted of solely
time-based restricted stock, consistent with the directors fiduciary oversight role, Trustmark
chose to award only time-based restricted stock to non-employee directors beginning in 2009. On
January 27, 2009, each non-employee director received an award of 397 time-based restricted shares,
which vest on January 27, 2012, if the director is still serving at the time. Messrs. Anderson,
Garnett and Yates, Jr. retired from the Board on May 12, 2009, and, therefore, did not receive
stock awards in 2009.
As part of Trustmarks director compensation structure, implemented as of May 12, 2009, the
Board determined to grant non-employee directors annual awards of time-based restricted stock
valued at approximately $18,000. Additionally, the Board implemented a director stock ownership
requirement that requires all directors to own a minimum of 3,000 shares of Trustmark stock.
Directors have up to five years from the date Board service begins to meet the ownership
requirement. Additionally, until such time as the minimum requirement is reached, a director is
required to hold 100% of the shares received from any Trustmark stock awards. On January 26, 2010,
each non-employee director received the equivalent of approximately $18,000 in time-based
restricted stock computed on a 10-day average closing stock price up to and including the date of
the grant. Due to Mr. Williams anticipated retirement from the Board at the 2010 Annual Meeting,
he did not receive a stock award in 2010.
In addition to the Directors Deferred Fee Plan described above, non-employee directors may
defer all or a part of their annual retainer and meeting fees (excluding any contribution to the
Directors Deferred Fee Plan) pursuant to Trustmarks NQDC Plan. The compensation deferred is
credited to an account, which is deemed invested in and mirrors the performance of one or more
designated investment funds available under the plan and selected at the option of the director.
The deferred compensation account will be paid in a lump sum or in annual installments at a
designated time upon the occurrence of an unforeseen emergency or upon a directors retirement or
cessation of service on the Board.
Communications with Directors
Shareholders desiring to contact Trustmarks Board may do so by sending written correspondence
to Board of Directors, Trustmark Corporation, Post Office Box 291, Jackson, MS 39205 or by email
Communications will be referred to the Executive Committee Chairman, who will determine the
appropriate committee to receive the communication and take any action deemed necessary by that
Pursuant to Trustmarks Whistleblower Policy, complaints relating to Trustmarks accounting,
internal accounting controls or auditing matters should be directed to the Trustmark Hotline at
1-866-979-3769. Complaints will be investigated by Trustmarks General Counsel and reported to the
Audit and Finance Committee.
Nomination of Directors
Nominations for election to the Board may be made by the Board or by any shareholder of any
outstanding class of capital stock of Trustmark entitled to vote for the election of directors.
Nominations other than those made by or on behalf of the existing management of Trustmark shall be
made in writing and shall be delivered or mailed to Trustmarks Chairman of the Board not less than
fourteen days nor more than fifty days prior to any meeting of shareholders called for the
election of directors; provided, however, that if less than twenty-one days notice of the meeting
is given to shareholders, such nomination shall be mailed or delivered to the Chairman of the Board
no later than the close of business on the seventh day following the day on which the notice of the
meeting was mailed. Such notification shall contain the following information to the extent known
to the notifying shareholder: (a) the name and address of each proposed nominee; (b) the principal
occupation of each proposed nominee; (c) the total number of shares of capital stock of Trustmark
that will be voted for each proposed nominee; (d) the name and residence address of the notifying
shareholder; and (e) the number of shares of capital stock of Trustmark owned by the notifying
Nominations not made in accordance with the above procedure may be disregarded by the Chairman
of the meeting at his discretion, and upon his instruction, all votes cast for each such nominee
may be disregarded.
Trustmarks bylaws permit direct nominations by shareholders. Therefore, the Nominating
Committee does not have a policy for considering nominations by shareholders through the process
outlined above. However, if a shareholder wishes to recommend an individual for Board service,
rather than directly nominate the individual as set forth above, the
shareholder may submit the individuals name to the Nominating Committee in writing addressed to
Trustmark Corporation Nominating Committee, Post Office Box 291, Jackson, MS 39205 or by email to In order to give the Nominating Committee adequate time to consider
any such individual for nomination as a director at the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, such
recommendations should be delivered no later than October 1, 2010. In considering an individual
recommended by a shareholder but not directly nominated, the Nominating Committee will use the same
guidelines as set forth in the Director Qualifications section below.
When identifying potential candidates for director nominees, the Nominating Committee may
solicit suggestions from incumbent directors, management or others. With regard to the proposed
nominees for 2010, all nominees have previously served on the Board, with the exception of Gerard
R. Host.
Director Qualifications
The Board believes that in order to appropriately carry out its roles, directors must
demonstrate a variety of personal traits, leadership qualities and individual competencies. In
considering nominees submitted by the Board or management and any recommendations submitted by
shareholders, the Nominating Committee will use these personal traits, leadership qualities and
individual competencies to assess future director nominees suitability for Board service. The
Nominating Committee also evaluates each director nominees qualities in the context of how that
nominee would relate to the Board as a whole. Although Trustmark has no formal policy regarding
diversity, the Nominating Committee believes that the Board should include directors with diverse
experience and business knowledge. Each director is required to own in his or her own right common
or preferred stock of Trustmark having an aggregate par, fair market or equity value of not less
than $1,000 as of the most recent of (i) the date of purchase, (ii) the date the person became a
director or (iii) the date of the directors most recent election to the Board. Upon attaining the
age of 68, a director is required to retire from the Board effective upon completion of his or her
then current term of office.
Personal Traits
Board service is an extremely important, high profile role and carries with it significant
responsibility. For that reason, it is important that all directors possess a certain set of
personal traits, including:
Personal and Professional Integrity
High Performance Standards |
Initiative and Responsiveness |
Informed Business Judgment
Business Credibility |
Mature Confidence |
Leadership Qualities
For individuals considered for Board leadership roles, the following skill sets are required:
Communication Skills
Facilitation Skills |
Crisis Management Skills
Relationship Building/Networking Skills |
Individual Competencies
There are certain competencies that must be represented collectively by the directors on each
Board committee, but each individual director need not necessarily possess all of them. The specific competencies vary by committee, as illustrated in the chart below:
Board Committees |
Audit and |
Human |
Strategic |
Individual Director Competencies |
Finance |
Executive |
Resources |
Nominating |
Planning |
1. Financial Acumen |
Accounting & finance knowledge |
ü |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Financial statement analysis |
ü |
Knowledge of capital markets |
ü |
ü |
Financial planning |
ü |
Ability to communicate financial concepts in lay terms |
ü |
ü |
2. Organizational Effectiveness |
Talent management |
ü |
Understanding of compensation issues |
ü |
Ability to discern candidate qualifications |
ü |
ü |
3. Strategic Direction |
Vision |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Strategic perspective |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Technology knowledge |
ü |
ü |
Industry knowledge |
ü |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Specific Director Experience, Qualifications, Attributes and Skills
The Nominating Committee assists the Board by identifying individuals qualified to serve as
Board members and by recommending to the Board the director nominees for election at the next
annual meeting of shareholders. The Board believes that each director nominee possesses the
personal traits described above and that each director nominee for a position of Board leadership
also demonstrates the additional leadership qualities described above. In considering the director
nominees individual competencies, the Board believes that the appropriate competencies are
represented for the Board as a whole and for each of the Boards committees. In addition, each
nominee possesses characteristics that led the Board to conclude that such person should serve as a
director. The specific experience, qualifications, attributes and skills that the Board believes
each nominee possesses are discussed under Proposal 1 in the table entitled The Nominees on page
The Board has fixed the number of directors for the coming year at twelve. The nominees
listed herein have been proposed by the Board for election at the meeting.
Shares represented by the proxies will, unless authority to vote is withheld, be voted in
favor of the proposed slate of twelve nominees. In the election of directors, each shareholder may
vote his shares cumulatively by multiplying the number of shares he is entitled to vote by the
number of directors to be elected. This product constitutes the number of votes the shareholder may
cast for one nominee or distribute among any number of nominees. The proxies reserve the right, in
their discretion, to vote cumulatively. If a shareholder withholds authority for one or more
nominees and does not direct otherwise, the total number of votes the shareholder is entitled to
cast will be distributed among the remaining nominees.
Should any of these nominees be unable to
accept the nomination, the votes which otherwise would have been cast for the nominee(s) will be
voted for such other person(s) as the Board shall nominate. Each director is elected to hold office until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until a successor is elected and qualified.
The persons who will be elected to the Board will be the twelve nominees receiving the highest
number of votes.
The Board recommends that shareholders vote for the proposed nominees.
Name and Age at Record Date |
Position, Principal Occupation and Directorships During Past 5 Years |
Adolphus B. Baker
53 |
President and COO, Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.
(Producer and Distributor of Shell Eggs)
Director of Trustmark since 2007
Trustmark Corporation Committees: Human Resources
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank, Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. |
Mr. Bakers position as president and chief operating officer and director of
another publicly-traded company has provided him with significant business
leadership skills and experience in evaluating strategic alternatives that focus
on maximizing shareholder value. Mr. Bakers years of service as a director for
Trustmark National Bank, and particularly as the Bank Boards Asset Liability
Committee Chairman, provides him with an intrinsic understanding of Trustmarks
strategy for managing liquidity, which is a skill essential to the Boards risk
oversight function. |
Fred E. Carl, Jr.
62 |
President and CEO, Viking Range Corporation
(Manufacturer of Major Appliances and Related Culinary Products)
Director of Trustmark since 2009
Trustmark Corporation Committees: Strategic Planning
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Mr. Carl founded an industry-leading manufacturer of kitchen appliances and
continues to serve as that companys president and chief executive officer. His
company serves national and international markets, which gives Mr. Carl a unique
perspective on how consumer needs differ among geographic markets. This input is
valuable in shaping Trustmarks strategy for serving customers in its various
markets. Mr. Carls extensive and diverse experience in executive management,
strategic planning, marketing and public relations enables him to contribute a
unique perspective on corporate strategy to Board discussions. |
William C. Deviney, Jr.
64 |
CEO, Deviney Construction Company, Inc.
(Telecommunications Construction)
Director of Trustmark since 1995
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Mr. Deviney serves as the chief executive officer of a telecommunications
construction company, which he owns. Having his companys headquarters located in
the same metropolitan area as Trustmarks headquarters contributes to Mr.
Devineys keen understanding of Trustmarks customer base and markets. This
awareness, coupled with his historical knowledge of Trustmarks operations
through his lengthy tenure as a director for Trustmark National Bank and his
service as the Credit Policy Committee Chairman, provides him with a broad
perspective for oversight of Trustmarks credit and risk management approach. |
Name and Age at Record Date |
Position, Principal Occupation and Directorships During Past 5 Years |
Daniel A. Grafton
63 |
Retired President, L-3 Vertex Aerospace (Provider of Aviation and Aerospace Services)
Director of Trustmark since 2007
Trustmark Corporation Committees:
Human Resources (Chairman)
Strategic Planning
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Prior to his retirement, Mr. Grafton served as president of a leading aviation and
aerospace services provider. During his career, Mr. Grafton also served as president
and chief executive officer as well as chief operating officer for Raytheon
Aerospace, a division of Raytheon Company, a publicly-traded company. His extensive
business background, together with his experience on numerous boards and committees,
has equipped him with the leadership and consensus-building skills necessary to serve
as the Human Resources Committee Chairman and, if re-elected as director, Lead
Director and Executive Committee Chairman. |
Richard G. Hickson
65 |
Chairman, President and CEO, Trustmark Corporation; Chairman and CEO, Trustmark National Bank
Director of Trustmark since 1997
Trustmark Corporation Committees: Executive
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank
Mr. Hickson has forty years of experience in the financial services industry, with
over thirteen years of service in different capacities for Trustmark and its affiliates. Mr. Hickson served two terms as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta, and currently serves on the Federal Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve
System. His extensive background in and understanding of the issues faced by financial services companies provides Mr. Hickson with the expertise in formulating and
implementing strategies for maximizing shareholder value necessary to lead the
Board. |
Gerard R. Host
55 |
President and COO, Trustmark National Bank
Nominated for Director of Trustmark in 2010
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank
Mr. Host serves as president and chief operating officer for Trustmarks wholly-owned subsidiary, Trustmark National Bank. He also currently serves as a director of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, New Orleans Branch. Throughout his tenure with
Trustmark, Mr. Host has served in a variety of executive management capacities,
including chief financial officer, chief investment officer and president of
various divisions. Mr. Hosts in-depth knowledge of Trustmarks operations and of the
financial services industry will enable him to provide both historical and strategic
perspectives in Board discussions regarding corporate strategy and governance matters. |
Name and Age at Record Date |
Position, Principal Occupation and Directorships During Past 5 Years |
David H. Hoster II
64 |
President and CEO, EastGroup Properties, Inc. (Real Estate Investment Trust)
Director of Trustmark since 2008
Trustmark Corporation Committees:
Audit and Finance
Strategic Planning (Chairman)
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank, EastGroup Properties, Inc. |
Mr. Hoster serves as the president and chief executive officer and a
director of a publicly-traded real estate investment trust. In these
capacities, Mr. Hoster has developed an extensive understanding of commercial
real estate and related investment and financing activities, which enables
him to contribute invaluable insight and guidance on corporate strategy and
risk management to Board discussions. |
John M. McCullouch
62 |
Retired President, AT&T Mississippi
Director of Trustmark since 2005
Trustmark Corporation Committees:
Human Resources
Nominating (Chairman)
Strategic Planning
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Mr. McCullouch was the president of the Mississippi division of a major
telecommunications company. Mr. McCullouchs legal background and business
acumen provide him with the necessary skills to assess corporate governance
matters and formulate strategy relative to Board planning and oversight. In
addition, through his broad and extensive service on other non-public boards,
Mr. McCullouch is attuned to the necessity of diversity from various
perspectives, which is essential to his service as the Nominating Committee
Chairman and as a member of the Human Resources Committee. |
Richard H. Puckett
55 |
President and CEO, Puckett Machinery Company (Distributor of Heavy Earth Moving Equipment)
Director of Trustmark since 1995
Trustmark Corporation Committees:
Audit and Finance
Strategic Planning
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Mr. Puckett is the president and chief executive officer of a company that
serves southern Mississippi, including Jackson, Mississippi, where Trustmark
maintains its administrative headquarters. Mr. Puckett brings marketing and
business leadership skills, as well as an in-depth understanding of the
business climate and customer base in Trustmarks major legacy markets. |
Name and Age at Record Date |
Position, Principal Occupation and Directorships During Past 5 Years |
R. Michael Summerford
61 |
Former President and COO, ChemFirst, Inc. (Manufacturer of Electronic and Specialty Chemicals)
Director of Trustmark since 2005
Trustmark Corporation Committees:
Audit and Finance (Chairman)
Human Resources
Strategic Planning
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Mr. Summerford has served as the president and chief operating officer
and chief financial officer of another publicly-traded company. He was
also a certified public accountant. His career experience has resulted
in Mr. Summerfords expertise in understanding financial statements,
accounting methodologies and compensation practices, which is essential
to his service as the Audit and Finance Committee Chairman, as the audit
committee financial expert and as a member of the Human Resources
Committee. |
LeRoy G. Walker, Jr.
60 |
President, LTM Enterprises, Inc.
(McDonalds Franchisee)
Director of Trustmark since 2009
Trustmark Corporation Committees: Audit and Finance
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Mr. Walker is the owner/operator of a franchise of a major national
restaurant chain. Mr. Walkers experience in this regard has provided him
with a unique and broad perspective of marketing and customer needs. His
business skills and experiences on numerous non-public and civic boards
demonstrate his ability to work successfully as part of a team and enable
him to contribute diverse perspectives to Board discussions. |
William G. Yates III
37 |
President and CEO, W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Company (Construction)
Director of Trustmark since 2009
Trustmark Corporation Committees: Strategic Planning
Other Directorships: Trustmark National Bank |
Mr. Yates is the president and chief executive officer of a commercial
construction company with operating divisions located throughout the
Southeast, many of which are within markets served by Trustmark. Mr.
Yates knowledge of these markets, as well as his leadership experience
in the various aspects of the construction industry, including employee
relations matters, contract negotiations and risk management, provide the
Board with an important resource for assessing and managing risks and
planning for corporate strategy. |
Securities Ownership by Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
The following table reflects the number of Trustmark common shares beneficially owned
by (a) persons known by Trustmark to be the beneficial owners of more than 5% of its outstanding
shares, (b) directors and nominees, (c) each of the named executive officers (NEOs) within the
Executive Compensation section and (d) directors and executive officers of Trustmark as a group.
The persons listed below have sole voting and investment authority for all shares except as
indicated. The percentage of outstanding shares of common stock owned is not shown where less than
Shares |
Beneficially |
Percent of |
Owned |
Outstanding |
Name |
as of 03/01/10 (1) |
Shares |
BlackRock, Inc. |
5,729,350 |
(2) |
8.88 |
% |
BlackRock, Inc. |
40 East 52nd Street |
New York, New York 10022 |
Robert M. Hearin Foundation |
5,565,374 |
(3) |
8.63 |
% |
Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation |
Post Office Box 16505 |
Jackson, Mississippi 39236 |
Adolphus B. Baker |
18,389 |
(4)(5) |
Fred E. Carl, Jr. |
3,747 |
(6) |
William C. Deviney, Jr. |
37,455 |
(4)(5) |
Duane A. Dewey |
61,145 |
(7) |
Daniel A. Grafton |
15,189 |
(8) |
Louis E. Greer |
50,622 |
(9) |
Richard G. Hickson |
389,893 |
(10)(11) |
Gerard R. Host |
214,226 |
(12)(13) |
David H. Hoster II |
2,989 |
(5) |
John M. McCullouch |
9,004 |
(14) |
Richard H. Puckett |
93,012 |
(15) |
R. Michael Summerford |
9,789 |
(14) |
Breck W. Tyler |
53,447 |
(16)(17) |
LeRoy G. Walker, Jr. |
14,164 |
(4)(5) |
Kenneth W. Williams |
23,576 |
(18) |
William G. Yates III |
2,489 |
(6) |
Directors and executive officers of Trustmark
as a group |
1,482,184 |
(19) |
2.30 |
% |
(1) |
Includes options exercisable within 60 days of March 1, 2010. |
(2) |
According to Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on January 29, 2010, the entity is the beneficial
owner of 5,729,350 shares (or 8.88%) of Trustmark
common stock. This reporting person has sole voting power with respect to 5,729,350 shares and
sole dispositive power with respect to 5,729,350
shares. The foregoing information has been included solely in reliance upon, and without
independent investigation of, the disclosures contained in the
above-referenced Schedule 13G. |
(3) |
Includes 383,928 shares owned by the Robert M. Hearin Foundation, 3,519,482 shares owned by the
Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation, 1,388,964
shares owned by Capitol Street Corporation and 273,000 shares owned by Bay Street Corporation.
Capitol Street Corporation is a 100% owned
subsidiary of Galaxie Corporation, which may be deemed to be controlled by the Robert M. Hearin
Support Foundation. Voting and investment
decisions concerning shares beneficially owned by the Robert M. Hearin Foundation and the Robert
M. Hearin Support Foundation are made by the
Foundation s trustees: Robert M. Hearin, Jr., Matthew L. Holleman, III, Daisy S. Blackwell, E. E.
Laird, Jr., Laurie H. McRee and Alan W. Perry. |
(4) |
Includes 10,800 shares that the individual has the right to acquire through the exercise of
options granted under Trustmarks stock and incentive
compensation plans. |
(5) |
Includes 1,739 shares of restricted stock to which Mr. Baker, Mr. Deviney, Mr. Hoster and Mr.
Walker have sole voting power but which cannot be
transferred prior to vesting. |
(6) |
Includes 1,489 shares of restricted stock to which Mr. Carl and Mr. Yates have sole voting
power but which cannot be transferred prior to vesting. |
(7) |
Includes 37,000 shares that Mr. Dewey has the right to acquire through the exercise of options
and 19,021 shares of restricted stock with respect to
which Mr. Dewey has sole voting power but which cannot be transferred prior to vesting. |
(8) |
Includes 12,000 shares as to which Mr. Grafton shares voting and investment power with his
spouse, 1,200 shares Mr. Grafton has the right to acquire
through the exercise of options and 1,739 shares of restricted stock with respect to which Mr.
Grafton has sole voting power but which cannot be
transferred prior to vesting. |
(9) |
Includes 19,300 shares that Mr. Greer has the right to acquire through the exercise of options
and 17,671 shares of restricted stock with respect to
which Mr. Greer has sole voting power but which cannot be transferred prior to vesting. |
(10) |
Includes 2,000 shares as to which Mr. Hickson shares voting and investment power with his
spouse. |
(11) |
Includes 184,000 shares that Mr. Hickson has the right to acquire through the exercise of
options and 110,456 shares of restricted stock with respect to
which Mr. Hickson has sole voting power but which cannot be transferred prior to vesting. |
(12) |
Includes 21,469 shares owned by spouse and children as to which Mr. Host has no voting or
investment control. |
(13) |
Includes 81,888 shares that Mr. Host has the right to acquire through the exercise of options
and 65,259 shares of restricted stock with respect to which
Mr. Host has sole voting power but which cannot be transferred prior to vesting. |
(14) |
Includes 4,800 shares that Mr. McCullouch and Mr. Summerford have the right to acquire through
the exercise of options and 1,739 shares of restricted
stock with respect to which Mr. McCullouch and Mr. Summerford have sole voting power but which
cannot be transferred prior to vesting. |
(15) |
Includes 9,800 shares that Mr. Puckett has the right to acquire through the exercise of
options granted under Trustmarks stock and incentive
compensation plans and 79,376 shares owned by spouse and children as to which Mr. Puckett has no
voting or investment control and 1,739 shares of
restricted stock with respect to which Mr. Puckett has sole voting power but which cannot be
transferred prior to vesting. |
(16) |
Includes 3,179 shares as to which Mr. Tyler shares voting and investment power with his
spouse. |
(17) |
Includes 22,100 shares that Mr. Tyler has the right to acquire through the exercise of options
and 19,021 shares of restricted stock with respect to which
Mr. Tyler has sole voting power but which cannot be transferred prior to vesting. |
(18) |
Includes 8,800 shares that Mr. Williams has the right to acquire through the exercise of
options granted under Trustmarks stock and incentive
compensation plans and 971 shares of restricted stock with respect to which Mr. Williams has sole
voting power but which cannot be transferred prior
to vesting. |
(19) |
Includes shares held directly or indirectly by 25 individuals: the currently serving directors
and NEOs listed herein, as well as Trustmarks other
remaining executive officers and the General Counsel/Secretary. Of these shares, 9,235 shares are
pledged as security. |
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires Trustmarks directors,
executive officers and persons who own more than 10% of Trustmarks common stock to file reports
of their ownership and changes in ownership of Trustmarks common stock. Trustmark prepares these
reports for the directors and executive officers who request it on the basis of information
obtained from them and Trustmarks records. Based on the information available to Trustmark,
Trustmark believes that its directors and executive officers complied with all reporting
requirements under Section 16(a) for 2009, with the following exceptions: Fred E. Carl, Jr. and
William G. Yates III each filed one late Form 3, and David H. Hoster II filed one late Form 4
reporting one transaction.
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee of the Board (the Committee) is currently comprised of
Messrs. Grafton (Chairman), McCullouch, Baker and Summerford. Until May 2009, the Committee was
comprised of Messrs. Grafton (Chairman), Anderson, Garnett and Summerford. Messrs. Anderson and
Garnett retired from the Board, and thus from the Committee, in May 2009, and Messrs. McCullouch
and Baker were added to the Committee at that time. The Committee operates under a written charter
adopted by the Board. This charter is reviewed annually by the Committee and was last approved by
the Board on January 26, 2010. The Board has determined that the members of the Committee are
non-employee directors (within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 of the Exchange Act), outside
directors (within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code) and independent
directors (within the meaning of Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Listing Rules). In addition, no
Committee member is a current or former associate of Trustmark or any of its subsidiaries.
The Committees charter requires that members of the Committee possess certain competencies,
although each member of the Committee is not required to possess all of these competencies. One or
more members of the Committee must:
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of human capital management issues, including
corporate manager/officer selection, training, retention and succession planning, |
be familiar with all components of management compensation (such as base salary, annual
incentives, restricted stock and other long-term incentives, perquisites and supplemental
benefits), understanding the link between compensation and performance and how compensation
can be used to support Trustmarks business strategy, and |
demonstrate an ability to select and assess corporate officers, including experience or
ability in developing officer selection criteria and creating performance standards and
evaluation processes. |
The Committee is charged with ensuring that policies and practices are in place to facilitate
(i) the development of Trustmarks and its principal subsidiary, Trustmark National Banks (the
Bank), management talent, (ii) orderly CEO succession, (iii) the setting of management and director
compensation at competitive levels while limiting risk appropriately and (iv) Trustmarks corporate
social responsibility. The Committee reviews, on at least an annual basis, Trustmarks management
talent levels and management succession planning.
The CEO and the Director of Human Resources establish the agenda for Committee meetings. The
Committee reports regularly to the Board on matters relating to the Committees responsibilities.
In addition, the Committee follows regulatory and legislative developments and considers corporate
governance best practices in performing its duties. In 2009, the Committee met seven times.
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Overview. The following discussion provides an overview and analysis of the philosophy
and objectives of the Committee in designing compensation programs for Trustmarks management. In
this discussion, we address the compensation determinations and the rationale for those
determinations relating to Trustmarks NEOs. Although considered officers of Trustmark
Corporation under the rules and regulations of the Exchange Act, the NEOs compensation is paid by
the Bank, except for equity awards under Trustmarks stock and incentive compensation plans.
This discussion should be read together with the compensation tables for the NEOs beginning on
page 30.
Executive Summary. The Committee believes that executive compensation should be linked with
Trustmarks performance and significantly aligned with the interests of Trustmarks shareholders.
In addition, Trustmarks executive compensation is designed to allow Trustmark to recruit, retain
and motivate employees who play a significant role in the organizations current and future
The compensation of Trustmarks NEOs should be understood within the context of Trustmarks
business. Trustmark is a diversified financial services company focused on long-term performance.
One of the Committees goals is to focus management on Trustmarks long-term performance. The
Committee believes that long-term equity awards are effective tools for aligning managements
interests with long-term shareholder interests in order to increase overall shareholder value. In
addition, the NEOs are often asked to implement long-term initiatives for Trustmark that, by definition, take more than one fiscal year to accomplish. Stability and continuity among the NEOs aids
in Trustmarks implementation of such long-term initiatives. However, a portion of the NEOs annual
compensation is also linked to the short-term success of Trustmark in order to motivate and reward
executives to achieve certain objectives and to attract and retain talented executives.
As Trustmarks compensation consultant has evaluated Trustmarks total compensation (base
salary, annual incentive and grant date fair value of equity-based awards) over the past three
years, Trustmarks top executive compensation has consistently been at or just below the market
median. Additionally, when evaluating Trustmarks business performance relative to the peer group,
Trustmarks performance has been slightly above the market median. Accordingly, Trustmarks
relative business performance has ranked slightly higher than the corresponding compensation level.
These findings support that Trustmarks executive compensation has been consistent with its pay
and performance philosophy.
As noted in more detail below, in late 2008, Trustmark participated in the Troubled Asset
Relief Program (TARP) Capital Purchase Program (CPP) and received a capital investment from the
U.S. Treasury Department (Treasury) of $215 million. Participation in this program required certain
compensation restrictions on the NEOs and certain most highly compensated employees as described
below. In addition, the economy and financial services industry continued to experience a difficult
period throughout 2009. As a result of these restrictions and circumstances and as part of its
annual review process, the Committee reviewed Trustmarks compensation arrangements to determine
whether compensation changes were appropriate in 2009. The most significant compensation decisions
made by the Committee in 2009 involved paying the 2008 annual bonuses to the NEOs other than Mr.
Hickson in stock rather than in cash, making changes to overall target bonus payout level for the
CFO and to the relative weighting of corporate versus line of business performance measures for
Messrs. Dewey and Tyler under the management incentive plan, and increasing the base salaries for
Messrs. Host and Tyler. In addition, Trustmark made multiple grants of restricted stock to the NEOs
during 2009, all with a goal of providing the originally-approved levels of equity compensation
before the enactment and implementation of the incentive pay prohibition and restrictions imposed
by the CPP.
Each element of compensation paid to Trustmarks NEOs is designed to support one or more of
the objectives described below under Guiding Philosophy.
Board and Committee Process. One of the Committees primary roles is to initiate, develop and
recommend for approval by the Board the cash and equity compensation of the CEO. The Committees
recommendation is based on its evaluation of the CEOs performance relative to annual corporate
goals and objectives and in conjunction with comparative market data provided by the Committees
external compensation consultant and internal data provided by human resources personnel. For cash
compensation of the other NEOs, the CEO and Director of Human Resources make recommendations to the
Committee, which are considered for approval by the Committee and then recommended to the Bank
Board for review and approval. The Committee also administers Trustmarks equity-based compensation
plans, deferred compensation plans and other benefit plans. With respect to equity compensation
awarded to other NEOs and associates, the Committee reviews and recommends stock-based awards for
approval by the Board. The Committee has delegated authority to the CEO to grant limited equity
awards, which are reviewed by the Committee.
The CEO and the Director of Human Resources interface with the Committee in connection with
the Committees executive compensation decision-making, providing comparative data as well as
making recommendations. The Committee periodically meets with the CEO and the Director of Human
Resources to assess progress toward meeting objectives set by the Board for both annual and
long-term compensation.
Participation in Capital Purchase Program. As noted above, Trustmark participated in the CPP
under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA), through which the Treasury invested
$215 million in Trustmark preferred stock and warrants on November 21, 2008. As a result of
Trustmarks participation in the CPP, the EESA mandated that Trustmark implement certain
restrictions and limitations on executive compensation. In connection with Trustmarks
participation in the CPP, on November 21, 2008 the Committee and
the Board approved an omnibus amendment to limit compensation and benefits of Trustmarks
senior executive officers, who are the NEOs, as required by the EESA in accordance with the
guidance and regulations issued by the Treasury with respect to the CPP, and all members of
Trustmarks executive management, including the NEOs, consented to the omnibus amendment and
executed waivers consenting to the restrictions and limitations required by the EESA.
On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 (ARRA). The ARRA amended, among other things, the EESA by directing the Treasury to
issue regulations implementing restrictions and limitations on compensation paid or accrued by financial institutions, such as Trustmark, participating in the CPP. The restrictions and limitations
of the EESA, as amended by the ARRA, were implemented by interim final rules setting forth TARP
standards on corporate governance and executive compensation, published by the Treasury and
effective on June 15, 2009, as updated by technical corrections issued in December 2009 and by
further guidance from the Treasury in January 2010 (collectively, TARP Standards). Trustmark
redeemed the preferred stock on December 9, 2009, such that Trustmark was generally subject to the
restrictions and limitations of the EESA, as amended, from November 21, 2008 through December 9,
2009 (TARP Period). The restrictions and limitations, as applicable to Trustmark during a portion
or all of the TARP Period, included:
a prohibition during the period from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, on paying or
accruing bonus, incentive or retention compensation for Trustmarks five most highly
compensated employees, other than certain awards of restricted stock, restricted stock units
or bonuses payable under existing employment agreements in place as of February 11, 2009, and
other than certain restricted stock and restricted stock units qualifying as TARP-compliant
long-term restricted stock; |
a prohibition during the period from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, on making any
payments to the NEOs and Trustmarks next five most highly compensated employees for
departure from Trustmark or upon a change in control of Trustmark, other than compensation
earned for services rendered or accrued benefits, and a prohibition on the acceleration of
vesting due to a departure or a change in control with respect to the NEOs and the next five
most highly compensated employees; |
subjecting bonus, incentive and retention payments made to the NEOs during the period from
November 21, 2008 through December 9, 2009, and to Trustmarks next 20 most highly compensated
employees during the period from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, to repayment
(clawback) if based on financial statements or any other performance metric criteria that are
later found to be materially inaccurate; |
a prohibition during the period from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, on providing
formal or informal tax gross-ups or other reimbursements for the payment of taxes to the NEOs
and Trustmarks next 20 most highly compensated employees; |
a limitation on the tax deductibility of the portion of an NEOs annual compensation in
excess of $500,000; |
a prohibition during the period from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, on any
compensation plan that would encourage manipulation of reported earnings, encourage behavior
focused on short-term results rather than long-term value creation, or encourage the NEOs to
take unnecessary and excessive risks that could threaten the value of Trustmark; |
a requirement to conduct semi-annual reviews of the NEO and employee compensation plans to
ensure they do not contain such prohibited features; |
maintenance of an independent Human Resources Committee; |
establishment by the Board of a company-wide policy regarding excessive or luxury
expenditures, including entertainment or events, office and facility renovations, aviation or
other transportation services and other activities or events that are not reasonable
expenditures for staff development, reasonable performance incentives or similar measures in
the ordinary course of business; |
a requirement to include a say-on-pay proposal for a non-binding vote of shareholders at
annual meetings held during the TARP Period, whereby shareholders vote, on a non-binding
basis, to approve (or disapprove) the compensation of executives as disclosed pursuant to the
executive compensation disclosures included in the proxy statement; |
annual disclosure of certain perquisites and information regarding Trustmarks compensation
consultant; |
a review by the Treasury of any bonus, retention awards or other compensation paid to the
NEOs and the next 20 most highly compensated employees prior to February 17, 2009, to
determine if such payments were inappropriate and negotiate for the reimbursement of such
excess payments; and |
annual certifications by the CEO and CFO of compliance with the TARP Standards. |
The restrictions and limitations of the TARP Standards required Trustmark to implement certain
changes to its 2009 executive compensation, as noted in the following discussion.
Guiding Philosophy. The Committees guiding philosophy is to attract and retain highly qualified
executives and to motivate them to maximize shareholder value by achieving performance goals
while limiting risk appropriately. The following objectives serve as guiding principles for all
compensation decisions:
providing competitive total compensation that will enable Trustmark to attract, retain
and motivate highly qualified executives, |
aligning compensation opportunities with shareholder interests by making a portion of
each NEOs compensation dependent on Trustmarks performance with respect to total
shareholder return (TSR), return on average tangible common equity, as adjusted, and
earnings per share, as adjusted, of Trustmark, in addition to strategic drivers such as
operating efficiency, revenue growth, credit quality and net income for the company and/or
lines of business, where applicable, while limiting risk appropriately, |
creating an incentive for personal performance by providing base compensation to each NEO
as a key element of a total compensation package, |
providing a strong emphasis on equity-based compensation and equity ownership, creating a
direct link between shareholder and management interests, |
ensuring that incentive compensation paid to NEOs will normally be deductible for federal
income tax purposes, but also recognizing that there are circumstances where deductibility
is secondary and may not be permitted, and |
ensuring that policies and practices are in place to develop management talent, establish
effective corporate governance and set management compensation at competitive levels. |
In making determinations on the mix and amount of executive compensation, the Committee
reviews all components of executive compensation, including base salary, annual cash bonuses,
equity-based compensation, costs of perquisites and any other form of compensation received from
Trustmark. The Committee believes that the total compensation opportunity available to members of
management should consist of base salary, annual bonuses, equity-based compensation, retirement
benefits and perquisites, each of which is a standard compensation component for NEOs at
Trustmarks peer companies. For 2009, the mix and amount of executive compensation for the NEOs and
certain other employees was impacted by the restrictions and limitations of the TARP Standards. The
Committee reviews and recommends to the Board compensation levels for the CEO and recommends to the
Bank Board compensation levels for the Banks executive management based on Trustmarks
performance, individual performance and experience, as well as peer and broader financial services
industry comparisons (referred to as blended market data) and company affordability analysis. Based
on its review, the Committee believes total compensation for Trustmarks NEOs for 2009 is generally
at the median compensation levels for management of similar-sized financial institutions with
Trustmarks level of corporate performance. The individual components of such compensation,
however, may be higher or lower in some cases.
Benchmarking. The Committee is authorized to retain experts, consultants and other advisors to
aid in the discharge of its duties. In accordance with the Committees charter, the hiring of such
advisors is at the Committees discretion, except that the Committee Chairman must obtain approval
of the Board for engagements that exceed $10,000 annually. For 2009, the Board pre-approved an
allowance of up to $100,000 for use by the Committee, and at its June 2009 meeting, the Committee
approved an additional $40,000 to engage the compensation consultant to analyze the compensation of
Trustmarks top five executives. To ensure that Trustmarks compensation levels were generally at
the median level of compensation for management of similar-sized financial institutions with
Trustmarks level of corporate performance, and as a matter of business prudence, the Committee
retained Mercer (US) Inc. (Mercer), a compensation consultant, during the third quarter of 2007 to
provide information, analyses and advice to aid in the determination of competitive executive pay,
as described below. The Mercer consultant who performs these services reports directly to the
Committee Chairman. With the consent of the Committee Chairman, Mercer may, from time to time,
contact Trustmarks executive officers for information necessary to perform its assignments and
may make reports and presentations to and on behalf of the Committee. At the Committees direction,
Mercers services for the Committee during fiscal 2008 and 2009 for compensation to be awarded in
2009 included:
evaluating the competitive positioning of Trustmarks NEOs base salaries, annual
incentive and long-term incentive compensation relative to its peer group and the broader financial
services industry, |
assessing the alignment of Trustmark compensation levels relative to Trustmarks
performance against its peer group, |
providing ongoing advice as needed on the design of Trustmarks annual and long-term
incentive plans, |
evaluating the impact of Trustmarks equity programs on annual share use, run rate and
total dilution, |
evaluating the competitiveness of Trustmarks employment agreements relative to its peer
group and the broader financial services industry, |
providing an overview of the executive compensation requirements under the
CPP, |
providing comments regarding risk assessment of Trustmarks executive
compensation, |
evaluating the competitiveness of Trustmarks outside director compensation,
and |
assisting with the preparation of this Compensation Discussion and Analysis. |
Mercer provided information to the Committee from published surveys and proxy statements of
peer financial institutions in the United States. The peer group used by the Committee for
executive compensation determinations consists of a minimum of 15 financial institutions and is
updated annually by the Committee, based on a process described in Trustmarks Executive
Compensation Peer Group Policy that includes recommendations from internal sources, external
sources, such as the compensation consultant, and the Director of Human Resources, with final
approval by the Committee, to reflect the companies against which Trustmark competes for executive
talent and for shareholder investment. The specific characteristics of the financial institutions
comprising the peer group vary from year to year, but the companies are chosen based on having
similar asset size to Trustmark, offering similar banking functions and having similar
organizational structure. The companies comprising the peer group for the Committees 2009
executive compensation determinations are the same 23 financial institutions used by the Committee
for its 2008 determinations. The 23 peer companies all had assets within approximately one-half to
two times the size of Trustmark, which is considered an ideal range for comparison purposes. The
specific asset sizes for the peer companies listed in the Mercer report of December 2008 ranged
from approximately $6.0 billion to $18.0 billion. The market capitalizations ranged from
approximately $277.0 million to $3.0 billion. Historically, the market capitalization size of
Trustmarks peer companies ranged from approximately $1.0 billion and $3.0 billion, but Mercer
noted that due to the difficult economy, as of the end of November 2008, 10 of the peer companies
had fallen below $1.0 billion. Mercer advised against removing those companies from the peer group
at that time and instead recommended against relying primarily on market capitalization for
selecting the peer companies because of its potential volatility, placing more emphasis on
comparative asset size. For comparison purposes, Trustmarks asset size was just below the median
for this peer group, while its market capitalization was slightly above the median for this peer
For 2009, Trustmarks peer group consisted of the following companies:
Company Name |
Ticker |
Company Name |
Ticker |
Company Name |
Ticker |
BancorpSouth, Inc.
Hancock Holding Company
UMB Financial Corporation
Citizens Republic Bancorp, Inc.
MB Financial, Inc.
Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Commerce Bancshares, Inc.
Old National Bancorp
United Bankshares, Inc.
Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc.
Pacific Capital Bancorp
United Community Banks, Inc.
First Midwest Bancorp, Inc.
Park National Corporation
Valley National Bancorp
FirstMerit Corporation
South Financial Group, Inc.
Webster Financial Corporation
F.N.B. Corporation
Sterling Financial Corporation
Whitney Holding Corporation
Fulton Financial Corporation
Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc.
In preparing to determine compensation for 2010, the Committee requested Mercer to
present its annual review in 2009 prior to the usual December meeting time frame. As a result,
Mercer presented its annual analysis at the Committees October 2009 meeting, with such analysis
all five of the NEOs (compared to only the CEO and COO in the 2008
analysis), |
executive compensation trends during the global financial crisis and
economic recession, |
legislative and regulatory actions impacting executive compensation, |
projected evolution of best practices in financial services industry
compensation, |
overview of the TARP Standards, and |
a comparison of a more geographically local concentration of publicly-traded
banks. |
In following the Peer Group Policy to determine the peer group for 2010, and in anticipation
of the December 2009 Committee meeting, the Director of Human Resources reviewed financial
services industry company information provided by internal sources and the compensation consultant.
The consolidated findings were presented to the Committee with the recommendation that four
institutions be replaced from the current list, since the profiles of those institutions no
longer aligned with Trustmarks profile parameters. The 2010 overall list, including the four
replacements, created a median asset size and market capitalization similar to Trustmarks and
added three additional peers that were within the same geographic footprint as Trustmark.
In the course of conducting its activities during 2009, Mercer participated in four Committee
meetings to present its findings and recommendations for discussion. All determinations regarding
the amount or form of executive compensation under Trustmarks executive compensation program are
ultimately approved by the Committee and reflect factors and considerations in
addition to the information and advice provided by consultants. The Committee does not delegate its
authority to compensation consultants nor to other parties, other than to the CEO, who may grant a
limited number of equity awards for the purpose of retention and hiring of mid- to senior-level
executives, as necessary.
Allocation Among Components. Although the Committee does not seek a specific allocation
among the various compensation components, the approximate percentages of salary, bonus and
equity-based (using grant date fair value) compensation compared to the total of such compensation
(referred to as total compensation) for 2009 were as follows for the NEOs:
Name |
Base Salary % |
Cash Bonus % |
Equity Award % |
Richard G. Hickson |
29 |
% |
11 |
% |
60 |
% |
Louis E. Greer |
48 |
% |
22 |
% |
30 |
% |
Gerard R. Host |
40 |
% |
13 |
% |
47 |
% |
Breck W. Tyler |
32 |
% |
43 |
% |
25 |
% |
Duane A. Dewey |
49 |
% |
26 |
% |
25 |
% |
In allocating compensation among salary, bonus and equity-based compensation, the
Committee believes that the compensation of the senior-most levels of management (the levels of
management having the greatest ability to influence Trustmarks performance) should be significantly
performance-based, while lower levels of management should receive a greater portion of
their compensation in base salary. In making these decisions, the Committee relies in part upon the
comparative data provided by the compensation consultant and Trustmarks human resources personnel,
and in part on the recommendations of the CEO. Historically, Trustmark has provided that for the
senior-most levels of management, both cash incentive payments and the majority of equity-based
awards should be determined by performance achievement. However, the TARP Standards prohibition on
bonus payment or accrual applied during the period June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, to
Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees, whether or not they were also NEOs, and
accordingly, impacted the compensation of Messrs. Hickson, Host, and Tyler for 2009. As a result of
the application of the TARP Standards, the Committee allocated certain compensation elements
differently during the TARP Period in order to comply with the TARP Standards and, to the extent
not inconsistent with the TARP Standards, still fulfill Trustmarks executive compensation
philosophy and goals.
Because Mr. Hickson was one of Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees for 2009,
the TARP Standards prohibited Trustmark from accruing any amounts under the management incentive
program for Mr. Hickson from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009. Mr. Hicksons 2009
equity-based award was not limited by the TARP Standards because it was granted pursuant to a
written employment agreement in place as of February 11, 2009.
Because Mr. Host was one of Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees for 2009, the
TARP Standards prohibited Trustmark from accruing any amounts under the management incentive
program for Mr. Host from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, and Mr. Host was only granted a
portion of his equity-based award originally approved in January 2009 due to the limitations of the
TARP Standards.
The compensation package of Mr. Tyler differs from other NEOs. In addition to the annual cash
bonus opportunity under the management incentive plan, Mr. Tyler has historically received a
quarterly production incentive based on the mortgage departments production, which typically
accounts for approximately 40% of his total compensation in a year. Mr. Tylers cash bonus shown
above reflects both his bonus under the management incentive plan and the quarterly production
incentives earned in 2009. Because Mr. Tyler was one of Trustmarks five most highly compensated
employees for 2009, the TARP Standards prohibited Trustmark from paying the portion of his
quarterly incentive for the second quarter of 2009 that had accrued prior to June 15, 2009, until
after the TARP Period ended. In addition, the TARP Standards prohibited Trustmark from accruing any
amounts under the quarterly incentive program or under the management incentive program for Mr.
Tyler from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009.
Base Salaries. Base salary constitutes the foundation of each NEOs total compensation package
and is the only guaranteed cash payment an executive receives. Trustmarks goal is to provide its
executive management with a level of assured cash compensation in the form of base salary that will
attract and retain highly qualified executives. Trustmark also uses base salary to reward top
performance, industry and job specific knowledge, experience and leadership ability.
The base salaries for Trustmarks NEOs are typically established in the first quarter of the
year after Trustmarks financial information and performance results from the previous year are
available. In establishing the CEOs base salary, the Committee generally considers the
compensation consultants analysis of salaries paid to CEOs within Trustmarks peer group and the
broader financial services industry and recommendations for the CEOs compensation, as well as the
CEOs individual performance and contributions relative to Trustmarks corporate goals. Due to a
2007 decision, based on managements commitment to achievement of financial objectives and
controlling non-interest expenses, to move 30 senior management associates, including all of the
NEOs, to an 18-month base salary increase cycle, the Committee had previously
determined that the CEO would not receive a base salary increase until March 2009. In looking
toward the March 2009 merit increase date, the Committee had an analysis presented by Mercer in
December 2008 noting that the 2008 combined base salary for the CEO and COO was at the median
(100%) of the blended market data. This level was a decline from the previous years study
indicating base salaries slightly above the median (107%). In addition, the analysis indicated that
annual bonuses and long-term incentives were slightly less competitive than base salaries,
according to the blended market data. Because management was making a recommendation to further
delay the salary increases for the 30 senior management associates, including the other NEOs, Mr.
Hickson requested that he not receive an increase to his salary during 2009. As a result, the
Committee approved no salary increase for Mr. Hickson in 2009.
In establishing base salaries of Trustmarks other NEOs, the Committee typically considers the
recommendations of the CEO, which are based on individual responsibility level, individual and
company performance, total compensation histories for each NEO, the comparative blended market data
provided by the compensation consultant for similar positions and a general understanding of
executive compensation in the financial services industry. In evaluating performance for the other
NEOs for the Committee, the CEO uses the same metrics normally used for determining annual
incentive plan awards (corporate drivers, strategic drivers and, for NEOs in a particular business
unit, line of business goals). The Committee considers each of these factors but does not assign a
specific value to any of them. The Committees process also involves a subjective component in
evaluating each officers overall span of responsibility and control. For 2009, based on
managements recommendation as part of ongoing expense management, the Committee determined the
other NEOs, with the exception of the CFO, would not receive a base salary increase at the planned
March 2009 interval, thereby extending the base salary increase cycle beyond the originally planned
18 months. The CEO did recommend a 16.28% increase in 2009 base salary for the CFO, which was
approved effective March 1, 2009, as part of a continuing move to bring his salary to a more
competitive level within the blended market data, as highlighted by a recommendation from Mercer
after a review of benchmark data presented in December 2007.
The base salaries for 2008 and those approved for 2009, as of March 1, 2009, were as follows:
2009 |
2008 |
Base Salaries |
Base Salaries |
% Change |
Name |
($) |
($) |
(%) |
Richard G. Hickson |
$ |
726,716 |
$ |
726,716 |
--- |
Louis E. Greer |
$ |
250,000 |
$ |
215,000 |
16.28 |
% |
Gerard R. Host |
$ |
371,315 |
$ |
371,315 |
--- |
Breck W. Tyler |
$ |
164,800 |
$ |
164,800 |
--- |
Duane A. Dewey |
$ |
300,000 |
$ |
300,000 |
--- |
Later in 2009, based on the analysis and comparative information provided by Mercer
and the recommendation of the CEO, at its December meeting, the Bank Board approved the
recommendation of the Committee to increase the base salaries of Messrs. Host and Tyler. The salary
increases were effective as of October 1, 2009 and were as follows:
New |
Base Salaries |
Name |
($) |
Gerard R. Host |
$ |
450,000 |
Breck W. Tyler |
$ |
285,000 |
The salary increase for Mr. Host represents an increase of approximately 21% over
his prior base salary, and the salary increase for Mr. Tyler represents an increase of
approximately 73% over his prior base salary. The Committee recommended that Mr. Hosts base salary
be increased in order to better align his salary with the blended market data of chief operating
officers of other financial services companies. While the increased base salary is above the
median of the blended market data for this position, the Committee determined such an increase was
appropriate in light of Mr. Hosts long and experienced career. The Committee recommended that Mr.
Tylers base salary be increased to a level that would be more in line with the blended market data
and would be a first step in changing his overall compensation structure to maximize his executive
role. In the past, Mr. Tylers compensation package has differed from that of the other NEOs in
that a significantly higher proportion of Mr. Tylers total compensation has consisted of a cash
bonus as a result of quarterly production incentives based on the mortgage departments production.
In aligning Mr. Tylers compensation more closely with that of other members of executive
management, the Committee considered whether to also reconfigure his bonus and incentive
compensation to emphasize corporate results and line of business results, but determined not to
make a change at that time.
In preparing the 2010 salary budget, in light of the fact that the NEOs had not received merit
increases since October 2007, the CEO recommended and the Committee approved that the NEOs receive
base salary increases effective March 2010. Likewise, the Committee recommended and the Board
approved a base salary increase for the CEO effective March 2010.
Annual Cash Bonuses. The Committees typical practice is to award cash bonuses based upon the
achievement of performance objectives in accordance with an annual management incentive plan. Cash
bonuses constitute the largest cash component tied specifically to company performance. Cash
bonuses are designed to reward performance that results in the achievement of Trustmarks corporate
goals and objectives, as well as the achievement of business unit goals and objectives. Performance
determines whether or not an executive will receive an annual cash bonus. During 2009, limitations
of the TARP Standards prohibited Trustmark from paying or accruing bonus amounts for Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees for 2009.
Key features of the annual management incentive plan include:
a primary emphasis on corporate performance, as measured by earnings per common share
(EPS), return on average tangible common equity (ROATCE) and net income available to common
shareholders, each as adjusted by the Committee, |
a quantitative assessment of strategic achievements in areas of management including
operating efficiency, revenue growth, credit quality and net income for the company and/or
for lines of business, where applicable, and |
a structured, objective approach to determine cash bonuses. |
At the beginning of each year, the CEO recommends to the Committee overall incentive target
payout levels for the cash bonuses for the NEOs under the annual management incentive plan, stated
as a percentage of base salary, using performance goals from Trustmarks profit plan, such as EPS,
ROATCE, net income available to common shareholders (NI) and the efficiency ratio, each as may be
adjusted by the Committee. For this purpose, the performance goals may be adjusted to exclude the
effects of events that the Committee believes are outside the influence or control of the NEOs.
The Committee identifies categories of excluded items on an annual basis in connection with its
review and recommendation of cash bonus target levels. The Committee may, however, make further
adjustments to the performance goals during or after the year if the Committee determines in its
discretion that such additional adjustments are appropriate to exclude the effect of events that
the Committee believes are outside of managements control.
For 2009, the Committee approved the following adjustments to the performance goals under the
management incentive plan:
the impact of the FDIC special assessment of $4.3 million ($2.7 million after tax)
assessed in the second quarter of 2009 was excluded from EPS, ROATCE, NI and the efficiency
ratio, because the Committee determined that the assessment was outside managements control
and |
the impact of a $3.7 million gain on sales of investment securities, net of tax, was
excluded from NI because Trustmark did not consider such gain (or loss) in developing its
2009 profit plan. |
The Committee also reviews market compensation data prepared by the compensation consultant
and human resources personnel to ensure that proposed target levels provide an appropriate
opportunity to earn bonuses and are competitive with Trustmarks peer institutions. The Committee
then recommends these target levels for approval by the Board. In accordance with the management
incentive plan, the Committee may exercise its discretion to increase or decrease the amount of an
award earned under the plan or adjust the threshold payout level and minimum performance goals when
the minimum performance goals are not achieved.
In accordance with the terms of his employment agreement, the CEOs overall target bonus
payout level for 2009 was 70% of base salary, with a potential maximum of 100% of base salary. The
COOs overall target bonus payout level for 2009 was established at 60% of base salary, with a
potential maximum of 90% of base salary. For the other NEOs the overall target bonus payout levels
for 2009 were established at 45% for Mr. Dewey, 40% for Mr. Greer, and 25% for Mr. Tyler. The
potential maximum for these NEOs was 67.5%, 60%, and 37.5%, respectively. The 2009 overall target
bonus payout for the CFO represented an increase of 5% over the 2008 level of 35% as part of a
continuing move to bring his compensation to a more competitive level, based on a recommendation
from Mercer that the CFOs total cash compensation (base salary and annual incentive) level was
significantly below the median.
For 2009, overall incentive targets for NEOs were allocated between varying measured
weightings with respect to corporate performance goals, strategic operational drivers and, for NEOs
working in specific business units, business unit goals. For 2009 targets, the Committee decided
to retain the approach used in 2008, retaining the CEO and the COO target levels weighted 75% on
corporate performance (measuring actual results for adjusted EPS and adjusted ROATCE compared to
Trustmarks profit plan performance targets) and 25% on actual results for specific corporate
strategic operational drivers such as operating efficiency, revenue growth, credit quality and
adjusted NI compared to Trustmarks profit plan. For 2009, the weightings for Mr. Dewey were
revised to increase the weighting of corporate performance by 10% in order to provide an equal
50/50 weighting between corporate performance and line of business performance, placing enhanced
emphasis on his executive role. Similarly, the weightings for Mr. Tyler were revised to increase
the emphasis on corporate performance goals from 30% to 40% and to decrease from 70% to 60% the
weightings on specific business unit net income. This change begins
a movement toward greater emphasis on his executive role as well. For the CFO, who does not work in
a specific business unit, his increased overall target bonus payout level was still weighted 65%
on corporate performance goals and 35% on strategic operational drivers, the same allocation as in
The various performance goals are set to equate to Trustmarks actual profit plan for the
year for those same measures. In preparing the 2009 management incentive plans threshold and
maximum performance levels for bonus payouts and bonus payout levels for approval by the Committee
and the Board, management recommended that the same performance and payout levels for various
corporate and strategic operational drivers be used as were used in determining the 2008 bonus
payments. Accordingly, for the 2009 bonus matrix, the Committee recommended and the Board approved
threshold performance levels for adjusted EPS, adjusted ROATCE, non-interest income, net interest
income and adjusted NI of 85% of the performance measure target and maximum performance levels of
115% of the performance measure target, threshold performance levels for efficiency ratio of
107.5% of the performance measure target and maximum performance level of 92.5% of the performance
measure target. The Committee felt that these performance goals provide the motivation to ensure
consistent activity that will achieve results as close as possible to target, even if target
results appear more difficult to obtain within the current economic environment. Depending on
performance achievement against the stated goals, the payout percentage, if any, for 2009 could
range from a level of 70% (for threshold performance achievement) to a level of 100% (for target
performance achievement) to a level of 150% (for maximum performance achievement). The objective
was to set bonus performance goals such that the payouts under the management incentive plan at the
target levels or slightly above are achievable, but challenging.
A five-year historic perspective for the NEOs indicates that the annual bonus performance
targets are attainable, yet consistently challenging, in that individual payout results for the
NEOs have fallen below the target level for approximately 60% of payout opportunities and above the
target level for approximately 40% of payout opportunities, excluding reductions made as required
by the TARP Standards for 2009.
In January 2010, the Committee reviewed Trustmarks performance in 2009 compared to the
performance goals established by the Committee and approved by the Board under the management
incentive plan for 2009 for corporate performance, corporate strategic, operational drivers, as
applicable, and line of business performance, as applicable. The following table shows the relevant
performance goals established for 2009 and the extent to which such goals were achieved:
2009 Profit Plan |
Targets as |
2009 Results as |
Approved by |
Approved by |
% of Profit |
Performance Goals Measures |
the Committee |
the Committee |
Plan Achieved |
($ in millions except per share data) |
Corporate (all NEOs): |
EPS (1) |
$ |
1.25 |
$ |
1.31 |
116% |
ROATCE (1) |
11.05% |
11.17% |
104% |
Corporate Strategic/Operational Drivers |
(Hickson, Host and Greer only): |
Efficiency Ratio (1) |
59.99% |
57.70% |
125% |
Revenue Growth: |
Net interest income |
$ |
321.20 |
$ |
354.21 |
134% |
Non-interest income |
$ |
159.30 |
$ |
162.78 |
107% |
Credit Quality: |
Net Charge-Offs |
$ |
50.00 |
$ |
68.37 |
78% |
Nonperforming Assets |
$ |
192.00 |
$ |
231.26 |
0% |
Net Income
(1)(2) |
$ |
71.75 |
$ |
72.37 |
103% |
Line of Business Goals: |
Net Income Corporate Banking (Dewey only) |
$ |
13.07 |
$ |
14.03 |
124% |
Net Income Mortgage Services (Tyler only) |
$ |
10.34 |
$ |
21.24 |
150% |
(1) |
For purposes of the 2009 performance goals, the Committee excluded from EPS, ROATCE, NI and
the efficiency ratio the impact of the FDIC special assessment of $4.3 million ($2.7 million
after tax) assessed in the second quarter of 2009, because it determined that the assessment
was outside managements control. |
(2) |
For purposes of the 2009 performance goals, the Committee excluded from NI the impact of a
$3.7 million gain on sales of investment securities, net of tax, because Trustmark did not
consider such gain (or loss) in developing its 2009 profit plan. |
After applying the relevant weighting to the achievement of the applicable performance
goals for each NEO, in January 2010, the Committee approved the bonus payout for the CEO, which was
then approved by the Board in January 2010, and in February 2010 the Committee approved the bonus
payouts for the other NEOs, which were then approved by the Bank Board
in March 2010.
Because Messrs. Hickson, Host and Tyler were among Trustmarks five most highly compensated
employees for 2009, they were each subject to the general prohibition on payment or accrual of
bonus amounts set forth in the TARP Standards. Accordingly, the TARP Standards prohibited Trustmark
from accruing any cash bonus amounts under the management incentive program for Messrs. Hickson,
Host and Tyler during the June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, period. As a result, the cash
bonuses paid to Messrs. Hickson, Host and Tyler for 2009 performance represent accrual of the bonus
awards only for the period from January 1, 2009, through June 14, 2009, and from December 10, 2009,
through December 31, 2009.
In March 2010, Trustmark paid the following cash bonuses for 2009
performance under the management incentive plan, which amounts reflect the reduction for Messrs.
Hickson, Host and Tyler pursuant to the general prohibition on bonus payment and accrual in the
TARP Standards during part of 2009:
2009 Calculated |
Portion of 2009 |
2009 Cash Bonus |
Performance |
2009 Calculated |
Cash Bonus Disallowed |
2009 Cash |
Paid as % of |
Level Achieved |
Annual Cash Bonus |
for TARP Period |
Bonus Paid |
Base Salary |
Name |
(%) |
($)(1) |
($) |
($) |
(%)(1) |
Richard G.
Hickson (2) |
108 |
% |
$ |
549,171 |
($267,815 |
) |
$ |
281,356 |
38.72 |
% |
Louis E. Greer |
109 |
% |
$ |
109,036 |
--- |
$ |
109,036 |
43.61 |
% |
Gerard R.
Host (2) |
108 |
% |
$ |
240,513 |
($117,291 |
) |
$ |
123,222 |
33.19 |
% |
Breck W.
Tyler (2) |
134 |
% |
$ |
55,364 |
($ 27,000 |
) |
$ |
28,364 |
17.21 |
% |
Duane A. Dewey |
118 |
% |
$ |
158,917 |
--- |
$ |
158,917 |
52.97 |
% |
(1) |
Calculated using base salary as of March 1, 2009. |
(2) |
Because Messrs. Hickson, Host and Tyler were among Trustmarks five most highly compensated
employees for 2009, the 2009 Cash Bonus Paid amounts for them represent accrual of the bonus
award only for the period from January 1, 2009, through June 14, 2009, and from December 10,
2009, through December 31, 2009, in accordance with the TARP Standards. |
In addition to cash bonus awards under the management incentive plan, Mr. Tyler also
receives a quarterly production incentive based on the mortgage departments production. Mr.
Tylers production incentive is calculated on a formula that is based on a percentage of total
mortgage production above a threshold production level. The specific targets are not publicly
disclosed for competitive reasons. Because Mr. Tyler was one of Trustmarks five most highly
compensated employees for 2009, the TARP Standards prohibited Trustmark from paying the portion of
his quarterly incentive for the second quarter of 2009 that had accrued prior to June 15, 2009,
until the end of the TARP Period and prohibited Trustmark from accruing any amounts under the
quarterly incentive program for Mr. Tyler from June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009.
These 2009 cash bonus amounts are presented as Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation for 2009
in the Summary Compensation Table on page 30.
Equity-Based Compensation. Trustmark strongly believes that equity-based awards are an
integral part of total compensation for NEOs and certain key managers with significant
responsibility for Trustmarks long-term results. Equity-based awards generally constitute the
largest non-cash component of each NEOs total compensation package, but, as explained below,
during 2009 equity-based awards were subject to the limitations of the TARP Standards with respect
to paying or accruing bonus amounts for Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees.
Equity-based awards and the related performance goals for NEOs under the Trustmark Corporation 2005
Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan (2005 Incentive Plan) are recommended by the Committee and
approved by the Board generally at its first meeting of each year. Awards are typically made as
early as practicable in the year to maximize the time-period for achieving performance goals
associated with the awards. The Committees meeting schedule is determined several months in
advance, so the proximity of any grant of awards to earnings announcements or other market events
is coincidental. For 2009, the awards were originally approved by the Board on January 27, 2009,
but the ARRA was enacted before the awards for the NEOs were formally documented and executed,
raising significant questions regarding Trustmarks ability to grant the restricted stock and
restricted stock units to the NEOs. As a result of this uncertainty, the Committee determined to
take a conservative approach and did not grant final approval of the awards until March 31, 2009,
at which time the Committee awarded a reduced number of performance-based awards and no time-based
awards. In the case of the CEO, his award was required by his employment agreement, which was in
place prior to February 11, 2009, and, therefore, was allowed under the TARP Standards.
The 2005 Incentive Plan:
authorizes the granting of restricted stock, restricted stock units (RSUs), performance
units, stock options, stock appreciation rights (SARs) and other incentive awards (payable
in cash or shares), all of which may be made subject to the attainment of performance goals
established by the Committee, |
provides for the ability to base an individuals performance goals on specified
corporate and business unit criteria, and |
the maximum amount of restricted stock, stock options, SARs and other incentive awards
that can be granted to a participant in any given year. |
Since 2005, in recognition of the trend among financial institutions toward performance-based
equity compensation, to provide a stronger correlation between performance and incentive-based
compensation without increasing Trustmarks costs, and based on information provided by the
compensation consultant, Trustmarks primary form of equity compensation is restricted stock
awards. In 2006 and 2007, Trustmark granted to NEOs only performance-based restricted stock under
its equity-based compensation plan. In 2008, based on research provided by Mercer, only one company
in Trustmarks peer group awarded only performance-based restricted stock, and more than 75% of the
companies used multiple types of awards in their stock and incentive compensation plans. Mercer
suggested to the Committee that the use of multiple types of awards, such as the addition of
time-based restricted stock, would more closely align the program with Trustmarks peers and could
better accomplish Trustmarks equity award objectives, including executive officer retention and
attraction. Mercer provided a model illustrating restricted stock grants with 67% being
performance-based and 33% being time-based.
For 2009, as in 2008, the Committee recommended using multiple types of awards by adopting the
model presented with 67% of the award to be performance-based and 33% of the award to be
time-based, and recommended the combined award value to be the same as the total 2007 award. For
the performance-based restricted stock awards to be earned, certain performance goals must be
achieved within the three-year performance period covered by the awards. The executive must also
remain employed by Trustmark through the end of the performance period for restricted stock to vest
fully. The performance goals are scaled so that the recipient can receive a partial award in the
event that acceptable, but not the target, results are achieved and so that performance above the
target level yields higher awards. The Committee believes that performance-based restricted stock
and RSU grants provide an effective means of delivering incentive compensation, a stable reward for
achievement of long-term objectives and an effective means of executive retention. The Committee
also believes that partial use of time-based restricted stock grants, which vest in three years,
provides a balanced retention element against the negative impact of economic issues outside the
control of management. In establishing award levels, the Committee generally does not consider the
equity ownership levels of the recipients or prior awards that are fully vested. For 2009,
Trustmark initially approved a grant to the NEOs, other than the CEO, of the same combination of
performance-based and time-based restricted shares at a value equivalent to the 2008 grant.
For the performance-based restricted stock awards granted in 2009, performance goals for all
of the NEOs were the same as for 2008. The awards vest based on the achievement of target
percentages related to ROATCE (50%), with vesting up to and including 100%, and total shareholder
return (TSR) (50%), with vesting up to and including 100%, compared to Trustmarks 23-institution
peer group. For ROATCE, the threshold performance level is reached at the 30th percentile compared
to the peer group, with 100% vesting occurring at the 75th percentile. For TSR, the threshold
performance level is reached at the 30th percentile compared to the peer group, with 100% vesting
occurring at the 75th percentile. The performance period began January 1, 2009, and continues
through December 31, 2011, with the exception of Mr. Hicksons, which ends on December 31, 2010. If
a greater than 100% vesting level with respect to the ROATCE and TSR targets is achieved in the
aggregate (with the maximum being 200%) for an executive who remains employed for the entire
performance period, an additional award of time-based restricted stock (excess shares) will be
issued. The number of excess shares issued will equal the number of shares awarded initially to
that executive multiplied by the vesting percentage exceeding 100%. Any earned excess shares will
be issued during the first 2 1/2 months of 2012 and will vest on December 31, 2014, if the executive
remains employed through such date, with the exception of Mr. Hickson, whose excess shares will be
issued during the first 2 1/2 months of 2011 and will vest on May 10, 2011.
In the event of an executives death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination
by Trustmark without cause, termination by the executive for good reason (if provided in the
executives employment agreement) or a change in control, partial time-weighted performance vesting
occurs based on ROATCE and TSR through the end of the calendar quarter prior to such event.
Accelerated vesting of excess shares may also occur upon the executives death, disability,
retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by the executive
for good reason (if provided in the executives employment agreement) or a change in control.
Dividends on any performance-based restricted stock, as well as any excess shares issued, are
accumulated and will vest and be paid only when and to the extent the shares to which they relate
vest. No interest is paid on the accumulated dividends.
Because they were among Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees for 2009, Messrs.
Hickson, Host and Tyler were subject to the general prohibition on payment or accrual of bonus
amounts set forth in the TARP Standards during 2009. Accordingly, the TARP Standards prohibited
Trustmark from paying or accruing any awards to these executives under the 2005 Incentive Plan from
June 15, 2009, through December 9, 2009, unless the awards constituted TARP-compliant long-term
restricted stock or RSUs as defined in the TARP Standards or qualified for another exception to
the general bonus prohibition. Under the TARP Standards, equity-based awards may be made to the five
most highly compensated employees even during the bonus prohibition period if the awards are
made in shares of long-term restricted stock or RSUs, the value of the restricted stock or RSUs
does not exceed one-third of the associates total annual compensation for the year in which the
award is granted, the restricted stock or RSUs generally do not become transferable except in
accordance with a schedule based on Trustmarks repayment of the TARP financial assistance, and
the associate is required to forfeit the restricted stock if he does not provide services for at
least two years following the date of grant, with exceptions for the associates death, disability
or certain change in control events. In addition, all of the NEOs and Trustmarks next five most
compensated employees (other than the NEOs) were subject to the prohibition on golden parachute
payments set forth in the TARP Standards during 2009. The TARP Standards prohibit any payment upon
departure from Trustmark or upon a change in control of Trustmark, other than compensation earned
for services rendered or accrued benefits, and also prohibit accelerated vesting due to a
departure or a change in control with respect to the NEOs and Trustmarks next five most highly
compensated employees (other than the NEOs) during the TARP Period. Accordingly, for most awards
granted to the NEOs during 2009, the terms of the restricted stock granted under the 2005 Incentive
Plan were revised to comply with the TARP Standards. The CEOs 2009 equity-based award was not
required to be paid in TARP-compliant long-term restricted stock or RSUs because the award was
required by his employment agreement, which was in place prior to February 11, 2009, and therefore
satisfied the requirements for the exception to the general bonus prohibition under the TARP
In connection with the execution of a new employment agreement extending the CEOs employment
until the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (currently scheduled for May 10, 2011), the Board
determined that the 2009 equity-based compensation grant to the CEO would be the final one in his
current role. In lieu of receiving a long-term incentive compensation award in 2010 or 2011, the
CEOs employment agreement provides for his 2009 equity-based compensation award to be twice the
amount of a normal award, with one-half of the award being performance-based and one-half being
time-based. The time-based portion of the award was granted as time-based restricted stock. The
performance-based portion of the award was granted partly as performance-based restricted stock and
partly as performance-based RSUs, because granting the entire performance-based portion of the
award as restricted stock would have exceeded the annual award limit under the 2005 Incentive Plan.
The RSUs were granted outside of the 2005 Incentive Plan, may be settled only in cash and follow
the same requirements, vesting (including the possibility of being issued excess units for
performance vesting in excess of 100% of target) and value as a share of the performance-based
restricted stock awarded as part of the total award to the CEO. Both performance award types allow
for a full two-year performance period, a benefit of combining the 2009 and 2010 grants into one.
Due to the CEOs expected retirement in May 2011, these awards were based on a two-year performance
period (2009 and 2010) as opposed to three years for the other NEOs and require the CEO to continue
to be employed only through his retirement in May 2011.
Throughout 2009, the Committee made additional changes to Trustmarks equity-based
compensation awards for 2009 to comply with the TARP Standards. It was determined that the CEOs
2009 equity-based compensation award was not prohibited by the TARP bonus prohibition because the
CEOs written employment agreement, which was in place as of February 11, 2009, committed Trustmark
to the equity award to be made in 2009 and thus satisfied the requirements for the exception to
the general bonus prohibition. As discussed above, after the Committee approved the restricted
stock awards for the NEOs (other than the CEO) on January 27, 2009, the enactment of the ARRA
resulted in uncertainty regarding whether Trustmark could issue the awards that had been approved.
Taking a conservative approach, the Committee delayed final approval of the awards to a later time
to allow additional guidance from the Treasury. However, with no indication from the Treasury when
such additional guidance would be available, the Committee decided to review the matter at its
meeting on March 31, 2009.
At the meeting on March 31, 2009, counsel reviewed for the Committee a summary of the TARP
Standards impact on executive compensation at that time, which included a provision prohibiting
executives who did not qualify for the exception to the general bonus prohibition from receiving
restricted stock awards valued at more than one-third of their total compensation. Working within
this limitation, the Committee allocated a portion of available shares of restricted stock to
provide restricted stock awards in lieu of the 2008 cash bonus awards earned by the NEOs (other
than the CEO). The Committee postponed the issuance of the time-based awards originally approved in
January 2009 and approved the use of the remaining available shares to issue a portion of the 2009
performance-based restricted stock awards, subject to the one-third limitation noted above. As a
result, a reduced number of the shares originally approved by the Board on January 27, 2009, was
granted on March 31, 2009, to the NEOs (other than the CEO).
After the publication of Treasurys interim final rules effective on June 15, 2009, the
Committee determined that the restricted stock issued in lieu of cash for the 2008 bonuses was not
subject to the one-third limitation. Therefore, at a meeting on October 14, 2009, the Committee
approved the issuance of the balance of the shares originally approved in January 2009 to fulfill
the long-term incentive compensation awards. The Board approved this recommendation at its October
27, 2009, meeting. For Messrs. Tyler, Dewey and Greer, the grants for the balance of the full
number of performance-based and time-based shares were made in shares of TARP-compliant long-term
restricted stock and were evidenced by a new form of restricted stock agreement containing the
relevant restrictions of the TARP Standards. Although Messrs. Dewey and Greer were not among
Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees for 2009 and thus were not limited to receiving
TARP-compliant long-term restricted stock, the Committee determined to award them TARP-compliant
long-term restricted stock both to ensure compliance with the TARP Standards in case either one
became one of Trustmarks five most highly compensated employees during the TARP Period and to
treat all NEOs alike. The only NEO who did not receive the full number of shares originally
approved in January 2009 was Mr. Host, because the originally approved award amounted to more than
one-third of his total 2009 compensation. After giving effect to the applicable limitations imposed
on him by the TARP Standards, Mr. Host was issued 4,805 performance-based shares and 2,902
time-based shares on October 27, 2009, resulting in a shortfall of 5,162 performance-based shares
and 2,543 time-based shares, a combined 7,705 shares, from the
original award approved in January 2009.
After Trustmark redeemed the preferred stock on December 9, 2009, the Committee approved at
its meeting on
December 16, 2009, the issuance of a portion of the January 2009 approved but previously unissued
7,705 shares to Mr. Host. However, the TARP Standards prohibited Mr. Host from accruing restricted
stock from June 15, 2009 through December 9, 2009, so the December 16, 2009, award was subject to a
reduction to reflect the accrual prohibition for the required non-accrual period. After applying
the appropriate reduction, Mr. Host was issued 4,301 performance-based shares and 2,119 time-based
shares with a December 16, 2009, grant date. The total number of shares originally approved for Mr.
Host in January 2009 that were ultimately disallowed due to the application of the TARP Standards
was 1,285.
The following table reflects the grant date fair values of the 2009 performance-based
restricted stock awards and any potential excess shares (and RSUs and any potential excess units,
in the case of the CEOs awards) to the NEOs:
Value of |
Performance-Based |
Value of Excess |
Shares or RSUs |
Shares or Units |
Name |
($) |
($)(1) |
Richard G. Hickson |
$ |
562,269 |
$ |
415,655 |
Louis E. Greer |
$ |
68,147 |
$ |
51,532 |
Gerard R. Host |
$ |
202,422 |
$ |
161,717 |
Breck W. Tyler |
$ |
68,740 |
$ |
52,716 |
Duane A. Dewey |
$ |
68,421 |
$ |
52,079 |
(1) |
Reflects the attainment of maximum excess shares, and, in
the case of Mr. Hickson, excess units; however, these
awards will only be issued if, and only to the extent, the
performance shares or RSUs aggregate ROATCE and TSR
vesting percentage exceeds 100%. |
The following table reflects the grant date fair values of the 2009 time-based restricted
stock awards to the NEOs:
Value of |
Time-Based Shares |
Name |
($) |
Richard G. Hickson |
$ |
558,868 |
Louis E. Greer |
$ |
33,904 |
Gerard R. Host |
$ |
99,195 |
Breck W. Tyler |
$ |
33,904 |
Duane A. Dewey |
$ |
33,904 |
Except for the CEO (as explained above), these time-based awards vest 100% at
January 27, 2012, provided the executive is still actively employed. Accelerated vesting may occur
based on the executives death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark
without cause, termination by the executive for good reason or a change in control, subject to
compliance with the TARP Standards prohibition on accelerated vesting. Dividends on any time-based
restricted stock are accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extend the shares to which
they relate vest.
Severance Benefits. Trustmark believes that companies should provide reasonable severance
benefits to associates. With respect to Messrs. Hickson and Host, these severance benefits, as
discussed under Employment Agreements, should also reflect the fact that it may be difficult
for senior executives to find comparable employment within a short period of time. The Committee
believes that Trustmark should separate itself from the former associate as soon as practicable.
Therefore, whenever possible, the Committee prefers to pay a lump-sum severance payment rather than
to provide salary continuation payments. During the TARP Period, the severance benefits of Messrs.
Hickson and Host were subject to the golden parachute prohibition of the TARP Standards, which
prohibited Trustmark from making any payments to the NEOs and Trustmarks next five most highly
compensated employees for departure from Trustmark, other than compensation earned for services
rendered or accrued benefits.
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan. Trustmark maintains a non-contributory defined benefit
plan (Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan) that until May 15, 2009, covered substantially all
associates, including the NEOs, employed prior to January 1, 2007. Retirement benefits under the
plan are based on the length of credited service and final average compensation, as defined in
the plan, and vest upon three years of service. Effective January 1, 2007, the annual benefit
accrual rate for each future year of service was reduced by 50%. In an effort to control expenses,
benefit accrual under the plan was frozen as of May 15, 2009, for all associates other than
certain grandfathered participants, none of whom were NEOs. This freeze affected all NEOs for 2009.
Individual pensions under the plan will not increase, except for interest and
life expectancy changes as required by IRS regulations (and except for certain grandfathered
participants, none of whom are NEOs) after the effective date of the freeze. No associates will
lose their previously earned pension benefits. The plan is described in more detail under
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan on page 37.
Executive Deferral Plan. Because of the compensation limits for tax qualified retirement
plans, Trustmark also maintains a defined benefit supplemental retirement plan that provides
additional retirement benefits to executives. The Executive Deferral Plan enables the executives,
including the NEOs, to receive retirement benefits equal to 50% of their covered salaries. The
Committee believes the plan is competitive with Trustmarks peer financial institutions and is an
important tool in attracting and retaining executive management. The supplemental retirement plan
is described in more detail under Executive Deferral Plan on page 37. During the TARP Period,
certain benefits under the plan were subject to the golden parachute prohibition of the TARP
Standards with respect to NEOs and Trustmarks next five most highly compensated employees.
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan. Trustmark also provides a non-qualified deferred
compensation plan that provides additional salary deferral opportunities for executives who may be
impacted by the compensation and contribution limits that restrict participation in the 401(k)
plan. The plan permits the executives to defer on a pre-tax basis up to 90% of annual base salary
and/or annual cash bonus. The Committee believes the plan is competitive with Trustmarks peer financial institutions and is an important tool in attracting and retaining executive management. The
deferred compensation plan is described in more detail under Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation
for 2009 on page 38.
Employment Agreements. Executive management has contributed significantly to the success of
Trustmark, and the Committee believes that it is important to protect them in the event of a change
in control. Further, the Committee believes that the interests of shareholders will be best served
if aligned with the interests of executive management, and providing change in control benefits
should eliminate, or at least reduce, the reluctance of executive management to pursue potential
change in control transactions that may be in the best interests of shareholders. Messrs. Hickson
and Host have change in control provisions in their employment agreements with Trustmark. During
the TARP Period, these change in control provisions were subject to golden parachute prohibition of
the TARP Standards, which prohibited Trustmark from making any payments to the NEOs and Trustmarks
next five most highly compensated employees for departure from Trustmark or upon a change in
control, other than compensation earned for services rendered or accrued benefits, and prohibited
accelerated vesting due to a departure or a change in control. Relative to the overall value of
Trustmark, the cost of these potential change in control benefits is relatively minor. The cash
components of the change in control benefits are paid in a lump-sum or over regular pay periods
depending on the circumstances and relate to the executives base salary immediately prior to
termination plus the highest annual bonus amount earned in any of the three years preceding the
year of the change in control for Mr. Hickson and in any of the two years preceding the year of the
change in control for Mr. Host. In addition, if a change in control were to have occurred on or
before December 31, 2009, Mr. Hickson would have been entitled to have his home purchased by
Trustmark under certain circumstances if he had been unable to sell his home after termination
following the change in control. The employment agreements entered into with Messrs. Hickson and
Host are described under Employment Agreements on page 40, and the amounts which would have been
payable assuming a termination event at December 31, 2009, are shown in the Potential Payments Upon
Termination or Change in Control table on page 39.
Trustmarks change in control benefits are
generally double trigger, which means that the benefits under them are payable only if the
executives employment is terminated other than for cause, death, disability or if the executive
resigns for good reason within three years after a change in control for Mr. Hickson and only if
the executives employment is terminated other than for cause, death, disability or retirement or
if the executive resigns for good reason and within two years for Mr. Host. In the event of a
covered termination following a change in control, health and other insurance benefits continue
for one year, and all unvested stock options immediately vest upon a change in control. In
addition, the executive would be entitled to receive any benefits that he otherwise would have
been entitled to receive under the 401(k) plan, pension plan (Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan),
non-qualified deferred compensation plan (NQDC Plan) and supplemental retirement plan (Executive
Deferral Plan), although these benefits are generally not increased or accelerated (except for
additional years of service provided under the Executive Deferral Plan under certain
circumstances). Trustmark believes that these levels of benefits are consistent with the general
practice among its peers, as confirmed by a study conducted for the Committee by Mercer in the
fourth quarter of 2007. If Mr. Hickson or Mr. Host had terminated employment or a change in control
had occurred during the TARP Period, any enhancement to the benefits provided through the
additional years of service special crediting provision under the Executive Deferral Plan would
have been subject to the golden parachute prohibition of the TARP Standards.
As part of Trustmarks CEO succession planning, the Committee also engaged Mercer in the
second quarter of 2008 to assist with its desire to extend the employment contract of the CEO
beyond the original contract date of December 31, 2009, and Mercer presented a study at the
Committee meeting on June 18, 2008, based on parameters set forth by the Committee. The Committee
approved and recommended a new employment agreement for the CEO at its September 19, 2008, meeting,
which was approved by the Board at its October 28, 2008, meeting. On November 20, 2008, Trustmark
entered into an amended and restated Employment Agreement (Agreement) with Mr. Hickson. Under Mr.
Hicksons prior employment agreement, entered into as of October 23, 2007, Mr. Hicksons employment
would have automatically terminated on December 31, 2009 (the last business day of the calendar
year in which he reached age 65). Trustmark amended and restated Mr. Hicksons employment agreement
to extend this date to the date of Trustmarks annual shareholder meeting in 2011 (which is
currently scheduled for May 10, 2011), as part of its provision for an orderly executive management
transition and to establish a definitive date by which Mr. Hicksons successor would be expected
to assume his or her position. The Agreement provides for Mr. Hickson to continue serving as
Chairman, President and CEO of Trustmark and as Chairman and CEO of the Bank through December 31,
2010. After December 31, 2010, the Agreement provides that Mr. Hickson will serve as an
employee-Chairman of both Trustmark and the Bank until the expiration of the Agreement. Further
details are described under Employment Agreements on page 40.
The Committee has determined that a gross-up payment to make an executive whole for any golden
parachute excise tax is not currently appropriate. The Committee also believes that an executive
should receive the entire change in control benefits which he or she expects; thus, it does not
believe that an executives change in control benefits should be reduced to avoid the golden
parachute excise tax, or to avoid non-deductibility of excess parachute payments by Trustmark,
unless a reduction will cause the executive to receive more after-tax compensation than without a
reduction. In addition to the prohibition on golden parachute payments, during the TARP Period
Trustmark was also prohibited from providing formal or informal tax gross-ups or other
reimbursements for the payment of taxes to the NEOs and Trustmarks next 20 most highly compensated
employees (other than the NEOs).
As noted earlier, due to Trustmarks participation in the CPP, Trustmark adopted an omnibus
amendment that made certain changes to these agreements for Messrs. Hickson and Host, so that the
payments which would have otherwise been made under these agreements during the TARP Period would
be limited as necessary to comply with the TARP Standards. These limitations ceased to apply when
the TARP Period ended on December 9, 2009.
Perquisites; Other Compensation. Perquisites received by the CEO and other NEOs are reviewed
annually. Generally, Trustmark limits the types of perquisites offered to NEOs as shown in the All
Other Compensation for 2009 table on page 31. In addition to the cash and equity compensation
described above, NEOs received the same benefit package available to all salaried associates.
This package includes:
health and dental insurance (portion of costs), |
basic life insurance, |
long-term disability insurance, |
participation in the Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan (if last hired prior to January
1, 2007), provided that as of May 15, 2009, individual pensions will not accrue additional
benefits, except for interest and life expectancy changes as required by IRS regulations,
after the effective date, and |
participation in Trustmarks 401(k) plan, including a company match. |
Consistent with other financial institutions in its peer group, Trustmark encourages
executive management to belong to a golf or social club so that there is an appropriate
entertainment forum for customers and appropriate interaction with the executives communities.
Trustmark pays the initiation fee and annual dues for a club membership for some of the NEOs.
Relocation benefits are also reimbursed but are individually negotiated when they occur. The
Committee believes these perquisites are minimal in cost and necessary to attract and retain
talented executives because many of Trustmarks competitors offer similar benefits. In addition,
the Board has authorized an annual allowance of up to 30 hours of personal use of Trustmarks
airplane for the CEO. The Committee approved this perquisite as both a competitive attraction and
retention tool and to provide an efficient way to minimize travel time commitments for the CEO and
maximize his available time for company business.
Deductibility of Compensation. The Committee carefully considers Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which provides certain criteria for the tax
deductibility of compensation in excess of $1 million paid to Trustmarks NEOs. The Committee
believes it is generally in Trustmarks best interest, and that of its shareholders, to comply with
the requirements of Section 162(m). It is, therefore, the Committees general intent that grants of
stock options, performance-based restricted stock and other incentive awards made pursuant to
Trustmarks stock and incentive compensation plans comply with the deductibility requirements of
Section 162(m) or be in amounts that normally would not be expected to cause non-deductibility
under Section 162(m). The Committee also believes, however, that in certain circumstances factors
other than tax deductibility should take precedence when determining the forms and levels of
executive compensation most appropriate and in the best interests of the Company and its
shareholders. Given the competitive market for outstanding executives, for example, the Committee
believes that it is important for it to retain the flexibility to determine
compensation elements consistent with Trustmarks compensation philosophy, even if some executive
compensation is not fully deductible under Section 162(m). Accordingly, the Committee may from time
to time approve elements of compensation for certain executives that are not fully deductible by
Trustmark, and reserves the right to do so in the future when appropriate. For that reason,
Trustmarks annual bonus program is currently designed to provide compensation that may not be
deductible under Section 162(m) where a NEOs total compensation, which is not performance-based
compensation for Section 162(m) purposes, exceeds $1,000,000 and hence, is subject to the
$1,000,000 deduction limit under Section 162(m).
As a CPP participant, Trustmark agreed not to deduct compensation of more than $500,000 paid
to its senior executive officers each year with respect to the TARP Period. This limitation
applies to essentially all compensation of the affected executives, including deferred
compensation, commission pay and performance-based compensation. Because a portion of fiscal 2009
occurred during the TARP Period for Trustmark, the $500,000 limitation applies to Trustmark on a
pro-rata basis for 2009. In addition, certain long-term awards that accrue in part during the TARP
Period, and compensation that was earned during the TARP Period, which is paid after 2009 will also
be subject to the $500,000 deduction limit on a pro-rata basis.
When the Board determined to participate in the CPP, it was aware of, factored into its
analysis and agreed to, the potential increased after-tax cost of Trustmarks executive
compensation program that could result from the CPPs $500,000 deduction limitation. As a result,
while the Committee is constantly mindful of the Section 162(m) deduction limitation, during 2009
it concluded that the $500,000 deduction limitation would not be a significant factor in its
decision-making with respect to the compensation of Trustmarks executive officers, consistent
with its goal of ensuring competitive levels of total compensation consistent with its compensation
philosophy. In 2009, the compensation of Mr. Hickson and Mr. Host was not fully deductible by
Trustmark under Section 162(m).
Stock Ownership Guidelines. Trustmark does not have specific established stock ownership
guidelines for any of its officers. The Board believes that managements current ownership of
Trustmark stock provides adequate incentives for long-term performance without imposing specific
ownership requirements.
Analysis of Risk Associated with Trustmarks Compensation Policies and Practices. Beginning in
2009, the Committee, together with Trustmarks risk officers, conducted an in-depth risk
assessment of Trustmarks compensation policies and practices. Management prepared detailed
materials regarding the operation of Trustmarks various compensation arrangements with its
associates and submitted the materials to Trustmarks risk officers, who reviewed the materials
with the members of management most closely involved with the respective compensation arrangements.
Trustmarks risk officers identified the key enterprise risks to which Trustmark is subject,
including credit, liquidity, market/interest rate, compliance, operational, technology, strategic,
reputational and other risks, and focused their review on the compensation arrangements most likely
to implicate those risks. Trustmarks Chief Risk officer presented their conclusions and
supporting materials to the Committee, which reviewed and approved the information at its meeting
on February 22, 2010. The Committee has concluded that several features of Trustmarks compensation
policies and practices, including the overall compensation mix, weighting of performance metrics,
use of full value equity-based awards with multiyear vesting periods, and establishment of targets
with payouts at multiple levels of performance, maintain an appropriate balance between prudent
business risk and resulting compensation and encourage appropriate risk behavior consistent with
Trustmarks business strategy and profit goals. As a result, the Committee has concluded that
Trustmarks compensation policies and practices are not reasonably likely to have a material
adverse effect on Trustmark.
Summary Compensation Table for 2009
The following table summarizes the compensation components for the CEO, the CFO and each
of the next three most highly compensated executive officers during 2009. The table includes base
salary, cash incentives paid or accrued, as well as amounts for equity awards, retirement benefits
and other compensation for 2007, 2008 and 2009. Pursuant to new SEC rules, amounts for equity
awards reflect the aggregate grant date fair value of equity awards granted to each NEO in the
relevant year, including performance-based awards that vest only if the related performance
measures are achieved. The equity amounts for 2007 and 2008 have been recomputed using this same
methodology in accordance with the new SEC rules, resulting in different total compensation amounts
for each of the NEOs in 2007 and 2008 than was reported in prior proxy statements. The retirement
benefit dollars reflected below represent the change in the present value of potential future
benefits the NEO might receive upon vesting.
Change in |
Pension Value |
and Non-Qualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Stock |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Salary |
Bonus |
Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Total |
Name and Principal Position |
Year |
($) |
($) |
($)(1) |
($)(2) |
($)(3)(4) |
($)(5) |
($)(6) |
($) |
Richard G. Hickson |
2009 |
$ |
726,716 |
--- |
$ |
1,536,792 |
--- |
$ |
281,356 |
$ |
392,473 |
$ |
62,086 |
$ |
2,999,423 |
Chairman, President and CEO, |
2008 |
$ |
726,716 |
--- |
$ |
704,394 |
--- |
$ |
381,453 |
$ |
345,701 |
$ |
72,904 |
$ |
2,231,168 |
Trustmark Corporation; |
2007 |
$ |
710,862 |
--- |
$ |
815,676 |
--- |
$ |
440,971 |
$ |
556,375 |
$ |
73,126 |
$ |
2,597,010 |
Chairman and CEO,
Trustmark National Bank |
Louis E. Greer |
2009 |
$ |
244,167 |
--- |
$ |
153,583 |
--- |
$ |
109,036 |
$ |
112,669 |
$ |
19,110 |
$ |
638,565 |
Treasurer and |
2008 |
$ |
211,254 |
--- |
$ |
120,746 |
--- |
$ |
60,222 |
$ |
108,776 |
$ |
17,530 |
$ |
518,528 |
Principal Financial Officer, |
2007 |
$ |
185,408 |
--- |
$ |
139,830 |
--- |
$ |
59,049 |
$ |
132,431 |
$ |
17,190 |
$ |
533,908 |
Trustmark Corporation;
Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer,
Trustmark National Bank |
Gerard R. Host |
2009 |
$ |
390,989 |
--- |
$ |
463,334 |
--- |
$ |
123,222 |
$ |
206,189 |
$ |
22,290 |
$ |
1,206,024 |
President and |
2008 |
$ |
371,315 |
--- |
$ |
362,261 |
--- |
$ |
167,055 |
$ |
133,977 |
$ |
20,200 |
$ |
1,054,808 |
Chief Operating Officer, |
2007 |
$ |
363,204 |
--- |
$ |
419,490 |
--- |
$ |
194,976 |
$ |
107,807 |
$ |
20,033 |
$ |
1,105,510 |
Trustmark National Bank |
Breck W. Tyler |
2009 |
$ |
194,851 |
--- |
$ |
155,360 |
--- |
$ |
260,191 |
$ |
114,195 |
$ |
15,390 |
$ |
739,987 |
Executive Vice President and |
2008 |
$ |
164,800 |
--- |
$ |
120,746 |
--- |
$ |
267,262 |
$ |
80,707 |
$ |
14,490 |
$ |
648,005 |
Mortgage Services Manager, |
2007 |
$ |
161,205 |
--- |
$ |
139,830 |
--- |
$ |
256,014 |
$ |
65,555 |
$ |
13,950 |
$ |
636,554 |
Trustmark National Bank |
Duane A. Dewey |
2009 |
$ |
300,000 |
--- |
$ |
154,404 |
--- |
$ |
158,917 |
$ |
106,409 |
$ |
21,690 |
$ |
741,420 |
Executive Vice President and |
2008 |
$ |
300,000 |
--- |
$ |
120,746 |
--- |
$ |
102,090 |
$ |
75,460 |
$ |
20,583 |
$ |
618,879 |
Corporate Banking Manager, |
2007 |
$ |
290,788 |
--- |
$ |
139,830 |
--- |
$ |
128,839 |
$ |
59,265 |
$ |
19,777 |
$ |
638,499 |
Trustmark National Bank |
(1) |
The amounts in this column reflect restricted stock and RSU awards granted to the NEOs
during 2007, 2008 and 2009 and are disclosed as the aggregate grant date fair value of the awards,
computed in accordance with ASC Topic 718 assuming, in the case of performance-based awards, that
the anticipated maximum performance is achieved, and excluding the impact of estimated forfeitures.
These awards include performance-based awards that will vest only if the related performance
measures are achieved. Assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts are included in Note 13
to Trustmarks audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009, in Trustmarks
Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 25, 2010. |
(2) |
No stock option awards were made during 2007, 2008 or 2009. |
(3) |
Annual cash bonuses earned under Trustmarks management incentive plan are reported in this
table as Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation. During 2009, bonuses earned were reduced subject
to TARP restrictions and limitations. Reductions for the NEOs were $267,815 for Mr. Hickson,
$117,291 for Mr. Host and $27,000 for Mr. Tyler. Non-equity incentive compensation for Mr. Tyler
also includes quarterly mortgage department production incentives totaling $231,827, which were
reduced from $333,539 due to TARP restrictions and limitations. |
(4) |
For 2008, annual cash bonuses earned under Trustmarks management incentive plan were modified, with the exception of Mr. Hicksons, to be consistent with TARP restrictions and limitations.
As a result, in lieu of cash, the bonuses were paid in the form of restricted stock as follows: Mr.
Greer 3,241 shares, Mr. Host 8,991 shares, Mr. Tyler 2,801 shares and Mr. Dewey 5,495
shares. Amounts for these 2008 bonus awards have not been restated because of the original intent
of the bonus awards to be paid in cash, and because any different presentation would distort
compensation for comparison purposes. |
(5) |
The amounts in this column reflect the increase in actuarial present value of the NEOs
accumulated benefits under the Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan and Executive Deferral Plan,
determined using interest rate and mortality rate assumptions consistent with those used in
Trustmarks audited financial statements and include amounts which the NEO may not currently be
entitled to receive because such amounts are not yet vested. |
(6) |
See the following table for details of all other compensation for 2009. |
All Other Compensation for 2009
The detail of all other compensation for 2009 is included in the following table:
Company- |
Paid Life |
Airplane |
Auto |
Moving |
Tax Gross-Ups |
Club |
Earned |
401(k) |
Insurance |
Allowance |
Allowance |
Expense |
Reimbursements |
Dues |
Vacation |
Match |
Premiums |
Total |
Name |
($)(1) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Richard G. Hickson |
$ |
38,272 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
5,304 |
--- |
$ |
14,700 |
$ |
3,810 |
$ |
62,086 |
Louis E. Greer |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
3,120 |
--- |
$ |
14,700 |
$ |
1,290 |
$ |
19,110 |
Gerard R. Host |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
6,300 |
--- |
$ |
14,700 |
$ |
1,290 |
$ |
22,290 |
Breck W. Tyler |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
14,700 |
$ |
690 |
$ |
15,390 |
Duane A. Dewey |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
6,300 |
--- |
$ |
14,700 |
$ |
690 |
$ |
21,690 |
(1) |
The aggregate incremental cost of Mr. Hicksons personal use of the corporate airplane is
determined on a per flight basis and includes the cost of actual
fuel used, the cost of on-board catering, the hourly cost of airplane maintenance for the
applicable number of flight hours, landing fees, trip-related
hangar and parking costs, universal weather monitoring costs, if applicable, crew expenses and
other variable costs specifically incurred. |
Grants of Plan-Based Awards for 2009
The following table summarizes certain information with respect to incentive-based cash
bonuses and equity awards granted to the NEOs during or for the year ended December 31, 2009, under
Trustmarks annual management incentive plan (cash) and 2005 Incentive Plan (restricted stock and
RSUs) and reflects the amounts that could be earned or received under such awards:
All Other |
All Other |
Stock |
Option |
Estimated Possible Payouts |
Estimated Possible Payouts |
Awards: |
Awards: |
Exercise |
Grant Date |
Under Non-Equity Incentive |
Under Equity Incentive |
Number of |
Number of |
or Base |
Fair Value |
Plan Awards (1) |
Plan Awards |
Shares of |
Securities |
Price of |
of Stock |
Stock or |
Underlying |
Option |
and Option |
Equity |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
Units |
Options |
Awards |
Awards |
Name |
Grant Date |
($) |
($) |
($) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
($/Sh) |
($)(2) |
Richard G. Hickson |
$ |
356,091 |
$ |
508,701 |
$ |
726,716 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
1/27/2009 |
(3) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
1,568 |
8,959 |
17,918 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
273,088 |
1/27/2009 |
(4) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
4,047 |
23,123 |
46,246 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
704,836 |
1/27/2009 |
(5) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
32,082 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
558,868 |
Louis E. Greer |
$ |
70,000 |
$ |
100,000 |
$ |
150,000 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
645 |
3,684 |
7,368 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
119,679 |
10/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
1,815 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
33,904 |
Gerard R. Host |
$ |
155,952 |
$ |
222,789 |
$ |
334,184 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
190 |
1,087 |
2,174 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
35,312 |
10/27/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
841 |
4,805 |
9,610 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
160,568 |
10/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
2,902 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
54,209 |
12/16/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
753 |
4,301 |
8,602 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
168,259 |
12/16/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
2,119 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
44,986 |
Breck W. Tyler |
$ |
28,840 |
$ |
41,200 |
$ |
61,800 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
310 |
1,774 |
3,548 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
57,630 |
10/27/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
334 |
1,910 |
3,820 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
63,826 |
10/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
1,815 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
33,904 |
Duane A. Dewey |
$ |
94,500 |
$ |
135,000 |
$ |
202,500 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
490 |
2,800 |
5,600 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
90,960 |
10/27/2009 |
(6) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
155 |
884 |
1,768 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
$ |
29,540 |
10/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
1,815 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
33,904 |
(1) |
The amounts shown in these columns reflect the minimum possible payment level (threshold)
under the awards, which was 70% of the target amount shown, the target payment under the awards and
the maximum possible payment under the awards, which was 150% of the target, except for Mr.
Hickson, whose maximum cannot exceed his base salary. All of these amounts are percentages of the
individuals 2009 base salary as of March 1, 2010. The actual amount of the award earned by the
CEO was recommended by the Committee and approved by the Board on January 26, 2010. The actual
amount of the awards earned by the other NEOs were recommended by the Committee and approved by
the Bank Board on March 9, 2010. All amounts were reported as Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Compensation in the Summary Compensation Table on page 30. As discussed under Annual Cash
Bonuses on page 20, the bonus amounts for Messrs. Hickson, Host and Tyler for 2009 were adjusted
subject to the bonus limitation requirement during the TARP period (see footnote (3) to the
Summary Compensation Table for 2009 on page 30). |
(2) |
The amounts in this column reflect the grant date fair value of the performance-based
restricted stock and performance-based restricted stock units, and potential excess shares and
excess units that may be awarded in the future, computed in accordance with ASC Topic 718, in each
case assuming the anticipated maximum performance is achieved, and the grant date fair value of the
time-based restricted stock computed in accordance with ASC Topic 718. |
(3) |
Reflects the number of performance-based restricted shares granted to Mr. Hickson on January
27, 2009. The awards vest based on the achievement of target percentages related to ROATCE (50%),
with vesting up to and including 100%, and TSR (50%), with vesting up to and including 100%,
compared to the 2009 peer group. The performance period began January 1, 2009, and continues
through December 31, 2010. In the event of Mr. Hicksons death, disability, retirement at or after
age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by Mr. Hickson for good reason or a
change in control, partial time-weighted performance vesting occurs based on ROATCE and TSR through
the end of the calendar quarter prior to such event. If a greater than 100% vesting level with
respect to the ROATCE and TSR targets is achieved in the aggregate (with the maximum being 200%),
an additional award of time-based restricted stock (excess shares) will be issued to Mr. Hickson if
he remains employed through May 10, 2011. The number of excess shares issued will equal the number
of shares awarded initially to Mr. Hickson multiplied by the vesting percentage exceeding 100%. Any
earned excess shares will be issued during the first 2 1/2 months of 2011 and will vest on May 10,
2011, if Mr. Hickson remains employed through such date. Accelerated vesting of these excess shares
may also occur based on Mr. Hicksons death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination
by Trustmark without cause, termination by Mr. Hickson for good reason or a change in control.
Dividends on any performance-based restricted shares, as well as any excess shares issued, are
accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the shares vest. |
(4) |
Reflects the number of performance-based restricted stock units granted to Mr. Hickson on
January 27, 2009, with each unit having the value of one share. The award vests based on the
achievement of target percentages related to ROATCE (50%), with vesting up to and including 100%,
and TSR (50%), with vesting up to and including 100%, compared to the same peer group as used for the
performance-based restricted stock awards discussed in footnote (3) to the Outstanding Equity
Awards at 2009 Fiscal Year-End (Stock Awards) table on page 34. The performance period began
January 1, 2009, and continues through December 31, 2010. In the event of Mr. Hicksons death,
disability, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by Mr. Hickson for good reason or
a change in control, partial time-weighted performance vesting occurs based on ROATCE and TSR
through the end of the calendar quarter prior to such event. If a greater than 100% vesting level
with respect to the ROATCE and TSR targets is achieved in the aggregate (with the maximum being
200%), an additional award of time-based restricted stock units (excess units) will be issued to
Mr. Hickson if he remains employed for the entire performance period. The number of excess units
issued will equal the number of units awarded initially to Mr. Hickson multiplied by the vesting
percentage exceeding 100%. Any earned excess units will be issued during the first 2 1/2 months of
2011 and will vest on May 10, 2011, if Mr. Hickson remains employed through such date.
Accelerated vesting of these excess units may also occur based on Mr. Hicksons death,
disability, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by Mr. Hickson for good reason or
a change in control. Dividend credits for these performance-based restricted stock units, as well
as any excess units issued, are accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the
units vest. The performance-based restricted stock units, as well as any excess units, will be
settled in cash, when and to the extent vested, in an amount equal to the number of vested units
multiplied by the fair market value of a share on the settlement date and the amount of any
vested dividend credits attributable to such vested units. |
(5) |
Reflects the number of time-based restricted shares granted to Mr. Hickson on January 27,
2009. The awards vest on May 10, 2011, if Mr. Hickson remains employed through such date. In the
event of Mr. Hicksons death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark
without cause, termination by Mr. Hickson for good reason or a change in control, partial
time-weighted vesting occurs through the end of the month in which the accelerated vesting event
occurred. Dividends on any time-based restricted shares will be accumulated and will be paid only
when and to the extent the shares vest. |
(6) |
Reflects the number of performance-based restricted shares granted on each respective grant
date all of which were granted with the same terms.
Awards granted on March 31, October 27 and December 16, 2009, were originally approved on January
27, 2009, but grant dates were delayed pending final guidance, management and legal reviews of
TARP restrictions and limitations. The awards vest based on the achievement of target percentages
related to ROATCE (50%), with vesting up to and including 100%, and TSR (50%), with vesting up to
and including 100%, compared to the 2009 peer group. The performance period began January 1,
2009, and continues through December 31, 2011. In the event of the executives death, disability,
retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by the
executive for good reason or a change in control, partial time-weighted performance vesting
occurs based on ROATCE and TSR through the end of the calendar quarter prior to such event. If a
greater than 100% vesting level with respect to the ROATCE and TSR targets is achieved in the
aggregate (with the maximum being 200%), an additional award of time-based restricted stock
(excess shares) will be issued to the NEO if he remains employed for the entire performance
period. The number of excess shares issued will equal the number of shares awarded initially to
the executive multiplied by the vesting percentage exceeding 100%. Any earned excess shares will
be issued during the first 2 1/2 months of 2012 and will vest on December 31, 2014, if the
executive remains employed through such date. Accelerated vesting of these excess shares may also
occur based on the executives death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by
Trustmark without cause, termination by the executive for good reason or a change in control.
Dividends on any performance-based restricted shares, as well as any excess shares issued, are
accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the shares vest. |
(7) |
Reflects the number of time-based restricted shares granted on each respective grant date all
of which were granted with the same terms. Awards granted on October 27 and December 16, 2009, were
originally approved on January 27, 2009, but grant dates were delayed pending final guidance,
management and legal reviews of TARP restrictions and limitations. The awards vest on January 27,
2012, if the executive remains employed through such date. In the event of the executives death,
disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by
the executive for good reason or a change in control, partial time-weighted vesting occurs through
the end of the month in which the accelerated vesting event occurred. Dividends on any time-based
restricted shares will be accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the shares vest. |
Outstanding Equity Awards at 2009 Fiscal Year-End (Option Awards)
The following table includes certain information with respect to all unexercised options
held by NEOs at December 31, 2009:
Option Awards |
Equity Incentive |
Plan Awards: |
Number of |
Number of |
Number of |
Securities |
Securities |
Securities |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Option |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Exercise |
Option |
Grant Date |
Options |
Options |
Unearned Options |
Price |
Expiration |
Name |
(1) |
(#) Exercisable |
(#) Unexercisable |
(#) |
($) |
Date |
Richard G. Hickson |
5/8/2001 |
49,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
21.68 |
5/8/2011 |
4/9/2002 |
45,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
25.46 |
4/9/2012 |
4/15/2003 |
45,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
24.09 |
4/15/2013 |
4/20/2004 |
45,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
27.30 |
4/20/2014 |
184,000 |
Louis E. Greer |
5/8/2001 |
5,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
21.68 |
5/8/2011 |
4/9/2002 |
4,500 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
25.46 |
4/9/2012 |
4/15/2003 |
3,500 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
24.09 |
4/15/2013 |
4/20/2004 |
3,500 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
27.30 |
4/20/2014 |
5/10/2005 |
2,800 |
700 |
--- |
$ |
28.28 |
5/10/2012 |
19,300 |
700 |
Gerard R. Host |
5/8/2001 |
19,500 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
21.68 |
5/8/2011 |
4/9/2002 |
17,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
25.46 |
4/9/2012 |
4/15/2003 |
25,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
24.09 |
4/15/2013 |
4/20/2004 |
25,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
27.30 |
4/20/2014 |
86,500 |
Breck W. Tyler |
5/8/2001 |
5,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
21.68 |
5/8/2011 |
4/9/2002 |
4,500 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
25.46 |
4/9/2012 |
4/15/2003 |
4,500 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
24.09 |
4/15/2013 |
4/20/2004 |
4,500 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
27.30 |
4/20/2014 |
5/10/2005 |
3,600 |
900 |
--- |
$ |
28.28 |
5/10/2012 |
22,100 |
900 |
Duane A. Dewey |
8/25/2003 |
10,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
26.52 |
8/25/2013 |
4/20/2004 |
15,000 |
--- |
--- |
$ |
27.30 |
4/20/2014 |
5/10/2005 |
12,000 |
3,000 |
--- |
$ |
28.28 |
5/10/2012 |
37,000 |
3,000 |
(1) |
Stock options granted May 10, 2005, under the 2005 Incentive Plan, become exercisable in five
equal installments on the annual anniversary of the grant date. Stock options granted prior to 2005
under the 1997 Long-Term Incentive Plan became exercisable in four equal installments on each
annual anniversary of the grant date, with the exception of the following, which vest on the fourth
anniversary of the grant date: with respect to the stock options granted on May 8, 2001, to Messrs.
Hickson and Host 4,612 shares each; with respect to the stock options granted on April 9, 2002,
to Messrs. Hickson and Host 3,928 shares each; with respect to the stock options granted on
April 15, 2003, to Messrs. Hickson and Host 4,151 shares each. |
Outstanding Equity Awards at 2009 Fiscal Year-End (Stock Awards)
The following table includes certain information with respect to all unvested
performance-based and time-based restricted stock awards held by NEOs at December 31, 2009. All
awards in the table below were granted under the 2005 Incentive Plan.
Stock Awards |
Equity Incentive |
Equity Incentive |
Plan Awards: |
Plan Awards: |
Market or Payout |
Number of |
Market Value of |
Number of |
Value of Unearned |
Shares or Units of |
Shares or Units of |
Unearned Shares, Units |
Shares, Units or Other |
Stock That Have |
Stock That Have |
or Other Rights That |
Rights That Have Not |
Not Vested |
Not Vested |
Have Not Vested |
Vested |
Name |
Grant Date |
(#) |
($)(1) |
(#) |
($)(1) |
Richard G. Hickson |
5/10/2005 |
(2) |
13,938 |
$ |
314,163 |
--- |
--- |
2/1/2006 |
(3) |
11,813 |
$ |
266,265 |
--- |
--- |
1/16/2007 |
(4) |
--- |
--- |
35,000 |
$ |
788,900 |
1/22/2008 |
(5) |
--- |
--- |
35,060 |
$ |
790,252 |
1/22/2008 |
(6) |
8,634 |
$ |
194,610 |
--- |
--- |
1/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
64,164 |
$ |
1,446,257 |
1/27/2009 |
(8) |
32,082 |
$ |
723,128 |
--- |
--- |
66,467 |
$ |
1,498,166 |
134,224 |
$ |
3,025,409 |
Louis E. Greer |
2/1/2006 |
(3) |
675 |
$ |
15,215 |
--- |
--- |
1/16/2007 |
(4) |
--- |
--- |
6,000 |
$ |
135,240 |
1/22/2008 |
(5) |
--- |
--- |
6,010 |
$ |
135,465 |
1/22/2008 |
(6) |
1,480 |
$ |
33,359 |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
7,368 |
$ |
166,075 |
10/27/2009 |
(9) |
1,815 |
$ |
40,910 |
--- |
--- |
3,970 |
$ |
89,484 |
19,378 |
$ |
436,780 |
Gerard R. Host |
5/10/2005 |
(2) |
7,122 |
$ |
160,530 |
--- |
--- |
2/1/2006 |
(3) |
6,075 |
$ |
136,931 |
--- |
--- |
1/16/2007 |
(4) |
--- |
--- |
18,000 |
$ |
405,720 |
1/22/2008 |
(5) |
--- |
--- |
18,030 |
$ |
406,396 |
1/22/2008 |
(6) |
4,441 |
$ |
100,100 |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
2,174 |
$ |
49,002 |
10/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
9,610 |
$ |
216,609 |
10/27/2009 |
(9) |
2,902 |
$ |
65,411 |
--- |
--- |
12/16/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
8,602 |
$ |
193,889 |
12/16/2009 |
(9) |
2,119 |
$ |
47,762 |
--- |
--- |
22,659 |
$ |
510,734 |
56,416 |
$ |
1,271,616 |
Breck W. Tyler |
2/1/2006 |
(3) |
2,025 |
$ |
45,644 |
--- |
--- |
1/16/2007 |
(4) |
--- |
--- |
6,000 |
$ |
135,240 |
1/22/2008 |
(5) |
--- |
--- |
6,010 |
$ |
135,465 |
1/22/2008 |
(6) |
1,480 |
$ |
33,359 |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
3,548 |
$ |
79,972 |
10/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
3,820 |
$ |
86,103 |
10/27/2009 |
(9) |
1,815 |
$ |
40,910 |
--- |
--- |
5,320 |
$ |
119,913 |
19,378 |
$ |
436,780 |
Duane A. Dewey |
2/1/2006 |
(3) |
2,025 |
$ |
45,644 |
--- |
--- |
1/16/2007 |
(4) |
--- |
--- |
6,000 |
$ |
135,240 |
1/22/2008 |
(5) |
--- |
--- |
6,010 |
$ |
135,465 |
1/22/2008 |
(6) |
1,480 |
$ |
33,359 |
--- |
--- |
3/31/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
5,600 |
$ |
126,224 |
10/27/2009 |
(7) |
--- |
--- |
1,768 |
$ |
39,851 |
10/27/2009 |
(9) |
1,815 |
$ |
40,910 |
--- |
--- |
5,320 |
$ |
119,913 |
19,378 |
$ |
436,780 |
(1) |
The market value of shares that have not vested is the number of reported shares
multiplied by the closing market price of Trustmarks common stock on December 31, 2009, which was
$22.54 per share. |
(2) |
For the May 10, 2005, grant date, reflects the number of excess shares that were issued
on February 20, 2008, in connection with the greater than 100% vesting of the performance-based
restricted stock award granted on May 10, 2005. These time-based restricted shares will vest on the
earlier of the date of the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders or May 31, 2010, provided the
awardee remains employed through the end of the period of |
restriction. Accelerated vesting of these shares may occur based on the executives death,
disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination
by the executive for good reason or a change in control. Dividends on these shares are
accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the shares vest. |
(3) |
Reflects the number of excess shares that were issued on February 18, 2009, in connection
with the greater than 100% vesting of the performance-based restricted stock award granted on
February 1, 2006. These time-based restricted shares will vest on December 31 2011, provided the
awardee remains employed through the end of the period of restriction. Accelerated vesting of these
shares may occur based on the executives death, disability, retirement at or after age 65,
termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by the executive for good reason or a change in
control. Dividends on these shares are accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the
shares vest. |
(4) |
For restricted stock granted January 16, 2007, reflects the number of performance-based
restricted shares that vested and excess shares that were issued under the award on February 22,
2010. The awards vested based on achievement of ROATE targets, with vesting up to and including
100% based on ROATE, and TSR targets, with vesting up to and including 100% based on TSR, compared
to a group of peer financial institutions over a January 1, 2007, through December 31, 2009,
performance period. Because a greater than 100% vesting level with respect to the ROATE and TSR
targets was achieved in the aggregate (with the maximum being 200%), an additional award of
time-based restricted stock (excess shares) was issued on February 22, 2010. These excess shares
will vest on December 31, 2012, provided the executive remains employed through such date.
Accelerated vesting of these excess shares may also occur based on an executives death,
disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by
the executive for good reason or a change in control. Dividends on the initial performance-based
restricted stock awards were accumulated and were paid when the initial performance-based
restricted stock vested. Dividends on the excess shares issued are being accumulated and will vest
and be paid only when and to the extent the excess shares vest. |
(5) |
For restricted stock granted January 22, 2008, reflects the maximum number of
performance-based restricted shares and excess shares granted, based on the currently anticipated
performance vesting under the award. The awards vest based on achievement of ROATE targets, with
vesting up to and including 100% based on ROATE, and TSR targets, with vesting up to and including
100% based on TSR, compared to a group of peer financial institutions over a January 1, 2008,
through December 31, 2010, performance period, provided the executive remains employed through the
end of the performance period. Partial time-weighted performance vesting occurs based on ROATE and
TSR through the end of the calendar quarter prior to an executives death, disability, retirement
at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause or termination by the employee for good
reason or a change in control. If a greater than 100% vesting level with respect to the ROATE and
TSR targets is achieved in the aggregate (with the maximum being 200%) for an executive who remains
employed for the entire performance period, then an additional award of time-based restricted stock
(excess shares) will be issued in the first 2 1/2 months after the end of the performance period
equal to the number of shares awarded initially to that executive multiplied by the vesting
exceeding 100%. Any such awarded excess shares will vest on December 31, 2013, provided the
executive remains employed through such date. Accelerated vesting of these excess shares may also
occur based on an executives death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by
Trustmark without cause or termination by the executive for good reason or a change in control.
Dividends on the initial performance-based restricted shares are accumulated and will vest and be
paid only when and to the extent the initial performance-based restricted shares vest.
Dividends on any excess shares issued will be accumulated and will vest and be paid only when
and to the extent the excess shares vest. |
(6) |
Reflects time-based restricted stock granted, which vests 100% at the end of 36 months,
provided the executive is still actively employed. Accelerated vesting may occur based on the
executives death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without
cause, termination by the executive for good reason or a change in control. Dividends on any
time-based restricted stock are accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the shares
vest. |
(7) |
For awards granted on January 27, March 31, October 27 and December 16, 2009, reflects
the maximum number of performance-based restricted shares and excess shares, and also in the case
of Mr. Hickson, performance-based RSUs and excess units, based on the currently anticipated
performance vesting under the award. See footnote (4) and footnote (6) to the Grants of Plan-Based
Awards for 2009 table on page 31 for discussion of the vesting schedule of these awards of
performance-based restricted shares, performance-based RSUs, potential excess shares and potential
excess units. |
(8) |
Reflects time-based restricted stock granted, which vests 100% on May 10, 2011, provided
Mr. Hickson is still actively employed. Accelerated vesting may occur based on Mr. Hicksons death,
disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by Trustmark without cause, termination by
Mr. Hickson for good reason or a change in control. Dividends on any time-based restricted stock
are accumulated and will be paid only when and to the extent the shares vest. |
(9) |
Reflects time-based restricted stock granted on October 27 and December 16, 2009. These awards
were originally approved on January 27, 2009, but grant dates were delayed pending final guidance,
management and legal reviews of TARP restrictions and limitations. These awards vest 100% on
January 27, 2012, provided the executive is still actively employed. Accelerated vesting may
occur based on the executives death, disability, retirement at or after age 65, termination by
Trustmark without cause, termination by the executive for good reason or a change in control.
Dividends on any time-based restricted stock are accumulated and will be paid only when and to
the extent the shares vest. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested for 2009
The following table provides information regarding stock options exercised and restricted
stock awards that vested during 2009 for each of the NEOs:
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
Number of Shares |
Value Realized |
Number of Shares |
Value Realized |
Acquired on Exercise |
on Exercise |
Acquired on Vesting |
on Vesting |
Name |
(#)(1) |
($)(2) |
(#)(3) |
($)(4) |
Richard G. Hickson |
88,500 |
$ |
170,012 |
17,500 |
$ |
307,650 |
Louis E. Greer |
5,000 |
$ |
22,690 |
1,000 |
$ |
17,580 |
Gerard R. Host |
18,500 |
$ |
68,041 |
9,000 |
$ |
158,220 |
Breck W. Tyler |
2,500 |
$ |
9,195 |
3,000 |
$ |
52,740 |
Duane A. Dewey |
--- |
--- |
3,000 |
$ |
52,740 |
(1) |
Represents the gross number of shares acquired upon exercise of vested options without taking
into account any shares that may have been surrendered or withheld to cover the option exercise
price or applicable tax obligations. |
(2) |
Value realized is the gross number of options exercised multiplied by the difference between
the closing market price of Trustmarks common stock on the date of exercise and the exercise
price. |
(3) |
Represents 100% of the original number of performance-based restricted shares granted on
February 1, 2006, without taking into account any shares that may have been surrendered or withheld
for applicable tax obligations. The details of the excess shares issued on February 18, 2009, which
are not yet vested, related to this grant are discussed in footnote (3) to the Outstanding Equity
Awards at 2009 Fiscal Year-End (Stock Awards) table on page 34. (4) Value realized is the gross
number of shares multiplied by the closing market price of Trustmarks common stock on the date of
vesting. |
(4) |
Value realized is the gross number of shares multiplied by the closing market price of Trustmarks common stock on the date of vesting. |
Pension Benefits for 2009
The following table shows the present value at December 31, 2009, of accumulated benefits
payable to each NEO, including the number of years of service credited, under each of the
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan and the Executive Deferral Plan, determined using interest rate
and mortality rate assumptions included in Note 12 to Trustmarks audited financial statements for
the year ended December 31, 2009, in Trustmarks Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on
February 25, 2010:
Number of Years |
Present Value of |
Payments During |
Credited Service |
Accumulated Benefit |
Last Fiscal Year |
Name |
Plan Name |
(#)(1) |
($)(2)(3) |
($) |
Richard G. Hickson (4) |
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan |
13 |
$ |
300,718 |
--- |
Executive Deferral Plan |
12 |
$ |
3,506,611 |
--- |
Louis E. Greer |
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan |
23 |
$ |
197,770 |
--- |
Executive Deferral Plan |
11 |
$ |
496,548 |
--- |
Gerard R. Host |
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan |
26 |
$ |
294,963 |
--- |
Executive Deferral Plan |
17 |
$ |
993,097 |
--- |
Breck W. Tyler |
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan |
20 |
$ |
162,565 |
--- |
Executive Deferral Plan |
9 |
$ |
358,474 |
--- |
Duane A. Dewey |
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan |
6 |
$ |
48,367 |
--- |
Executive Deferral Plan |
6 |
$ |
318,643 |
--- |
(1) |
Actual years of service as a Trustmark associate for each NEO is as follows: Hickson 12,
Greer 22, Host 25, Tyler 19 and Dewey 6. Effective May 15, 2009, benefits under the
Capital Accumulation Plan were frozen. NEOs will not earn additional benefits, except for interest
as required by IRS regulations. For purposes of the Executive Deferral Plan, NEOs receive one year
of credited service for every 12 months of employment with Trustmark.
For purposes of calculating years of credited service for the Trustmark Capital Accumulation
Plan, NEOs received one year of credited service for every calendar year in which they worked
1,000 hours (but disregarding hours of service after May 15, 2009, due to the benefit accrual
freeze under the Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan). Therefore, number of years of credited
service as an associate and years of credited service for the Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan
may differ. Also, since the date of entry into the Executive Deferral Plan could be subsequent to
the date of entry into the Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan, the number of years of credited
service for each plan may be different depending on each respective date of entry. |
(2) |
Includes amounts which the NEO may not currently be entitled to receive because such amounts
are not vested. |
(3) |
The present value of accumulated benefit is based on converting the lump sum attributable to
credits earned to date to an annuity payable at retirement age, which is then discounted back to
December 31, 2009. |
(4) |
If Mr. Hickson were to elect early retirement, effective December 31, 2009, he would be
eligible, under the provisions of the Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan, to receive a lifetime
annuity in the amount of $26,835 annually or a lump sum distribution of $307,037. |
Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan
Trustmark maintains a non-contributory pension plan that, until May 15, 2009, covered
associates who were twenty-one years of age or older and who had completed one year of service with
a prescribed number of hours of credited service and who were last hired prior to January 1, 2007.
In an effort to further control expenses, participation and benefit accrual under the plan were
frozen as of May 15, 2009 (except for certain grandfathered participants, none of whom are NEOs),
so that individual pension amounts under the plan are not increased for compensation or service
after May 15, 2009 (other than for the grandfathered participants). Individual pension amounts
continue to be increased for interest and life expectancy changes, as required by IRS regulations,
after May 15, 2009. No associates will lose their previously-earned pension benefits. Benefits
payable under the plan are based on a pension equity formula that takes into account the
participants compensation through May 15, 2009, averaged over the highest consecutive five-year
period out of the most recent seven-year period, the number of years of credited service and the
age when each year of credited service is earned through May 15, 2009. Effective January 1, 2007,
the annual benefit accrual rate for each future year of service was reduced by 50% to control the
costs associated with the plan. Compensation consists of W-2 taxable income adjusted for associate
contributions to Trustmarks 401(k) plan, qualified transportation fringe benefits and cafeteria
plans. Compensation does not include group term life insurance, automobile allowance, moving
expenses, severance pay or income from stock options after 2002. After 2003, compensation also
excludes all incentive compensation, bonuses and commissions, with exceptions for associates whose
pay is 100% commission-based. For 2009, the maximum benefit allowable by the Internal Revenue
Service was $195,000, and the maximum covered compensation was $245,000. The table above assumes
the entire service period was completed under the benefit formula that was effective for service
through December 31, 2009, and thereafter, subject to the benefit accrual freeze as of May 15,
2009. Amounts payable pursuant to the plan are not subject to reduction for social security benefits.
Executive Deferral Plan
Trustmark provides the NEOs with a non-qualified defined benefit plan, which provides
a supplemental retirement benefit to NEOs selected for plan participation by the Committee. The
retirement benefit is payable for life, but not less than 10 years, and normally commences at
normal retirement age (65). Benefits payable pursuant to the plan are not subject to deduction for
social security benefits.
The plan provides retirement and pre-retirement death benefits based
upon a retirement benefit amount for each participant established by the Human Resources
Committee. The retirement benefit amount is based on the NEOs level of responsibilities and, in
part, on his specified covered salary.
The following table sets forth, as to each NEO, retirement benefits currently anticipated to
be paid at normal retirement (the anticipated normal retirement benefit):
Annual Benefit |
Name |
($) |
Richard G. Hickson |
$ |
300,000 |
Louis E. Greer |
$ |
75,000 |
Gerard R. Host |
$ |
150,000 |
Breck W. Tyler |
$ |
75,000 |
Duane A. Dewey |
$ |
100,000 |
Normal retirement is considered to be the attainment of age 65. The plan permits
early retirement at or after age 55 with five years of plan participation. Benefits at early
retirement are actuarially reduced. The plan also provides a deferred vested benefit payable at
normal retirement age to a participant terminating for reasons other than retirement with at least
one year of plan participation or retiring early with a pre-existing election to be paid commencing
at his or her normal retirement date. The deferred benefit is accrued and vests at the rate of
1/10th of the anticipated normal retirement benefit for each year of plan participation for a
maximum of 10 years. If a participant does not complete at least one year of plan participation,
plan benefits are forfeited (except where the cessation of employment is due to death, retirement,
total disability or just cause as defined in the plan). Should a participant die prior to
retirement, the participants beneficiary will receive a death benefit equal to a percentage
(100% for the first year and 75% for the remaining years) of a specified covered salary amount
(which amount is twice the anticipated normal retirement benefit) for ten years or until the
participant would have reached normal retirement age, whichever is later. Life insurance contracts
have been purchased to fund payments under the plan.
Mr. Hickson reached his normal retirement age in 2009. Due to certain tax law rules, his
benefit payment under the plan is being deferred, with interest, until it is anticipated to be
deductible by Trustmark for federal income tax purposes. Mr. Hicksons deferred benefits under
this plan are expected to be payable commencing in 2011. As Mr. Hickson has reached his normal
retirement age, he is not accruing any further benefit under the plan (other than interest on
delayed payments).
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation for 2009
Trustmarks NQDC Plan allows executives to defer pre-tax up to 90% of annual base salary
and/or cash bonus. No contribution is made to the plan by Trustmark. Each executives deferred
income account is credited with investment gains (or losses) based on investment elections from
twenty-five investment options. Distributions can be received under this plan upon retirement,
death, long-term disability, termination of employment or during employment at specified dates.
The following table provides information relating to each NEOs participation in the plan:
Executive |
Trustmark |
Aggregate |
Aggregate |
Aggregate Balance |
Contributions in |
Contributions in |
Earnings in |
Withdrawals/ |
at Last Fiscal |
Last Fiscal Year |
Last Fiscal Year |
Last Fiscal Year |
Distributions |
Year-End |
Name |
($)(1) |
($) |
($)(2) |
($) |
($)(3) |
Richard G. Hickson |
$ |
95,363 |
--- |
$ |
395,686 |
--- |
$ |
2,427,189 |
Louis E. Greer |
--- |
--- |
$ |
6,621 |
--- |
$ |
28,163 |
Gerard R. Host |
--- |
--- |
$ |
330,119 |
--- |
$ |
1,241,252 |
Breck W. Tyler |
--- |
--- |
$ |
104,171 |
--- |
$ |
358,147 |
Duane A. Dewey |
$ |
6,000 |
--- |
$ |
24,556 |
--- |
$ |
167,782 |
(1) |
All amounts are reported as 2009 salary for the NEO in the Summary Compensation Table on page
30. |
(2) |
The amounts in this column consist of investment gains for 2009 and do not include any
above-market earnings. |
(3) |
Of the amounts disclosed in this column, the following amounts were previously reported as
compensation to the NEO in a Summary Compensation Table prior to 2009: Hickson $1,967,180, Greer $12,500, Host $1,215,390, Tyler $90,000 and Dewey $137,219. |
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
As discussed above, Trustmarks executive compensation programs, plans and agreements
provide for payments to the NEOs in the event of certain terminations of employment or upon a
change in control of Trustmark. The following table describes the potential payments to each NEO
that would be triggered by a termination or a change in control of Trustmark, assuming a
termination or change in control occurring on December 31, 2009.
Because Trustmarks TARP Period ended on December 9, 2009, the TARP Standards discussed above
would not have limited or prohibited any of these payments to the NEOs based on a triggering date
of December 31, 2009.
In accordance with SEC regulations, the following table does not report any amount to be
provided to an NEO that does not discriminate in scope, terms or operation in favor of Trustmarks
executive officers and which is available generally to all salaried employees, and excludes (i)
amounts accrued through December 31, 2009, that would be paid in the normal course of continued
employment, such as accrued but unpaid salary and bonus amounts, (ii) vested account balances under
the Trustmark Capital Accumulation Plan, Executive Deferral Plan, NQDC Plan and 401(k) plan and
(iii) already vested equity awards.
Non-CIC |
Termination by Company |
Termination by Company |
Without Cause or for Good |
Without Cause or for Good |
Reason under Employment |
Reason under Employment |
Name |
Incremental Compensation and Benefit Payments |
Agreement |
Agreement |
Richard G. Hickson |
Severance |
--- |
$ |
1,184,284 |
Covenant Payment (1) |
$ |
2,368,568 |
$ |
1,466,320 |
Stock Options Accelerated Vesting (2) |
--- |
--- |
Restricted Stock Accelerated Vesting (2)(3)(4) |
$ |
1,654,421 |
$ |
1,654,421 |
Executive Deferral Plan (5)(6) |
--- |
--- |
Health & Welfare Benefits (7) |
--- |
$ |
342 |
Totals |
$ |
4,022,989 |
$ |
4,305,367 |
Louis E. Greer |
Severance |
--- |
--- |
Covenant Payment |
--- |
--- |
Stock Options Accelerated Vesting (2) |
--- |
--- |
Restricted Stock Accelerated Vesting (2)(3)(4) |
$ |
123,230 |
$ |
123,230 |
Executive Deferral Plan (5)(6) |
--- |
--- |
Health & Welfare Benefits |
--- |
--- |
Totals |
$ |
123,230 |
$ |
123,230 |
Gerard R. Host |
Severance |
--- |
$ |
644,976 |
Covenant Payment (1) |
$ |
670,442 |
$ |
491,657 |
Stock Options Accelerated Vesting (2) |
--- |
--- |
Restricted Stock Accelerated Vesting (2)(3)(4) |
$ |
613,473 |
$ |
613,473 |
Executive Deferral Plan (5)(6) |
--- |
--- |
Health & Welfare Benefits (8) |
--- |
$ |
8,566 |
Totals |
$ |
1,283,915 |
$ |
1,758,672 |
Breck W. Tyler |
Severance |
--- |
--- |
Covenant Payment |
--- |
--- |
Stock Options Accelerated Vesting (2) |
--- |
--- |
Restricted Stock Accelerated Vesting (2)(3)(4) |
$ |
153,659 |
$ |
153,659 |
Executive Deferral Plan (5)(6) |
--- |
$ |
39,830 |
Health & Welfare Benefits |
--- |
--- |
Totals |
$ |
153,659 |
$ |
193,489 |
Duane A. Dewey |
Severance |
--- |
--- |
Covenant Payment |
--- |
--- |
Stock Options Accelerated Vesting (2) |
--- |
--- |
Restricted Stock Accelerated Vesting (2)(3)(4) |
$ |
154,795 |
$ |
154,795 |
Executive Deferral Plan (5)(6) |
--- |
$ |
212,429 |
Health & Welfare Benefits |
--- |
--- |
Totals |
$ |
154,795 |
$ |
367,224 |
(1) |
Payments pursuant to each NEOs respective employment agreement in consideration of the
executives covenants relating to confidentiality and two-year non-solicitation and
non-competition commitments. |
(2) |
Under a change in control without termination of employment, the executive is entitled to the
accelerated vesting of his unvested stock options and a pro-rata portion, based on actual
performance to date, of any unvested restricted stock. The value of stock options is based on the
spread between the assumed fair market value of $22.54 per share as of December 31, 2009, and the
applicable exercise price for each option. All unvested stock options were under water (i.e., the
exercise price exceeded the fair market value) as of the assumed change in control date and,
therefore, no incremental value has been attributed to such options. The value of the restricted
stock is also based on the assumed fair market value upon vesting of $22.54 as of December 31,
2009. No other incremental compensation or benefits are payable in such change in control event. |
(3) |
For awards granted after 2005, upon retirement at age 65 or older, the executive is entitled to
accelerated vesting of a pro-rata portion, based on actual performance to date, of his unvested
restricted stock. |
(4) |
Upon death or disability, the executive is entitled to accelerated vesting of a pro-rata
portion, based on actual performance to date, of his unvested restricted stock. |
(5) |
Upon death, an incremental pre-retirement death benefit may be payable to the executives
beneficiary under the Executive Deferral Plan. |
(6) |
Incremental Executive Deferral Plan benefit
amount is equal to the present value difference between the benefit at normal retirement date and
the deferred benefit accrued to date, calculated by adding five years of service, up to a maximum
of ten total years of participation. The actuarial assumptions used to calculate the incremental
benefit are the same as the assumptions in the Pension benefits table using a 5.5% rate for
present value computations. Messrs. Hickson, Host and Greer were already fully vested as of
December 31, 2009, and did not receive any incremental benefits from this provision. Mr. Dewey was
awarded four additional years of service and Mr. Tyler was awarded one additional year of service
which resulted in the incremental benefits shown in the table. |
(7) |
Mr. Hickson was not covered during 2009 by any Trustmark health benefit program; however, he
did receive life insurance coverage. |
(8) |
Executive is entitled to twelve months of continuous
health and welfare benefit payments upon a change in control. |
Employment Agreements
Richard G. Hickson. On November 20, 2008, Trustmark entered into an amended and restated
Employment Agreement (Agreement) with Mr. Hickson. Under Mr. Hicksons prior employment agreement,
entered into as of October 23, 2007, Mr. Hicksons employment would have automatically terminated
on December 31, 2009 (the last business day of the calendar year in which he reached age 65).
Trustmark amended and restated Mr. Hicksons employment agreement to extend this date to the date
of Trustmarks annual shareholder meeting in 2011 (which is currently scheduled for May 10, 2011),
as part of its provision for an orderly executive management transition and to establish a definitive date by which Mr. Hicksons successor would be expected to assume his or her position. The
Agreement provides for Mr. Hickson to continue serving as Chairman, President and CEO of Trustmark
and Chairman and CEO of the Bank through December 31, 2010. After December 31, 2010, the Agreement
provides that Mr. Hickson will serve as an employee-Chairman of both Trustmark and the Bank until
the expiration of the Agreement.
By virtue of the omnibus amendment of all compensation plans adopted by Trustmark and
consented to by Mr. Hickson, payments under the new Agreement are limited in compliance with the
requirements of the TARP Standards.
The Agreement provides for Mr. Hickson to receive a base salary which will be established each
year by the Committee, in an amount of not less than $400,000 annually (whether he is serving as
Chairman, President and CEO of Trustmark and Chairman and CEO of the Bank or as employee-Chairman
of Trustmark and the Bank). The Agreement also provides that Mr. Hicksons base salary for the
portion of 2011 that Mr. Hickson remains an employee of Trustmark will not be less than the pro
rated portion of his base salary as in effect for the 2010 fiscal year.
The Agreement provides that Mr. Hickson will be eligible to receive an annual bonus, stock
options and other customary benefits. The Agreement provides that Mr. Hickson is eligible to
receive an annual bonus of up to 70% of his base salary (Target Award), and that the Committee may,
in its discretion, grant an annual bonus in an amount greater or less than the Target Award, but in
no case shall the annual bonus be greater than 100% of the base salary. The Agreement provides that
Mr. Hickson will not participate in Trustmarks regular bonus plan for 2011, but may be awarded a
bonus for the portion of the year that he is employed, at the discretion of the Committee.
The Agreement provides that Mr. Hickson would be eligible to receive equity compensation
awards through 2009, but that he would not receive equity awards in 2010 or 2011. Pursuant to his
Agreement, his 2009 equity compensation award was twice the amount of the usual annual award, with
one-half of the award being performance-based and one-half time-based, and with all earned shares
normally vesting if and when Mr. Hicksons employment continues through the date of Trustmarks
2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. If Mr. Hicksons employment ceases other than due to
termination for Cause (as defined in the Agreement), all of his incentive stock options and
non-qualified stock options outstanding on the date of the Agreement will be amended to provide,
and all of the stock options granted after the date of the Agreement will provide, that to the
extent they are outstanding at the time of Mr. Hicksons cessation of employment, they will
continue to be exercisable for their original term. If Mr. Hickson is terminated for Cause, his
rights in his stock options will be governed by the terms of the applicable stock option award
agreements. This stock option exercise period extension was not provided in Mr. Hicksons prior
On any cessation of employment, Mr. Hickson will be entitled to earned but unpaid salary and
bonus and accrued vacation.
Subject to the provisions of the Agreement, either Trustmark or Mr.
Hickson may terminate the term of the Agreement upon thirty days written notice to the other party,
unless Trustmark terminates Mr. Hickson for Cause, in which case no prior written notice is
If on or before December 31, 2009, Mr. Hicksons employment had been terminated by Trustmark
(other than for Cause, death, disability or retirement), or in the event he resigned for Good
Reason, following a change in control and if he timely released Trustmark from certain claims, Mr.
Hickson would have been entitled to a lump sum payment in an amount equal to the sum of his salary
immediately prior to the change in control and the highest annual bonus earned in any of the
preceding three years. In consideration of Mr. Hicksons agreements relating to confidentiality,
non-solicitation and non-competition, Trustmark would have been additionally obligated to pay Mr.
Hickson an amount equal to two times the sum of his salary immediately prior to the termination or
resignation and the highest annual bonus earned in any of the preceding
three years, payable in a lump sum if he terminated within two years after a change in control
covered by Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code or payable at regular pay intervals if he
terminated within two years after a non-409A-covered change in control or during the third year
after a 409A-covered change in control. Mr. Hickson would have been entitled to receive customary
benefits for twelve months following his termination or resignation, reduced by any benefits
received from later employment, provided that Trustmark would pay Mr. Hickson the after-tax cost of
comparable coverage at regular pay intervals for the twelve months when coverage cannot continue to
be provided. Any outstanding unvested stock options would vest as of the change in control.
Finally, Trustmark would have been obligated to purchase Mr. Hicksons residence for the lesser of
appraised value or $900,000, if he had been unable to sell it within four months following his
termination. These benefits upon termination following a change in control differ from those
provided in Mr. Hicksons prior Agreement in that the prior Agreement did not limit these benefits
to a termination on or before December 31, 2009.
If, without a change in control or at any time
after December 31, 2009, Mr. Hickson is terminated by Trustmark (other than for Cause, death,
disability or retirement) or if he resigns for Good Reason, in consideration of his agreements
relating to confidentiality, non-solicitation and non-competition and his timely releasing
Trustmark from certain claims, Trustmark is obligated to pay Mr. Hickson an amount equal to two
times the sum of his salary immediately prior to the termination or resignation and the highest
annual bonus earned in any of the preceding three years, payable for twenty-four months at regular
pay intervals. Trustmark must also provide customary benefits for a period of eighteen months
following termination or resignation, reduced by any benefits received from later employment,
provided that Trustmark will pay Mr. Hickson the after-tax cost of comparable coverage at regular
pay intervals for the eighteen months where coverage cannot continue to be provided. Finally, but
only in the case of termination on or before December 31, 2009, Trustmark would have been required
to purchase Mr. Hicksons residence for the lesser of appraised value or $900,000, if he had been
unable to sell it within four months following termination. These benefits upon termination
without a change in control (or after December 31, 2009) differ from those provided in Mr.
Hicksons prior Agreement in that the prior agreement did not limit Trustmarks residence purchase
obligation to a termination on or before December 31, 2009.
If Mr. Hickson becomes disabled while employed by Trustmark and if he timely releases
Trustmark from certain claims, he is entitled to a lump sum payment of a time-weighted pro-rata
share of his annual bonus target for the year of his disability.
If Mr. Hickson dies while
employed by Trustmark, his spouse or designated beneficiary is entitled to a lump sum payment of a
time-weighted pro-rata share of his annual bonus target for the year of his death.
If Mr. Hickson is terminated for Cause or if he leaves Trustmark voluntarily, he is not
entitled to any payment other than earned but unpaid salary and bonus and accrued vacation.
Upon expiration of his Agreement in 2011, Mr. Hickson will be provided office space and
secretarial support until he reaches age 68 in 2012. Mr. Hicksons prior Agreement did not provide
for this post-retirement benefit.
Summaries of the definitions of the terms change in control,
Cause and Good Reason are included below at the end of this section captioned Employment
Agreements. The foregoing, as well as the definitions below, constitute a summary of the terms
and provisions of the Agreement. For the complete Agreement, including the exact definitions of
the defined terms appearing therein, you should refer to the copy of the Agreement which has been
filed with the SEC and is incorporated by reference into this proxy statement.
Gerard R. Host. Effective October 23, 2007, Trustmark entered into an amended and restated
Agreement with Mr. Host in order to make changes required by 409A. Under these agreements, on any
cessation of employment, the executive is entitled to earned but unpaid salary and bonus and
accrued vacation up to the date of termination. If Mr. Hosts employment is terminated by Trustmark
(other than for Cause, death, disability or retirement), or if he resigns for Good Reason, within
two years after a change in control of Trustmark and if he timely releases Trustmark from certain
claims, he is entitled to a lump sum payment equal to the sum of his base salary immediately prior
to the change in control and the highest annual bonus earned in any of the preceding two years. He
is also entitled to receive customary benefits for a period of twelve months following termination
or resignation, reduced by any benefits received from later employment, provided that Trustmark
will pay him the after-tax cost of comparable coverage at regular pay intervals for the twelve
months when coverage cannot continue to be provided. Any outstanding unvested stock options vest as
of the change in control. Additionally, in consideration of his covenants relating to confidentiality, non-solicitation and non-competition, Trustmark is obligated to pay him an amount equal
to the sum of his salary and the highest annual bonus earned in any of the preceding three years,
payable for twelve months at regular pay intervals.
If, without a change in control, Mr. Host is terminated without Cause or if he resigns for
Good Reason, in consideration of the executives agreements relating to confidentiality,
non-solicitation and non-competition and his timely releasing Trustmark from certain claims,
Trustmark is obligated to pay him an amount equal to the sum of his salary and the highest annual
bonus earned in any of the preceding three years, payable for twelve months at regular pay
If Mr. Host is terminated for Cause, dies, becomes disabled or leaves Trustmark voluntarily,
he is not entitled to any payment other than earned but unpaid salary and bonus and accrued
Definitions. For purposes of these agreements, Cause means (i) commission of an act of
personal dishonesty, embezzlement or fraud, (ii) misuse of alcohol or drugs, (iii) failure to pay
any obligation owed to Trustmark or any affiliate,
(iv) breach of a fiduciary duty or deliberate disregard of any rule of Trustmark or any affiliate, (v) commission of an act of willful misconduct or the intentional failure to perform stated
duties, (vi) willful violation of any law, rule or regulation (other than misdemeanors, traffic
violations or similar offenses) or any final cease-and-desist order or (vii) unauthorized
disclosure of any confidential information of Trustmark or any affiliate or engaging in any
conduct constituting unfair competition or inducing any customer of Trustmark or any affiliate to
breach a contract with Trustmark or any affiliate.
Good Reason means (i) a demotion in status,
title or position or the assignment of the person to duties or responsibilities which are
materially inconsistent with such status, title or position, (ii) a material breach of the
agreement by Trustmark, (iii) a relocation of Trustmarks offices to a location more than fifty
miles outside of Jackson, Mississippi, without the executives consent or (iv) in the case of Mr.
Hickson, his not being named as the CEO of any successor by merger to Trustmark. In the case of Mr.
Hicksons agreement, any good faith determination of Good Reason made by him shall be conclusive.
Change in control means (i) the acquisition by any person of the power to vote, or the
acquisition of, more than 20% ownership of Trustmarks voting stock, (ii) the acquisition by any
person of control over the election of a majority of Trustmarks Board, (iii) the acquisition by
any person or by persons acting as a group for securities law purposes of a controlling influence over Trustmarks management or policies or (iv) during any two year period, a more than
one-third change in Trustmarks Board (Existing Board), treating any persons approved by a vote of
at least two-thirds of the Existing Board as ongoing members of the Existing Board. However, in the
case of (i), (ii) and (iii), ownership or control of Trustmarks voting stock by a
company-sponsored or a company subsidiary-sponsored employee benefit plan will not constitute a
change in control.
Capital Purchase Program Limitations. In connection with Trustmarks participation in the CPP,
Trustmark adopted an omnibus amendment of all of Trustmarks compensation and benefit plans
(including Messrs. Hicksons and Hosts employment agreements), to limit benefits in accordance
with the guidance and regulations issued by Treasury with respect to the CPP. These limitations
ceased to apply when the TARP Period ended on December 9, 2009.
Human Resources Committee Report
The TARP Standards required, beginning on September 14, 2009, the Human Resources
Committee to undertake certain reviews with respect to Trustmarks senior executive officer and
employee compensation plans at least every six months during the TARP Period. Trustmarks TARP
Period ended on December 9, 2009, before the expiration of the first six-month deadline to
complete the reviews; therefore, the Human Resources Committee has not provided a narrative
description or certifications with respect to those reviews in this report. The Human Resources
Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by Item
402(b) of Regulation S-K with management and, based on such review and discussions, the Human
Resources Committee, as listed below, recommended to the Audit and Finance Committee, acting on
behalf of the Board, that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy
Daniel A. Grafton (Chairman)
John M. McCullouch |
Adolphus B. Baker
R. Michael Summerford |
Human Resources Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The following directors served on Trustmarks Human Resources Committee during 2009:
Daniel A. Grafton
(Chairman), Reuben V. Anderson, Adolphus B. Baker, C. Gerald Garnett, John M. McCullouch and R.
Michael Summerford. No current or former executive officer or associate of Trustmark or any of its
subsidiaries currently serves or has served as a member of the Human Resources Committee or has
been involved in any related party transaction, as discussed on page 48.
The Trustmark Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan (2005 Plan), which
replaced the Trustmark Corporation 1997 Long Term Incentive Plan (1997 Plan), was approved by
shareholders on May 10, 2005 and provides for the grant of stock options, stock appreciation
rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units and performance units (awards) to key associates
and directors. As of March 1, 2010, there were approximately 225 associates and 24 non-employee
directors who are eligible to participate in the 2005 Plan.
Under Section 162(m) of the Code, compensation paid to the NEOs in a given tax year is not
deductible if it exceeds $1,000,000 unless it is performance-based compensation. Where a plan,
such as the 2005 Plan, contains a list of performance goals on which such performance-based
compensation may be based in whole or in part, Section 162(m) of the Code requires that the
performance goals be re-approved by shareholders every five years. Since the 2005 Plan and the
performance goals therein were initially approved in 2005, it is time to submit the performance
goals to shareholders again. As part of this process, the Board determined that it was appropriate
to update and clarify the existing performance goals prior to re-approval by shareholders; and thus
on January 26, 2010, based on the recommendation of the Human Resources Committee (Committee), the
Board approved, subject to shareholder approval, an amendment to the 2005 Plan to revise the definition
of performance goals related to the treatment of awards under Section 162(m) of the Code.
The purpose of the amendment to the definition of performance goals under the 2005 Plan is to
give the Committee of the Board more flexibility in structuring equity compensation arrangements
that will qualify as performance-based compensation for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code,
by adding a few additional performance goals and modifying the way adjustments can be made to the
financial metrics used, and to help Trustmark achieve the goal of attracting, retaining and
motivating its associates. As amended, the 2005 Plan will allow Trustmark to set goals based on a
variety of GAAP and non-GAAP financial metrics, operating milestones or other objective
performance goals as described in more detail in the summary below. The Board believes that, as
amended, the 2005 Plan will continue to be an essential element of Trustmarks competitive
compensation package.
If Proposal 2 is approved, the amendment will become effective on the date of shareholder
approval and will provide for continued deductibility of some of the compensation paid to
Trustmarks most highly compensated executives. If the amendment to the 2005 Plan, and thus the
performance goals, are not approved, awards may continue to be granted under the 2005 Plan;
however, in that case, future awards to NEOs will not be performance-based compensation and may
not be fully deductible by Trustmark.
Shareholders are not being asked to approve any additional shares for issuance under the 2005
Plan, to modify the terms of the 2005 Plan (other than in connection with the performance goals
revision), or to approve any changes to any of the annual limits on grants that can be made under
the 2005 Plan.
Summary of the Amended 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan
The essential features of the 2005 Plan are summarized below. This summary does not
purport to be complete and is subject to, and qualified in its entirety by, the provisions of the
amended 2005 Plan, which is attached as Appendix A. Capitalized terms used herein and not defined
shall have the meanings set forth in the 2005 Plan.
Purpose of the Plan. The purpose of the 2005 Plan is to promote the success of Trustmark and
its subsidiaries by providing incentives to key associates and directors that will promote the
identification of their personal interest with the long term financial success of Trustmark and
with growth in shareholder value. The 2005 Plan will allow Trustmark to make grants of stock
options, stock appreciation rights (SARs), restricted stock, restricted stock units and performance
units (awards) to key associates and directors. The 2005 Plan is designed to provide flexibility
to Trustmark in its ability to motivate, attract, and retain the services of key associates and
directors upon whose judgment, interest, and special effort the successful conduct of its operation
is largely dependent.
Administration. The Committee administers the 2005 Plan. The Committee consists only of
non-employee directors, as defined in Rule 16b-3 of the Exchange Act and outside directors as
defined by Section 162(m) of the Code. Subject to the terms of the 2005 Plan, the Committee has,
among other powers, the power to determine the key associates and directors to whom awards are
made, the nature and extent of any such awards, the terms and conditions upon which awards may be
made, exercised and modified, and to make all other determinations and take all other actions
necessary or advisable for the administration of the 2005 Plan.
No Repricing. The 2005 Plan prohibits option or stock appreciation right repricing, including
by way of an exchange for another award.
Eligibility. The 2005 Plan provides that awards may be granted to key associates and Board
members of Trustmark and its subsidiaries. Key associates include officers or other associates of
Trustmark and its subsidiaries who, in the opinion of the Committee, can contribute significantly
to the growth and profitability of, or perform services of major importance to Trustmark and its
Shares Available for Grants. The maximum number of shares of Trustmarks common stock
available for issuance under the 2005 Plan is the sum of (1) 6,000,000 common shares plus (2) the
number of outstanding options under the 1997 Plan, which expire or are otherwise terminated or
forfeited after May 10, 2005. As of March 1, 2010, awards relating to 1,728,825 shares have been
granted under the 2005 Plan and 5,016,532 shares remain available for grant under the 2005 Plan. As
of March 1, 2010, the closing price per share of Trustmarks common stock as reported on the NASDAQ
Global Select Market was $23.07.
If any award granted terminates, expires, lapses or is forfeited for any reason (other than by
exercise of a related option
in the case of Tandem SARs), the common shares subject to such award will be available for further
awards. In addition, if the exercise price for a stock option is paid using previously acquired
common shares, the number of common shares available for future awards under the 2005 Plan will be
reduced only by the net number of new common shares issued upon the exercise of the option.
Similarly, if common shares are surrendered by a participant as full or partial payment of
withholding taxes or if the number of common shares otherwise deliverable is reduced for payment of
withholding taxes, the number of common shares surrendered or withheld shall again be available for
future awards under the 2005 Plan.
Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization. The number and kind of shares subject to each
outstanding award, the exercise price, and the annual limit on and aggregate number and kind of
shares for which or from which awards may be made will be proportionately, equitably and
appropriately adjusted in such manner as the Committee shall determine in order to retain the
economic value or opportunity to reflect any stock dividend, stock split, recapitalization,
merger, consolidation, reorganizations, reclassification, combination, exchange of shares or other
corporate capitalization change of or by Trustmark.
Annual Limits on Awards. Under the 2005 Plan, in any calendar year no individual may receive
awards of stock options or SARs with respect to more than 90,000 common shares, awards of
restricted stock or restricted stock units with respect to more than 50,000 common shares or awards
of performance units providing for the cash payment of more than $1,000,000.
Code Section 162(m) and Performance Goals. Under Section 162(m) of the Code, compensation paid
to the NEOs in a given tax year is not deductible if it exceeds $1,000,000 unless it is
performance-based compensation. Options and SARs are deemed to be performance-based compensation
if the exercise price or base value of the shares of Trustmark common stock to which the award
relates is at least equal to fair market value of those shares of Trustmark common stock on the
date of the award and if the maximum number of shares of Trustmark common stock available for
awards is disclosed to and approved by shareholders. Other awards may be performance-based
compensation if based on achievement of objective performance goals set by a Committee and the
material terms of the compensation or benefit to be paid, including the performance goals that may
be used and the maximum that may be paid to any associate, is disclosed to and approved by
shareholders before payment. The Committee must certify that the applicable performance goals and
any other material terms are in fact satisfied.
Under the 2005 Plan, the Committee will determine
the performance period during which a performance goal must be met; and attainment of any
performance goal is subject to certification by the Committee. Under the 2005 Plan, performance
goals may include a threshold level of performance below which no payment or vesting may occur,
levels of performance at which specified payments or specified vesting will occur, and a maximum
level of performance above which no additional payment or vesting will occur. For an award that is
intended to be performance-based compensation, the Committee may modify or adjust a performance
goal at its discretion to the extent permitted by Section 162(m) of the Code.
If Proposal 2 is approved at the Annual Meeting, under the 2005 Plan, as amended, at the
Committees discretion, the performance goals for any performance period may be based on any one or
more of the following: stock value or increases therein, earnings per share or earnings per share
growth, net earnings, earnings or earnings growth (before or after one or more of taxes, interest,
depreciation and/or amortization), operating profit, operating cash flow, operating or other
expenses, operating efficiency, return on equity, tangible equity, assets, capital or investment,
sales or revenues or growth thereof, deposits, loan and/or equity levels or growth thereof, working
capital targets or cost control measures, regulatory compliance, gross, operating or other margins,
efficiency ratio (as generally recognized and used for bank financial reporting and analysis),
interest income, non-interest income, credit quality, net charge-offs and/or non-performing assets
(excluding such loans or classes of loans as may be designated for exclusion), productivity,
customer satisfaction, satisfactory internal or external audits, improvement of financial ratings,
achievement of balance sheet or income statement objectives, quality measures, and any component or
components of the foregoing, regulatory exam results, achievement of risk management objectives or
implementation, management or completion of critical projects or processes.
In the Committees discretion, the performance goals may be particular to a participant and
applied either individually, alternatively or in any combination, subset or component, to the
performance of Trustmark as a whole or to the performance of a subsidiary, division, strategic
business unit, line of business or business segment, measured either quarterly, annually or
cumulatively over a period of years or partial years, in each case as specified by the Committee
in the award. In addition, the performance goals may be absolute in their terms or measured against
or in relationship to a pre-established target, Trustmarks budget or budgeted results, previous
period results, a market index, a designated comparison group of other companies comparably,
similarly or otherwise situated, or any combination thereof. Each of the performance goals is to be
determined, where applicable and except as provided above, in accordance with GAAP.
In the Committees sole discretion, with respect to financial metrics that are determined in
accordance with GAAP, such performance goals may be adjusted when established, or later, to include
or exclude any items otherwise includable or excludable under GAAP including without limitation,
the effect of discontinued operations and dispositions of business units or segments, non-recurring
items, material extraordinary items that are both unusual and infrequent, non-budgeted items,
special charges, accruals for acquisitions, reorganization and restructuring programs and/or
changes in tax law, accounting
principles or other such laws or provisions affecting Trustmarks reported results.
If Proposal 2 is not approved, Trustmark will continue to be able to grant performance awards
under the 2005 Plan using the performance goal definition in the 2005 Plan without the January 26,
2010 amendment. Appendix A contains blacklined text showing changes in the performance goal definition from the 2005 Plan to the 2005 Plan, as amended.
In any case, at its discretion, the Committee may also use other performance goals for awards
that are not intended to qualify as performance-based under Section 162(m) of the Code.
Option Awards. An option may be either an incentive stock option (ISO) or a non-qualified
stock option (NQSO). Option terms will be determined by the Committee in its discretion, but
generally, an option will not be exercisable in any event after ten years from its grant date, and
the exercise price for an option may not be less than 100% of the common shares fair market value
at the date the option is awarded. The aggregate fair market value of common shares, with respect
to which any key associate may first exercise ISOs granted under the plan during any calendar
year, may not exceed $100,000 or such amount specified in the Code and rules and regulations
Subject to the Committees determination, the exercise price of any option may be paid in
cash, by delivery of common shares valued at fair market value at the time of exercise, or in an
approved cashless exercise, or by a combination of these methods. The 2005 Plan authorizes the
grant of reload options in the event the participant exercises all or a part of a stock option,
including a reload option, by surrendering stock in payment of the option price. Each reload option
will be granted on the date of exercise of the original option, will cover a number of shares not
exceeding the number of shares surrendered in payment of the option price under such original
option, will have an option price equal to the fair market value on the date it is awarded, will
expire on the stated expiration date of the original option and will be subject to such other terms
and conditions as the Committee may determine.
SAR Awards. The 2005 Plan authorizes the grant of stock appreciation rights in tandem with the
grant of options (Tandem SARs) in addition to the grant of options (Additive SARs) and independent
of the grant of options (Freestanding SARS, and collectively, SARs).
A SAR may be exercised in whole or part, and entitles the holder, upon exercise, to receive
cash or common shares or a combination thereof equivalent in value to the excess of the fair market
value on the exercise date of the common shares represented by the SAR over (i) the option exercise
price of the related option in the case of a Tandem or Additive SAR or (ii) the fair market value
on the grant date of the common shares represented by the SAR in the case of a Freestanding SAR.
Payment for the value of a SAR may be made on exercise or, if provided for in the award agreement,
on a delayed basis either electively or mandatorily.
A Tandem SAR will expire no later than ten years from its grant date, and is exercisable and
transferable subject to the conditions of, the related option. If a Tandem SAR is exercised, it
will reduce correspondingly the number of common shares represented by the related option, and
exercise of the related option will similarly reduce the number of shares represented by the Tandem
SAR. The Committee retains sole discretion to approve or disapprove an optionees election to
receive cash to the extent required by Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act or the terms of the
particular agreement.
An Additive SAR is deemed to be exercised upon, and in addition to, the exercise of the
related options. The deemed exercise of Additive SARs will not reduce the number of common shares
with respect to which the related options remain unexercised. A Freestanding SAR may be exercised
upon whatever terms and conditions the Committee, in its sole discretion, imposes on such SARs.
Restricted Stock Awards. Restricted stock is stock which may not be disposed of by a
participant until the restrictions established by the Committee lapse. The restrictions may take
the form of a period during which the participant must remain employed or may require the
achievement of one or more pre-established performance criteria. Holders of restricted stock will
have voting and, unless otherwise provided by the Committee, dividend rights. Subject to any
exceptions authorized by the Committee, shares of restricted stock will be forfeited upon
termination of employment or service. Similarly, shares of restricted stock will also be forfeited
if any performance criteria established, with respect to such awards, are not achieved within the
required time period.
Restricted Stock Unit Awards. A restricted stock unit is an award which is valued by reference
to a common share. Payment of the value of restricted stock units may not be made until the
restrictions established by the Committee lapse. The restrictions may take the form of a period of
restriction during which the participant must remain employed or may require the achievement of one
or more pre-established performance criteria.
Holders of restricted stock units have no right to vote the shares represented by the units;
however, such participants may have added to their rights an equivalent number of units represented
by any dividends or other distributions which would have been received if the shares represented by
the units had been issued.
Subject to any exceptions authorized by the Committee, restricted stock units will be
forfeited upon termination of employment or service. The Committee may provide for vesting of
restricted stock units in connection with the termination
of a participants employment or service on such basis as it deems appropriate. Similarly,
restricted stock units will also be forfeited if any performance criteria established with respect
to such awards are not achieved within the required time period.
Payment for vested restricted
stock units may be made on vesting or, if provided for in the award agreement, on a delayed basis
either electively or mandatorily. If paid on a delayed basis, the payment amount may be adjusted
for deemed interest or earnings on such basis as the Committee may provide.
Performance Unit Awards. A performance unit is a fixed dollar award based on performance
goals established and certified by the Committee. Performance units may be paid in cash, common
shares or a combination thereof.
Change in Control. The Committee may, at the time an award is made or thereafter, take any one
or more of the following actions in connection with a change in control: (i) provide for the
acceleration of any time periods relating to the exercise or realization of any such award so that
such award may be exercised or realized in full on or before a date initially fixed by the
Committee; (ii) provide for the purchase or settlement of any such award by Trustmark, upon a
participants request, for an amount of cash equal to the amount which could have been obtained
upon the exercise of such award or realization of such participants rights had such award been
currently exercisable or payable; (iii) make such adjustment to any such award then outstanding as
the Committee deems appropriate to reflect such change in control; or (iv) cause any such award
then outstanding to be assumed, or new rights substituted therefor, by the acquiring or surviving
corporation in such change in control.
Non-Transferability of Awards. Subject to certain exceptions and, except for certain permitted
transfers of NQSOs to family members and trusts, awards granted under the 2005 Plan generally may
not be assigned, transferred, pledged or otherwise encumbered by a participant, other than by will
or the laws of descent and distribution.
Amendment and Termination of the 2005 Plan. The Board may terminate, amend or modify the 2005
Plan from time to time in any respect without shareholder approval, unless the particular amendment
or modification requires shareholder approval under the Code, such as this Proposal 2 to revise
the definition of performance goals, the rules and regulations under Section 16 of the Exchange
Act, the rules and regulations of the exchange on which Trustmarks common shares are listed or
pursuant to any other applicable laws, rules or regulations. Currently, it is anticipated that
shareholder approval of any amendments will normally be required if an amendment would materially
increase the benefits that can be provided, materially increase the number of shares which may be
issued or the compensation which may be provided or materially modify the requirements as to
eligibility for participation. No amendment or modification of the 2005 Plan, other than capital
adjustments pursuant to the plan, may adversely affect any awards previously granted under the plan
without the participants written consent.
Federal Income Tax Consequences of Awards Granted Under the 2005 Plan
Options. A participant who exercises a NQSO will realize ordinary income in an amount
measured by the excess of the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise over the
exercise price. Trustmark generally will be entitled to a corresponding deduction for federal
income tax purposes.
A participant who exercises an ISO will not be subject to taxation at the time of exercise,
nor will Trustmark be entitled to a deduction for federal income tax purposes. The difference
between the exercise price and the fair market value of shares on the date of exercise is a tax
preference item for purposes of determining a participants alternative minimum tax. A disposition
of the purchased shares after the expiration of the required holding period (i.e., the later of two
years for the award date or one year from the exercise date) will generate long-term capital gain
in the year of disposition, and Trustmark will not be entitled to a deduction for federal income
tax purposes. A disposition of the purchased shares prior to the expiration of the required holding
period will subject the participant to taxation at ordinary income rates in the year of
disposition, and Trustmark generally will be entitled to a corresponding deduction.
Stock Appreciation Rights. A participant who exercises a SAR will realize ordinary income in
an amount equal to the amount of cash and the fair market value of any shares received. Trustmark
generally will be entitled to a corresponding deduction for federal income tax purposes. If the
participant receives common stock upon exercise of a SAR, the taxation of the post-exercise
appreciation or depreciation is treated as either a short-term or long-term capital gain or loss,
depending upon the length of time the participant held the shares of common stock.
Restricted Stock. A participant receiving restricted stock generally will recognize ordinary
income in the amount of the fair market value of the restricted stock at the time the stock is no
longer subject to forfeiture, less the consideration paid for the stock. However, a participant may
elect, under Section 83(b) of the Code within 30 days of the grant of the stock, to recognize
taxable ordinary income on the date of grant equal to the excess of the fair market value of the
shares of
restricted stock (determined without regard to the restrictions) over the purchase price of the
restricted stock. Thereafter, if the shares are forfeited, the participant will be entitled to a
deduction, refund or loss, for tax purposes only, in an amount equal to any purchase price of the
forfeited shares regardless of whether the participant made a Section 83(b) election. With respect
to the sale of shares after the forfeiture period has expired, the holding period to determine
whether any gain or loss is long- or short-term begins when the restriction period expires, and the
tax basis for such shares will generally be based on the fair market value of such shares on such
date. However, if the participant makes an election under Section 83(b), the holding period will
commence on the date of grant, the tax basis will be equal to the fair market value of shares on
such date (determined without regard to restrictions), and Trustmark generally will be entitled to
a deduction equal to the amount that is taxable as ordinary income to the participant in the year
that such income is taxable. Dividends paid on restricted stock generally will be treated as
compensation that is taxable as ordinary income to the participant and will be deductible by
Trustmark, when paid. If, however, the participant makes a Section 83(b) election, the dividends
will be taxable as ordinary income to the participant but will not be deductible by Trustmark.
Restricted Stock Units and Performance Units. A participant will not realize income in
connection with the grant of a restricted stock unit or the credit of any dividend equivalents to
his or her account or the grant of a performance unit. When shares of common stock and/or cash is
delivered to the participant, the participant will generally be required to include as taxable
ordinary income in the year of receipt, an amount equal to the amount of cash and the fair market
value of any shares received. Trustmark will be entitled to a deduction at the time and in the
amount included in the participants income by reason of the receipt. For each share of common
stock received in respect of a restricted stock unit, the taxation of the post-exercise
appreciation or depreciation is treated as either a short-term or long-term capital gain or loss,
depending upon the length of time the participant held the shares of common stock.
Section 409A of the Code. Section 409A of the Code, which was added by the American Jobs
Creation Act of 2004, provides certain new requirements on non-qualified deferred compensation
arrangements. These include new requirements with respect to an individuals election to defer
compensation and the individuals selection of the timing and form of distribution of the deferred
compensation. Section 409A also generally provides that distributions must be made on or following
the occurrence of certain events (e.g., the individuals separation from service, a predetermined
date, or the individuals death). Section 409A imposes restrictions on an individuals ability to
change his or her distribution timing or form after the compensation has been deferred. For certain
individuals who are officers, Section 409A requires that such individuals distribution commence
no earlier than six months after such officers separation from service.
Under current IRS guidance certain awards under the 2005 Plan are excluded from non-qualified
deferred compensation to which Section 409A applies. These excluded awards are stock options under
which shares of Trustmark common stock are issued, SARs under which shares of Trustmark common
stock are issued, restricted stock, restricted stock units which are paid at or shortly after
vesting and performance units awards that are paid at or shortly after vesting. Other awards under
the 2005 Plan may be treated as non-qualified deferred compensation to which Section 409A applies;
and in such case it is generally Trustmarks intent that such awards be designed to comply with the
election timing, payment timing and other requirements of Section 409A.
If an award is subject to and fails to satisfy the requirements of Section 409A, the recipient
of that award will recognize ordinary income on the amounts deferred under the award, to the extent
vested, which may be prior to when the compensation is actually or constructively received. Also,
if an award that is subject to Section 409A fails to comply with the provisions of Section 409A,
Section 409A imposes an additional twenty percent (20%) federal income tax on compensation
recognized as ordinary income, as well as possible interest requirements with respect to such
amounts, and will have certain withholding requirements.
The foregoing is only a summary of the effect of federal income taxation upon Trustmark and
upon participants, does not purport to be complete and does not discuss the tax consequences of any
participants death or the income tax laws of any municipality, state or foreign country in which a
participant may reside.
No New Plan Benefits
Because shareholders are only being asked to approve an amendment to revise the
performance goals, there are no new benefits being provided to the participants under the plan.
The Committee will use its discretion in selecting the participants under the 2005 Plan and the
performance goals applicable to those participants, which may include the revised performance goals
if Proposal 2 is approved by shareholders. Therefore, it is not possible to predict the awards that
will be made to particular individuals in the future under the 2005 Plan.
Equity Compensation Plans
The table below contains summary information as of December 31, 2009, for the number of
securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options and potential excess shares, related
to Trustmarks 2005 Plan and 1997 Plan. Information related to securities remaining available for
future issuance relates exclusively to the 2005 Plan, which replaced the 1997 Plan under which no
additional grants will be made. Performance-based restricted stock units, and potential excess
units, held by Mr. Hickson are not reflected in the table below because they can only be settled
in cash.
Number of securities remaining available |
Number of securities to be issued |
Weighted-average exercise |
for future issuance under equity |
upon exercise of outstanding |
price of outstanding options, |
compensation plans (excluding |
options, warrants and rights |
warrants and rights |
securities reflected in column (a)) |
Plan Category |
(#)(a)(1) |
($)(2) |
(#)(3) |
Equity compensation plans
approved by security holders |
1,761,152 |
$ |
26.27 |
5,170,146 |
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Total |
1,761,152 |
$ |
26.27 |
5,170,146 |
(1) |
Includes shares issuable pursuant to outstanding options and the maximum potential excess
shares issuable in the event currently unvested performance-based restricted stock awards vest in
excess of 100%. |
(2) |
Potential excess shares, to the extent issued, do not have an exercise price and are,
therefore, excluded for purposes of computing the weighted-average exercise price. |
(3) |
Consists of shares available to be granted in the form of stock options, stock appreciation
rights, restricted stock awards, restricted stock units and/or performance units. |
Vote Required
Shareholder approval of the amendment to the 2005 Plan requires the affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the votes cast on the proposal. Approval of the amendment to the 2005
Plan by shareholders will be considered approval of the material terms of the 2005 Plan, including
the performance-based awards, the revised performance goals which may be used and the maximum
benefit which may be paid to any associate for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code.
The Board recommends that shareholders vote for the amendment of the Trustmark Corporation
2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan to revise the definition of performance goals for
purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Bank made a payment of approximately $275,000 in 2009 to Bloomfield Equities, LLC
for the naming rights to the Mississippi Braves AA Baseball Stadium, known as Trustmark Park.
Ninety percent (90%) of Bloomfield Equities, LLC is owned indirectly by retired director William
G. Yates, Jr., director William G. Yates III and their family. The dollar value of Mr. Yates, Jr.s
interest in the transaction was approximately $16,500, and the dollar value of Mr. Yates IIIs
interest in the transaction was approximately $81,751. The collective dollar value of this
transaction to the Yates family was approximately $247,500. The Bank expects to make a payment of
$275,000 in 2010 to Bloomfield Equities, LLC for the naming rights to Trustmark Park. The specific dollar value of Mr. Yates IIIs interest in the 2010 transaction is not known at this time.
addition, Trustmark agreed to purchase a $13,000 sponsorship from Spectrum Events, LLC for college
baseball games played at Trustmark Park in 2010 and agreed to lease a billboard from Spectrum
Advertising, LLC for $2,000/month from January 2010 through December 2010. Thirty-three percent
(33%) of Spectrum Capital, LLC, which wholly owns Spectrum Events, LLC and Spectrum Advertising,
LLC, is owned directly by director William G. Yates III, while his family and a family trust own
the remaining 67%. Spectrum Capital, LLC also wholly owns Magnolia Properties, LLC, which owns a
90% interest in Bloomfield Equities, LLC. The dollar value of Mr. Yates IIIs interest in these
transactions is approximately $12,333. The collective dollar value of these transactions to the
Yates family is approximately $37,000.
The Bank also made loans to directors, executive officers,
principal shareholders and their related interests in 2009 and continues to do so in 2010. Such
loans were made in the course of ordinary business, were made on substantially the same terms,
including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable loans with
persons not related to the Bank, and do not involve more than the normal risk of collectability or
present other unfavorable features.
Trustmarks Audit and Finance Committee has adopted and manages a written policy with respect
to related party
transactions that governs the review, approval or ratification of covered related party
transactions. The policy generally provides that Trustmark may enter into a related party
transaction only if the Audit and Finance Committee approves or ratifies such transaction in
accordance with the guidelines set forth in the policy and if the transaction is on terms
comparable to those that could be obtained in arms length dealings with an unrelated third party
or the transaction involves compensation approved by the Human Resources Committee. A Related Party
is (i) an executive officer, director or nominee for director of Trustmark, (ii) a shareholder
owning in excess of 5% of Trustmarks outstanding equity securities, (iii) a person who is an
immediate family member of someone listed in (i) or (ii), or (iv) any firm, corporation or other
entity in which anyone listed in (i) or (ii) is employed or is a general partner or principal or in
a similar position or in which such person has a 5% or greater beneficial ownership interest.
In the event management determines to recommend a related party transaction to the Audit and
Finance Committee, the Committee reviews and either approves or disapproves such transaction. At
subsequent Committee meetings, as necessary, management updates the Committee as to any material
change to a proposed or approved related party transaction. The Committee approves only those
related party transactions that are in, or are not inconsistent with, the best interests of
Trustmark and its shareholders, as the Committee determines in good faith. The Committee considered
and pre-approved the 2009 payments to Bloomfield Equities, LLC, and, therefore, to Messrs. William
G. Yates, Jr. and William G. Yates III. The Committee considered and pre-approved the 2010 payments
to Bloomfield Equities, LLC, Spectrum Events, LLC and Spectrum Advertising, LLC and, therefore, to
Mr. William G. Yates III.
The Board, based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee, has engaged
KPMG as Trustmarks independent auditors since April 29, 2002, and has reaffirmed KPMGs engagement as the
independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. The Board recommends that
shareholders vote in favor of ratifying the selection of KPMG. If shareholders do not ratify the
selection of KPMG, the Audit and Finance Committee will consider a change in independent auditors
for the next year.
Representatives of KPMG are expected to be present at the annual meeting with the opportunity
to make a statement, if they desire to do so, and to be available to respond to appropriate
questions during the period generally allotted for questions at the meeting.
The Board recommends that shareholders vote for ratification of the selection of KPMG as
Trustmarks independent auditors.
Trustmarks Audit and Finance Committee, which conducts the usual and necessary
activities in connection with the audit functions of Trustmark, held five meetings during 2009.
The Committee reviewed and discussed with management and KPMG the consolidated audited financial
statements as of and for the three years ended December 31, 2009. The Committee also discussed with
KPMG the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, Communication
with Audit Committees, as amended (AICPA, Professional Standards, Vol. 1, AU Section 380) as
adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in Rule 3200T. The Committee
received the written disclosures and the letter from KPMG required by the applicable requirements
of the PCAOB regarding the independent auditors communications with the audit committee concerning
independence, and discussed the independence of KPMG. Based on this review, the Committee
recommended to the Board that the consolidated audited financial statements be included in
Trustmarks Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009.
None of the following members of Trustmarks Audit and Finance Committee serve on the audit
committee of another company, and all are independent directors as defined by NASDAQ Listing
R. Michael Summerford (Chairman)
LeRoy G. Walker, Jr. |
David H. Hoster II
Kenneth W. Williams |
Richard H. Puckett |
The Board has determined that R. Michael Summerford qualifies as a financial expert pursuant
to requirements of the SEC.
Accounting Fees
The following list presents the fees for professional audit services rendered by KPMG
for the audit of Trustmarks consolidated financial statements for the fiscal years ended
December 31, 2009, and December 31, 2008, and fees billed for other services rendered by KPMG
during those periods. All services reflected below for 2009 and 2008 were pre-approved in
accordance with the policy of the Audit and Finance Committee. Information related to audit fees
for 2009 includes amounts billed through December 31, 2009, and additional amounts estimated to be
billed for the 2009 period for audit services rendered.
(1) |
Audit Fees Audit fees include fees for professional services in connection with the
audit of Trustmarks consolidated financial statements, audit of internal control over financial
reporting, review of the interim consolidated financial statements included in quarterly reports
and services provided by KPMG in connection with statutory and regulatory filings. Audit fees for
2009 and 2008 were $685,000 and $678,170, respectively. |
(2) |
Audit-Related Fees Audit-related fees include fees for professional services in
connection with Trustmarks public offering and other various assurance services. Audit-related
fees for 2009 were $123,660. KPMG did not provide audit-related services during 2008. |
(3) |
Tax Fees KPMG did not provide tax services during 2009 or 2008. |
(4) |
All Other Fees KPMG did not bill Trustmark for other services during 2009 or 2008. |
Pre-Approval Policy
The Audit and Finance Committee has adopted a policy that sets forth guidelines and
procedures for the pre-approval of services to be performed by the independent auditors, as well as
the fees associated with those services. Annually, the Committee reviews and establishes the types
of services and fee levels to be provided by the independent auditors. Any additional services or
fees in excess of the approved amount require specific pre-approval by the Committee. The
Committee has delegated to its Chairman the authority to evaluate and approve services and fees in
the event that pre-approval is required between meetings. If the Chairman grants such approval, he
will report that approval to the full Committee at its next meeting. Non-audit services, as
prohibited by the SEC, are likewise prohibited under the Committees pre-approval policy.
Shareholders may submit proposals to be considered at the 2011 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders if they do so in accordance with applicable regulations of the SEC. Any shareholder
intending to propose a matter for consideration at Trustmarks 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
must submit such proposal in writing to the Secretary of Trustmark no later than February 16, 2011;
however, in order to be considered for inclusion in Trustmarks proxy statement for the 2011 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders, the proposal must meet the requirements of SEC Rule 14a-8 and be submitted
to the Secretary of Trustmark no later than December 3, 2010. In addition, the proxy solicited by
the Board for the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will confer discretionary authority to vote
on any shareholder proposal presented at the meeting if Trustmark has not received notice of such
proposal by February 16, 2011.
Important Notice Regarding Internet Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders to be held on Tuesday, May 11, 2010:
This proxy statement, a form of the proxy card and Trustmarks 2009 Annual Report to
Shareholders are available at under Investor Relations/Annual Meeting of
(as amended January 16, 200726, 2010)
Establishment, Purpose and Duration
1.1 Establishment of the Plan. Trustmark Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the
Company), a Mississippi corporation, hereby establishes an incentive compensation plan to be
known as the 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan),
as set forth in this document. Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms shall have
the meanings set forth in Section 2.1 herein. The Plan permits the grant of Incentive Stock
Options, Non-Qualified Stock Options (including Reload Options), Stock Appreciation Rights,
Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units and/or Performance Units to Key Associates and Directors.
The Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company on March 8, 2005, to become
effective (the Effective Date) as of May 10, 2005 if approved at the May 10, 2005 annual meeting
of the Companys shareholders by vote of shareholders of the Company in accordance with applicable
laws and any applicable rules of any national securities exchange or system on which the Stock is
then listed or reported. Except for Performance Unit Awards payable only in cash (with payment
also contingent on shareholder approval of the 2005 Plan), Awards may not be granted under the Plan
prior to shareholder approval of the Plan.
1.2 Purpose of the Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to promote the success of the Company and
its Subsidiaries by providing incentives to Key Associates and Directors that will promote the
identification of their personal interest with the long term financial success of the Company and
with growth in shareholder value. The Plan is designed to provide flexibility to the Company in its
ability to motivate, attract, and retain the services of Key Associates and Directors upon whose
judgment, interest, and special effort the successful conduct of its operation is largely
In addition, the Plan permits the grant of a Reload Option in order to restore an Option
opportunity on the number of shares of Stock surrendered to exercise an Option to encourage a
Participant to maximize his ownership interest in the Company without reducing the percentage
interests of shareholders.
1.3 Duration of the Plan. The Plan shall commence on the Effective Date, as described in
Section 1.1 herein, and shall remain in effect, subject to the right of the Board of Directors to
terminate the Plan at any time pursuant to Article XII herein, until May 9, 2015, at which time it
shall terminate except with respect to Awards (including any outstanding Reload Option obligation)
made prior to, and outstanding on, that date which shall remain valid in accordance with their
2.1 Definitions. Except as otherwise defined in the Plan, the following terms shall have the
meanings set forth below:
(a) Agreement means a written agreement implementing the grant of each Award signed by an
authorized officer of the Company and by the Participant.
(b) Award means, individually or collectively, a grant under the Plan of Incentive Stock
Options, Non-Qualified Stock Options (including Reload Options), Stock Appreciation Rights,
Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units and/or Performance Units.
(c) Award Date or Grant Date means the date on which an Award is made by the Committee
under the Plan.
(d) Board or Board of Directors means the Board of Directors of the Company.
(e) Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred if the conditions set forth in any
one of the following paragraphs shall have been satisfied:
(i) the acquisition of ownership of, holding or power to vote more than 20% of the Companys
voting stock; or
(ii) the acquisition of the ability to control the election of a majority of the Companys
Board; or
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(iii) the acquisition of a controlling influence over the management or policies of the
Company by any person or by persons acting as a group (within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the
Exchange Act); or
(iv) during any period of two consecutive years, individuals (the Continuing Directors) who
at the beginning of such period constitute the Board (the Existing Board) cease for any reason to
constitute at least two-thirds thereof, provided that any individual whose election or nomination
for election as a member of the Existing Board was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the
Continuing Directors then in office shall be considered a Continuing Director.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of (i), (ii) and (iii) hereof, ownership or control of
the Companys voting stock by the Trustmark National Bank (the Bank) or any employee benefit plan
sponsored by the Company or the Bank shall not constitute a Change in Control. For purposes of this
paragraph only, the term person refers to an individual or a corporation, partnership, trust,
association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated organization of
any other form of entity not specifically listed herein.
(f) Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.
(g) Committee means the committee of the Board appointed to administer the Plan pursuant to
Article III herein, all of the members of which shall be non-employee directors as defined in
Rule 16b-3, as amended, under the Exchange Act, or any similar or successor rule, and outside
directors within the meaning of Section 162(m)(4)(C)(i) of the Code. Unless otherwise determined
by the Board, the Human Resources Committee of the Board, or any successor committee responsible
for executive compensation, shall constitute the Committee.
(h) Company means Trustmark Corporation, or any successor thereto as provided in Article XIV
(i) Director means a director of the Company or any Subsidiary thereof, which term shall not
include an advisory or honorary director.
(j) Exchange Act means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time.
(k) Fair Market Value of a Share means (A)(i) for Awards made prior to December 20, 2006,
the mean between the high and low sales price of the Stock on the relevant date if it is a trading
date, or if not, on the most recent date on which the Stock was traded prior to such date, as
reported by The NASDAQ Stock Market or (ii) for Awards made on or after December 20, 2006, the
closing market price (that is, the price at which last sold on the applicable principal U.S.
market) of the Stock on the relevant date if it is a trading date, or if not, on the most recent
date on which the Stock was traded prior to such date, as reported by The NASDAQ Stock Market, or
(B) if, in the opinion of the Committee, this method is inapplicable or inappropriate for any
reason, the fair market value as determined pursuant to a reasonable method adopted by the
Committee in good faith for such purpose.
(l) Incentive Stock Option or ISO means an option to purchase Stock, granted under Article
VI herein, which is designated as an incentive stock option and is intended to meet the
requirements of Section 422 of the Code.
(m) Key Associate means an officer or other key associate of the Company or its Subsidiaries
who, in the opinion of the Committee, can contribute significantly to the growth and profitability
of, or perform services of major importance to, the Company and its Subsidiaries. Key Associates
includes Directors who are also associates of the Company or its Subsidiaries.
(n) Non-Qualified Stock Option or NQSO means an option to purchase Stock, granted under
Article VI herein, which is not intended to be an Incentive Stock Option.
(o) Option means an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option.
(p) Option Price means the exercise price per share of Stock covered by an Option.
(q) Participant means a Key Associate or a Director who has been granted an Award under the
Plan and whose Award remains outstanding.
(r) Performance-Based Compensation Award means any Award for which exercise, full enjoyment
or receipt thereof by the Participant is contingent on satisfaction or achievement of the
Performance Goal applicable thereto. If a Performance-Based Compensation Award is intended to be
performance-based compensation within the meaning of Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code, the grant
of the Award, the establishment of the Performance Goal, the making of any modifications or
adjustments and the determination of satisfaction or achievement of the Performance Goal shall be
made during the period or periods required under and in
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conformity with the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code therefor. The terms and conditions
of each Performance-Based Compensation Award, including the Performance Goal and Performance
Period, shall be set forth in an Agreement or in a subplan of the Plan which is incorporated by
reference into an Agreement.
(s) Performance Goal means one or more performance measures or goals set by the Committee in
its discretion for each grant of a Performance-Based Compensation Award. The extent to which such
performance measures or goals are met will determine the amount or value of the Performance-Based
Compensation Award to which a Participant is entitled to exercise, receive or retain. For purposes
of this Plan, a Performance GoalsGoal may be particular to a Participant, may relateand may include
any one or more of the following performance criteria, either individually, alternatively or in any
combination, subset or component, applied to the performance of the Company as a whole or to the
performance of a Subsidiary, division, strategic business unit or line of business which employs
him, or may be based on the performance of the Company generally. Performance Goals may be based on
, line of business or business segment, measured either quarterly, annually or cumulatively over a
period of years or partial years, in each case as specified by the Committee in the Award: Stock
value or increases therein, earnings per share or earnings per share growth, net earnings, earnings
or earnings growth (before or after one or more of taxes, interest, depreciation and/or
amortization), operating profit, operating cash flow, operating or other expenses, operating
efficiency, return on equity, tangible equity, assets, capital or investment, sales or revenues or
growth thereof, deposits, loan and/or equity levels or growth thereof, working capital targets or
cost control measures, regulatory compliance, gross, operating or other margins, efficiency ratio
(as generally recognized and used for bank financial reporting and analysis), interest income,
non-interest income, credit quality, net charge-offs and/or non-performing assets (excluding such
loans or classes of loans as may be designated for exclusion), productivity, customer satisfaction,
satisfactory internal or external audits, improvement of financial ratings, achievement of balance
sheet or income statement objectives, quality measures, and any component or components of the
foregoing (including, without limitation, determination thereof, in the Committees sole
discretion, with or without the effect of discontinued operations and dispositions of business
units or segments, non-recurring items, material extraordinary items that are both unusual and
infrequent, non-budgeted items, special charges, and/or accounting changes),accruals for
acquisitions, reorganization and restructuring programs and/or changes in tax law, accounting
principles or other such laws or provisions affecting the Companys reported results), regulatory
exam results, achievement of risk management objectives or implementation, management or completion
of critical projects or processes. Performance Goals may include a threshold level of performance
below which no payment or vesting may occur, levels of performance at which specified payments or
specified vesting will occur, and a maximum level of performance above which no additional payment
or vesting will occur. Performance Goals may be absolute in their terms or measured against or in
relationship to a pre-established target, the Companys budget or budgeted results, previous period
results, a market index, a designated comparison group of other companies comparably, similarly or
otherwise situated, or aany combination thereof. The Committee shall determine the Performance
Period during which the Performance Goal must be met; and attainment of Performance Goals shall be
subject to certification by the Committee. Each of the Performance Goals shall be determined, where
applicable and except as provided above, in accordance with generally accepted accounting
(t) Performance Period means the time period during which the Performance Goal must be met
in connection with a Performance-Based Compensation Award. Such time period shall be set by the
(u) Performance Unit means an Award, designated as a performance unit, granted to a
Participant pursuant to Article X herein and valued as a fixed dollar amount.
(v) Period of Restriction means the period during which the transfer of Shares of Restricted
Stock is restricted, pursuant to Article VIII herein.
(w) Plan means the Trustmark Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan, as
herein described and as hereafter from time to time amended.
(x) Related Option means an Option with respect to which a Stock Appreciation Right has been
(y) Reload Option means a Non-Qualified Stock Option granted pursuant to Section 6.9 in the
event the Participant exercises all or a part of an Option by paying the Option Price pursuant to
Section 6.6 with Stock in order to restore an Option opportunity on the number of shares of Stock
surrendered to exercise an Option.
(z) Restricted Stock means an Award of Stock granted to a Participant pursuant to Article
VIII herein which is subject to restrictions and forfeiture until the designated conditions for the
lapse of the restrictions are satisfied.
(aa) Restricted Stock Unit or RSU means an Award, designated as a Restricted Stock Unit,
granted to a Participant pursuant to Article IX herein and valued by reference to Stock, which is
subject to restrictions and forfeiture until the designated conditions for the lapse of the
restrictions are satisfied.
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(bb) Stock or Shares means the common stock of the Company.
(cc) Stock Appreciation Right or SAR means an Award, designated as a stock appreciation
right, granted to a Participant pursuant to Article VII herein.
(dd) Subsidiary means any subsidiary corporation of the Company within the meaning of
Section 424(f) of the Code.
3.1 Administration of the Plan by the Committee. The Plan shall be administered by the
Committee which shall have all powers necessary or desirable for such administration. The express
grant in the Plan of any specific power to the Committee shall not be construed as limiting any
power or authority of the Committee. In addition to any other powers and, subject to the provisions
of the Plan, the Committee shall have the following specific powers: (i) to determine the terms and
conditions upon which the Awards may be made and exercised; (ii) to determine all terms and
conditions of each Agreement, which need not be identical; (iii) to construe and interpret the
Agreements and the Plan; (iv) to establish, amend or waive rules or regulations for the Plans
administration; (v) to accelerate the exercisability of any Award, the end of a Performance Period
or termination of any Period of Restriction or other restrictions imposed under the Plan; and (vi)
to make all other determinations and take all other actions necessary or advisable for the
administration of the Plan.
The Chairman of the Committee and such other directors and officers of the Company as shall be
designated by the Committee are hereby authorized to execute Agreements on behalf of the Company
and to cause them to be delivered to the recipients of Awards.
For purposes of determining the applicability of Section 422 of the Code (relating to
Incentive Stock Options), or in the event that the terms of any Award provide that it may be
exercised only during employment or service or within a specified period of time after termination
of employment or service, the Committee may decide to what extent leaves of absence for
governmental or military service, illness, temporary disability, or other reasons shall not be
deemed interruptions of employment or service or continuous employment or service.
Subject to limitations under applicable law, the Committee is authorized in its discretion to
issue Awards and/or accept notices, elections, consents and/or other forms or communications by
Participants by electronic or similar means, including, without limitation, transmissions through
e-mail, recorded messages on electronic telephone systems, and other permissible methods, on such
basis and for such purposes as it determines from time to time.
A majority of the entire Committee shall constitute a quorum and the action of a majority of
the members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present (in person or as otherwise
permitted by applicable law), or acts approved in writing by a majority of the Committee without a
meeting, shall be deemed the action of the Committee.
3.2 Selection of Participants. The Committee shall have the authority to grant Awards under
the Plan, from time to time, to such Key Associates and/or Directors as may be selected by it. Each
Award shall be evidenced by an Agreement.
3.3 Decisions Binding. All determinations and decisions made by the Board or the Committee
pursuant to the provisions of the Plan shall be final, conclusive and binding.
3.4 Requirements of Rule 16b-3 and Section 162(m) of the Code. Notwithstanding any other
provision of the Plan, the Board or the Committee may impose such conditions on any Award, and
amend the Plan in any such respects, as may be required to satisfy the requirements of Rule 16b-3,
as amended (or any successor or similar rule), under the Exchange Act.
Any provision of the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, and except to the extent that the
Committee determines otherwise: (i) transactions by and with respect to officers and directors of
the Company who are subject to Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act (hereafter, Section 16 Persons)
shall comply with any applicable conditions of SEC Rule 16b-3; (ii) transactions with respect to
persons whose remuneration is subject to the provisions of Section 162(m) of the Code shall conform
to the requirements of Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code; and (iii) every provision of the Plan
shall be administered, interpreted, and construed to carry out the foregoing provisions of this
Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the Plan is intended to give the
Committee the authority to grant Awards that qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code as well as Awards that do not so qualify. Every provision of the
Plan shall be administered, interpreted, and construed to carry out such intention, and any
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that cannot be so administered, interpreted, and construed shall to that extent be disregarded; and
any provision of the Plan that would prevent an Award that the Committee intends to qualify as
performance-based compensation under Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code from so qualifying shall be
administered, interpreted, and construed to carry out such intention, and any provision that cannot
be so administered, interpreted, and construed shall to that extent be disregarded.
3.5 Indemnification of Committee. In addition to such other rights of indemnification as they
may have as directors or as members of the Committee, the members of the Committee shall be
indemnified by the Company against reasonable expenses, including attorneys fees, actually and
reasonably incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding, or in
connection with any appeal therein, to which they or any of them may be a party by reason of any
action taken or failure to act under or in connection with the Plan or any Award granted or made
hereunder, and against all amounts reasonably paid by them in settlement thereof or paid by them in
satisfaction of a judgment in any such action, suit or proceeding, if such members acted in good
faith and in a manner which they believed to be in, and not opposed to, the best interests of the
Company and its Subsidiaries.
Stock Subject to the Plan
4.1 Number of Shares. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.4 herein, the maximum
aggregate number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to Awards made under the Plan shall not
exceed the sum of (i) 6,000,000 plus (ii) that number of Shares represented by options under the
Second Amended Trustmark Corporation 1997 Long Term Incentive Plan which expire or are otherwise
terminated or forfeited at any time after the Effective Date of the Plan. Except as provided in
Sections 4.2 and 4.3 herein, the issuance of Shares in connection with the exercise of, or as other
payment for Awards, under the Plan shall reduce the number of Shares available for future Awards
under the Plan.
Stock that may be issued under the Plan may either be authorized but unissued Shares, Shares
held in treasury, or Shares held in a grantor trust created by the Company.
The Company, during the term of the Plan and thereafter during the term of any outstanding
Award which may be settled in Stock, shall reserve and keep available a number of Shares sufficient
to satisfy the requirements of the Plan.
4.2 Lapsed Awards or Forfeited Shares. If any Award granted under the Plan terminates,
expires, or lapses for any reason other than by virtue of exercise of the Award, or if Shares
issued pursuant to Awards are forfeited, any Stock subject to such Award again shall be available
for the grant of an Award under the Plan, subject to Section 7.3.
4.3 Delivery of Shares as Payment. In the event a Participant pays the Option Price for Shares
pursuant to the exercise of an Option with previously acquired Shares, the number of Shares
available for future Awards under the Plan shall be reduced only by the net number of new Shares
issued upon the exercise of the Option. In addition, in determining the number of shares of Stock
available for Awards, if Stock has been delivered or exchanged by a Participant as full or partial
payment to the Company for payment of withholding taxes, or if the number of shares of Stock
otherwise deliverable has been reduced for payment of withholding taxes, the number of shares of
Stock exchanged as payment in connection with the withholding tax or so reduced shall again be
available for purpose of Awards under the Plan.
4.4 Capital Adjustments. The number and kind of Shares subject to each outstanding Award, the
Option Price, and the annual limits on and the aggregate number and kind of Shares for which Awards
thereafter may be made shall be proportionately, equitably and appropriately adjusted in such
manner as the Committee shall determine in order to retain the economic value or opportunity to
reflect any stock dividend, stock split, recapitalization, merger, consolidation, reorganization,
reclassification, combination, exchange of shares or other corporate capitalization change of or by
the Company. Where an Award being adjusted is an ISO or is subject to Section 409A of the Code, the
adjustment shall also be effected so as to comply with Section 424(a) of the Code and not to
constitute a modification within the meaning of Section 424(h) or 409A, as applicable, of the Code.
Persons eligible to participate in the Plan include (i) all associates of the Company and its
Subsidiaries (including any corporation which becomes a Subsidiary after the adoption of the Plan
by the Board) who, in the opinion of the Committee, are Key Associates and (ii) all Directors.
Multiple grants of Awards under the Plan may be made in any calendar year to a Participant,
provided, however, that Awards of Options and SARs (disregarding any Tandem SARs as defined in
Section 7.1) granted in any calendar year to any one Participant shall not provide for the issuance
of, and/or cash payment with respect to, more than 90,000 Shares in the aggregate, that Awards of
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Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units granted in any calendar year to any one Participant
shall not provide for the issuance of, and/or cash payment with respect to, more than 50,000 Shares
in the aggregate, and that Performance Units granted in any calendar year to any one Participant
shall not provide for the payment of more than $1,000,000 in the aggregate.
Stock Options
6.1 Grant of Options. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, Options may be granted
to Key Associates and Directors at any time and from time to time as shall be determined by the
Committee. The Committee shall have complete discretion in determining the number of Shares subject
to Options granted to each Participant, provided, however, that (i) only Non-Qualified Stock
Options may be granted to Directors who are not associates of the Company or a Subsidiary, (ii) no
Participant may be granted Options in any calendar year for more than 90,000 Shares (with Options
cancelled in the same year as granted counted against this limit and with Options for which the
Option Price is reduced treated as cancelled and reissued for this annual limit) and (iii) the
aggregate Fair Market Value (determined at the time the Award is made) of Shares with respect to
which any Participant may first exercise ISOs granted under the Plan during any calendar year may
not exceed $100,000 or such amount as shall be specified in Section 422 of the Code and rules and
regulations thereunder.
6.2 Option Agreement. Each Option grant shall be evidenced by an Agreement that shall specify
the type of Option granted, the Option Price (as hereinafter defined), the duration of the Option,
the number of Shares to which the Option pertains, any conditions imposed upon the exercisability
of Options in the event of retirement, death, disability or other termination of employment or
service, and such other provisions as the Committee shall determine. The Agreement shall specify
whether the Option is intended to be an Incentive Stock Option within the meaning of Section 422 of
the Code, or a Non-Qualified Stock Option not intended to be within the provisions of Section 422
of the Code, provided, however, that if an Option is intended to be an Incentive Stock Option but
fails to be such for any reason, it shall continue in full force and effect as a Non-Qualified
Stock Option. If an Option is intended to be a Performance-Based Compensation Award, the terms and
conditions thereof, including the Performance Goal and Performance Period, shall be set forth in an
Agreement or in a subplan of the Plan which is incorporated by reference into an Agreement and the
requirements to satisfy or achieve the Performance Goal as so provided therein shall be considered
to be restrictions under the Plan.
6.3 Option Price. The Option Price of an Option shall be determined by the Committee subject
to the following limitations. The Option Price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value
of such Stock on the Grant Date. In addition, an ISO granted to a Key Associate (including any
Director who is a Key Associate) who, at the time of grant, owns (within the meaning of Section
424(d) of the Code) stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all
classes of stock of the Company, shall have an Option Price which is at least equal to 110% of the
Fair Market Value of such Stock on the Grant Date.
6.4 Duration of Options. Each Option shall expire at such time as the Committee shall
determine, provided, however, that no Option shall be exercisable after the expiration of ten years
from its Award Date. In addition, an ISO granted to a Key Associate (including any Key Associate
who is a Director) who, at the time of grant, owns (within the meaning of Section 424(d) of the
Code) stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of
the Company, shall not be exercisable after the expiration of five years from its Award Date.
6.5 Exercisability. Options granted under the Plan shall be exercisable at such times and be
subject to such restrictions and conditions as the Committee shall determine, which need not be the
same for all Participants.
6.6 Method of Exercise. Options shall be exercised by the delivery of a written notice to the
Company in the form prescribed by the Committee setting forth the number of Shares with respect to
which the Option is to be exercised, accompanied by full payment for the Shares and payment of (or
an arrangement satisfactory to the Company for the Participant to pay) any tax withholding required
in connection with the Option exercise. The Option Price shall be payable to the Company in full
either in cash, by delivery of Shares of Stock valued at Fair Market Value at the time of exercise
or by a combination of the foregoing.
To the extent permitted under the applicable laws and regulations, at the request of the
Participant and with the consent of the Committee, the Company agrees to cooperate in a cashless
exercise of an Option. The cashless exercise shall be effected by the Participant delivering to a
securities broker instructions to exercise all or part of the Option, including instructions to
sell a sufficient number of shares of Stock to cover the costs and expenses associated therewith.
As soon as practicable, after receipt of written notice and payment of the Option Price and
completion of payment of (or an arrangement satisfactory to the Company for the Participant to pay)
any tax withholding required in connection with the Option exercise, the Company shall deliver to
the Participant, stock certificates in an appropriate amount based upon the number of Options
exercised, issued in the Participants name.
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6.7 Restrictions on Stock Transferability. The Committee shall impose such restrictions on
any Shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of an Option under the Plan as it may deem advisable,
including, without limitation, restrictions under applicable Federal securities law, under the
requirements of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or any stock exchange upon
which such Shares are then listed and under any blue sky or state securities laws applicable to
such Shares. The Committee may specify in an Agreement that Stock delivered on exercise of an
Option is Restricted Stock or Stock subject to a buyback right by the Company in the amount of, or
based on, the Option Price therefor in the event the Participant does not complete a specified
service period after exercise.
6.8 Nontransferability of Options. No Option granted under the Plan may be sold, transferred,
pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution. Further, all Options granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be
exercisable during his lifetime only by such Participant or his guardian or legal representative.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, to the
extent permissible under Rule 16b-3 of the Exchange Act, a Participant who is granted Non-Qualified
Stock Options pursuant to the Plan may transfer such Non-Qualified Stock Options to his or her
spouse, lineal ascendants, lineal descendants, or to trusts for their benefit, provided that the
Non-Qualified Stock Option so transferred may not again be transferred other than to the
Participant originally receiving the grant of Non-Qualified Stock Options or to an individual or
trust to whom such Participant could have transferred Non-Qualified Stock Options pursuant to this
Section 6.8. Non-Qualified Stock Options which are transferred pursuant to this Section 6.8 shall
be exercisable by the transferee subject to the same terms and conditions as would have applied to
such Non-Qualified Stock Options in the hands of the Participant originally receiving the grant of
such Non-Qualified Stock Options.
6.9 Reload Options. The Committee shall have the authority to specify at the Award Date for
an Option that a Participant receiving the Option shall be granted the right to a further
Non-Qualified Stock Option (a Reload Option) in the event the Participant exercises all or a part
of the Option, including a Reload Option (an Original Option), by surrendering in accordance with
Section 6.6 hereof already owned shares of Stock in full or partial payment of the Option Price
under such Original Option. Each Reload Option shall be granted on the date of exercise of the
Original Option, shall cover a number of shares of Stock not exceeding the whole number of shares
of Stock surrendered in payment of the Option Price under such Original Option, shall have an
Option Price equal to the Fair Market Value on the Award Date of such Reload Option, shall expire
on the stated expiration date of the Original Option and shall be subject to such other terms and
conditions as the Committee may determine.
Stock Appreciation Rights
7.1 Grant of Stock Appreciation Rights. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan,
Stock Appreciation Rights may be granted to Key Associates and Directors, at the discretion of the
Committee, in any of the following forms, provided, however, that no Participant may be granted
more than 90,000 SARs in any calendar year (with SARs cancelled in the same year as granted counted
against this limit and with SARs for which the base amount on which the SAR payment at exercise is
calculated is reduced treated as cancelled and reissued for this annual limit):
(a) |
In connection with the grant, and exercisable in lieu of, Options (Tandem SARs); |
(b) |
In connection with and exercisable in addition to the grant of Options (Additive SARs); |
(c) |
Independent of grant of the Options (Freestanding SARs); or |
(d) |
In any combination of the foregoing. |
7.2 SAR Agreement. Each SAR grant shall be evidenced by an Agreement that shall specify its
type of SAR and its terms and conditions. If an SAR grant is intended to be a Performance-Based
Compensation Award, the Performance Goal and Performance Period shall be set forth in an Agreement
or in a subplan of the Plan which is incorporated by reference into an Agreement and the
requirements to satisfy or achieve the Performance Goal as so provided therein shall be considered
to be restrictions under the Plan.
7.3 Exercise of Tandem SARs. Tandem SARs may be exercised with respect to all or part of the
Shares subject to the Related Option. The exercise of Tandem SARs shall cause a reduction in the
number of Shares subject to the Related Option equal to the number of Shares with respect to which
the Tandem SAR is exercised. Conversely, the exercise, in whole or part, of a Related Option, shall
cause a reduction in the number of Shares subject to the Related Option equal to the number of
Shares with respect to which the Related Option is exercised. Shares with respect to which the
Tandem SAR shall have been exercised may not be subject again to an Award under the Plan.
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Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, a Tandem SAR shall expire no
later than the expiration of the Related Option, shall be transferable only when and under the same
conditions as the Related Option and shall be exercisable only when the Related Option is eligible
to be exercised. In addition, if the Related Option is an ISO, a Tandem SAR shall be exercised for
no more than 100% of the difference between the Option Price of the Related Option and the Fair
Market Value of Shares subject to the Related Option at the time the Tandem SAR is exercised.
7.4 Exercise of Additive SARs. Additive SARs shall be deemed to be exercised upon, and in
addition to, the exercise of the Related Options. The deemed exercise of Additive SARs shall not
reduce the number of Shares with respect to which the Related Options remains unexercised.
7.5 Exercise of Freestanding SARs. Freestanding SARs may be exercised upon whatever terms and
conditions the Committee, in its sole discretion, imposes upon such SARs.
7.6 Other Conditions Applicable to SARs. In no event shall the term of any SAR granted under
the Plan exceed ten years from the Grant Date. A SAR may be exercised only when the Fair Market
Value of a Share exceeds either (i) the Fair Market Value per Share on the Grant Date in the case
of a Freestanding SAR or (ii) the Option Price of the Related Option in the case of either a Tandem
or Additive SAR. A SAR shall be exercised by delivery to the Committee of a notice of exercise in
the form prescribed by the Committee.
7.7 Payment after Exercise of SARs. Subject to the provisions of the Agreement, upon the
exercise of a SAR, the Participant is entitled to receive, without any payment to the Company
(other than required tax withholding amounts), an amount equal (the SAR Value) to the product of
multiplying (i) the number of Shares with respect to which the SAR is exercised by (ii) an amount
equal to the excess of (A) the Fair Market Value per Share on the date of exercise of the SAR over
(B) either (x) the Fair Market Value per Share on the Award Date in the case of a Freestanding SAR
or (y) the Option Price of the Related Option in the case of either a Tandem or Additive SAR. The
Agreement may provide for payment of the SAR Value at the time of exercise or, on an elective or
non-elective basis, for payment of the SAR Value at a later date, adjusted (if so provided in the
Agreement) from the date of exercise based on an interest, dividend equivalent, earnings, or other
basis (including deemed investment of the SAR Value in Shares) set out in the Agreement (the
adjusted SAR Value). The Committee is expressly authorized to grant SARs which are deferred
compensation covered by Section 409A of the Code, as well as SARs which are not deferred
compensation covered by Section 409A of the Code.
Payment of the SAR Value or adjusted SAR Value to the Participant shall be made in Shares,
valued at the Fair Market Value on the date of exercise in the case of an immediate payment after
exercise or at the Fair Market Value on the date of settlement in the event of an elective or
non-elective delayed payment, in cash or a combination thereof as determined by the Committee,
either at the time of the Award or thereafter, and as provided in the Agreement.
7.8 Nontransferability of SARs. No SAR granted under the Plan, and no right to receive
payment in connection therewith, may be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise
alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution. Further,
all SARs, and rights in connection therewith, granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be
exercisable during his lifetime only by such Participant or his guardian or legal representative.
Restricted Stock
8.1 Grant of Restricted Stock. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, the Committee,
at any time and from time to time, may grant Shares of Restricted Stock under the Plan to such Key
Associates and Directors and in such amounts as it shall determine, provided, however, that no
Participant may be granted more than 50,000 Shares of Restricted Stock in any calendar year.
Participants receiving Restricted Stock Awards are not required to pay the Company therefor (except
for applicable tax withholding) other than the rendering of services. If determined by the
Committee, custody of Shares of Restricted Stock may be retained by the Company until the
termination of the Period of Restriction pertaining thereto.
8.2 Restricted Stock Agreement. Each Restricted Stock Award shall be evidenced by an Agreement
that shall specify the Period of Restriction, the number of Restricted Stock Shares granted, and
the applicable restrictions and such other provisions as the Committee shall determine. If an Award
of Restricted Stock is intended to be a Performance-Based Compensation Award, the terms and
conditions of such Award, including the Performance Goal and Performance Period, shall be set forth
in an Agreement or in a subplan of the Plan which is incorporated by reference into an Agreement
and the requirements to satisfy or achieve the Performance Goal as so provided therein shall be
considered to be restrictions under the Plan.
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8.3 Nontransferability of Restricted Stock. Except as provided in this Article VIII and
subject to the limitation in the next sentence, the Shares of Restricted Stock granted hereunder
may not be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated until the
termination of the applicable Period of Restriction or upon the earlier satisfaction of other
conditions as specified by the Committee in its sole discretion and set forth in the Agreement. All
rights with respect to the Restricted Stock granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be
exercisable during his lifetime only by such Participant or his guardian or legal representative.
8.4 Other Restrictions. The Committee may impose such other restrictions on any Shares of
Restricted Stock granted pursuant to the Plan as it may deem advisable including, without
limitation, restrictions under applicable Federal or state securities laws, and may legend the
certificates representing Restricted Stock to give appropriate notice of such restrictions.
8.5 Certificate Legend. In addition to any legends placed on certificates pursuant to Section
8.4 herein, each certificate representing Shares of Restricted Stock granted pursuant to the Plan
shall bear the following legend:
The sale or other transfer of the Shares of Stock represented by this certificate,
whether voluntary, involuntary, or by operation of law, is subject to certain restrictions
on transfer set forth in the Trustmark Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation
Plan, in the rules and administrative procedures adopted pursuant to such Plan, and in an
Agreement dated <<date of grant>>. A copy of the Plan, such rules and
procedures, and such Restricted Stock Agreement may be obtained from the Secretary of
Trustmark Corporation.
8.6 Removal of Restrictions. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, Shares of
Restricted Stock covered by each Restricted Stock Award made under the Plan shall become freely
transferable by the Participant after the last day of the Period of Restriction and, where
applicable, after a determination of the satisfaction or achievement on any applicable Performance
Goal. Once the Shares are released from the restrictions, the Participant shall be entitled to have
the legend required by Section 8.5 herein removed from his Stock certificate.
8.7 Voting Rights. During the Period of Restriction, Participants holding Shares of Restricted
Stock granted hereunder may exercise full voting rights with respect to those Shares.
8.8 Dividends and Other Distributions. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, during the
Period of Restriction, Participants entitled to or holding Shares of Restricted Stock granted
hereunder shall be entitled to receive all dividends and other distributions paid with respect to
those Shares while they are so held. If any such dividends or distributions are paid in Shares, the
Shares shall be subject to the same restrictions on transferability and the same rules for custody
as the Shares of Restricted Stock with respect to which they were distributed.
8.9 Termination of Employment or Service. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, in the
event that a Participant terminates his employment or service with the Company for any reason
during the Period of Restriction, then any Shares of Restricted Stock still subject to restrictions
as of the date of such termination shall automatically be forfeited and returned to the Company.
The Committee may provide for vesting of Restricted Stock in connection with the termination of a
Participants employment or service on such basis as it deems appropriate.
Restricted Stock Units
9.1 Grant of Restricted Stock Units. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, the
Committee, at any time and from time to time, may grant Restricted Stock Units under the Plan (with
one Unit representing one Share) to such Key Associates and Directors and in such amounts as it
shall determine, provided, however, that no Participant may be granted more than 50,000 Restricted
Stock Units in any calendar year. Participants receiving Restricted Stock Unit Awards are not
required to pay the Company therefor (except for applicable tax withholding) other than the
rendering of services.
9.2 Restricted Stock Unit Agreement. Each Restricted Stock Unit Award shall be evidenced by an
Agreement that shall specify the Period of Restriction, the number of Restricted Stock Units
granted, and the applicable restrictions and such other provisions as the Committee shall
determine. If an Award of Restricted Stock Units is intended to be a Performance-Based
Compensation Award, the terms and conditions of such Award, including the Performance Goal and
Performance Period, shall be set forth in an Agreement or in a subplan of the Plan which is
incorporated by reference into an Agreement and the requirements to satisfy or achieve the
Performance Goal as so provided therein shall be considered to be restrictions under the Plan.
Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, during the Period of Restriction, Participants
holding Restricted Stock Units shall have added to their rights all dividends and other
distributions which would have been paid with respect to the Shares represented by those Restricted
Stock Units if such Shares were outstanding, and such deemed dividends or distributions shall be
A - 9
subject to the same restrictions, vesting and payment as the Restricted Stock Units to which they
are attributable. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, during the Period of Restriction, any
such deemed dividends and other distributions shall be deemed converted to additional Restricted
Stock Units based on the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of payment or distribution of the
deemed dividend or distribution.
9.3 Payment after Lapse of Restrictions. Subject to the provisions of the Agreement, upon the
lapse exercise of restrictions with respect to a Restricted Stock Unit, the Participant is entitled
to receive, without any payment to the Company (other than required tax withholding amounts), an
amount equal (the RSU Value) to the product of multiplying (i) the number of Shares with respect
to which the restrictions lapse by (ii) the Fair Market Value per Share on the date the
restrictions lapse.
The Agreement may provide for payment of the RSU Value at the time of exercise or, on an
elective or non-elective basis, for payment of the RSU Value at a later date, adjusted (if so
provided in the Agreement) from the date of exercise based on an interest, dividend equivalent,
earnings, or other basis (including deemed investment of the RSU Value in Shares) set out in the
Agreement (the adjusted RSU Value). The Committee is expressly authorized to grant Restricted
Stock Units which are deferred compensation covered by Section 409A of the Code, as well as
Restricted Stock Units which are not deferred compensation covered by Section 409A of the Code.
Payment of the RSU Value or adjusted RSU Value to the Participant shall be made in Shares,
valued at the Fair Market Value on the date the restrictions therefor lapse in the case of an
immediate payment after vesting or at the Fair Market Value on the date of settlement in the event
of an elective or non-elective delayed payment, in cash or a combination thereof as determined by
the Committee, either at the time of the Award or thereafter, and as provided in the Agreement.
9.4 Nontransferability of Restricted Stock Units. No Restricted Stock Unit granted under the
Plan, and no right to receive payment in connection therewith, may be sold, transferred, pledged,
assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of descent and
distribution. Further, all Restricted Stock Units, and rights in connection therewith, granted to a
Participant under the Plan shall be exercisable during his lifetime only by such Participant or his
guardian or legal representative.
9.5 Termination of Employment or Service. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, in the
event that a Participant terminates his employment or service with the Company for any reason
during the Period of Restriction, then any Restricted Stock Units still subject to restrictions as
of the date of such termination shall automatically be forfeited and returned to the Company. The
Committee may provide for vesting of Restricted Stock Units in connection with the termination of a
Participants employment or service on such basis as it deems appropriate.
Performance Units
10.1 Grant of Performance Units. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, Performance
Units may be granted to Key Associates and Directors at any time and from time to time as shall be
determined by the Committee, provided, however, that no Participant may be granted Performance
Units with a dollar value in excess of $1,000,000 in any calendar year. Otherwise, the Committee
shall have complete discretion in determining the number of Performance Units granted to each
Participant. Participants receiving such Awards are not required to pay the Company therefor
(except for applicable tax withholding) other than the rendering of services.
10.2 Performance Unit Agreement. Each Performance Unit is intended to be a Performance-Based
Compensation Award, and the terms and conditions of each such Award, including the Performance Goal
and Performance Period (which may be equal to, less than or more than one year), shall be set forth
in an Agreement or in a subplan of the Plan which is incorporated by reference into an Agreement.
The Committee shall set the Performance Goal in its discretion for each Participant who is granted
a Performance Unit.
10.3 Settlement of Performance Units. After a Performance Period has ended, the holder of a
Performance Unit shall be entitled to receive the value thereof based on the degree to which the
Performance Goals and other conditions established by the Committee and set forth in the Agreement
(or in a subplan of the Plan which is incorporated by reference into an Agreement) have been
10.4 Form of Payment. Payment of the amount to which a Participant shall be entitled upon the
settlement of a Performance Unit shall be made in cash, Stock or a combination thereof as
determined by the Committee. Payment may be made in a lump sum or installments as determined by the
A - 10
10.5 Nontransferability of Performance Units. No Performance Unit granted under the Plan may
be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, otherwise than by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution. All rights with respect to Performance Units
granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be exercisable during his lifetime only by such
Participant or his guardian or legal representative.
Change in Control
In the event of a Change in Control of the Company, the Committee, as constituted before such
Change in Control, in its sole discretion may, as to any outstanding Award, either at the time the
Award is made or any time thereafter, take any one or more of the following actions: (i) provide
for the acceleration of any time periods relating to the exercise or realization of any such Award
so that such Award may be exercised or realized in full on or before a date initially fixed by the
Committee; (ii) provide for the purchase or settlement of any such Award by the Company, upon a
Participants request, for an amount of cash equal to the amount which could have been obtained
upon the exercise of such Award or realization of such Participants rights had such Award been
currently exercisable or payable; (iii) make such adjustment to any such Award then outstanding as
the Committee deems appropriate to reflect such Change in Control; or (iv) cause any such Award
then outstanding to be assumed, or new rights substituted therefor, by the acquiring or surviving
corporation in such Change in Control.
Modification, Extension and Renewal of Awards
Subject to the terms and conditions and within the limitations of the Plan, the Committee may
modify, extend or renew outstanding Awards and may modify the terms of an outstanding Agreement,
provided that the exercise price of any Award may not be lowered other than pursuant to Section 4.4
herein. In addition, the Committee may accept the surrender of outstanding Awards (to the extent
not yet exercised) granted under the Plan or outstanding awards granted under any other equity
compensation plan of the Company and authorize the granting of new Awards pursuant to the Plan in
substitution therefor so long as the new or substituted awards do not specify a lower exercise
price than the surrendered Awards or awards, and otherwise the new Awards may be of a different
type than the surrendered Awards or awards, may specify a longer term than the surrendered Awards
or awards, may provide for more rapid vesting and exercisability than the surrendered Awards or
awards, and may contain any other provisions that are authorized by the Plan. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, however, no modification of an Award, shall, without the consent of the Participant,
adversely affect the rights or obligations of the Participant.
Amendment, Modification and Termination of the Plan
13.1 Amendment, Modification and Termination. At any time and from time to time, the Board may
terminate, amend, or modify the Plan. Such amendment or modification may be without shareholder
approval except to the extent that such approval is required by the Code, pursuant to the rules
under Section 16 of the Exchange Act, by any national securities exchange or system on which the
Stock is then listed or reported, by any regulatory body having jurisdiction with respect thereto
or under any other applicable laws, rules or regulations.
13.2 Awards Previously Granted. No termination, amendment or modification of the Plan other
than pursuant to Section 4.4 herein shall in any manner adversely affect any Award theretofore
granted under the Plan, without the written consent of the Participant.
14.1 Tax Withholding. The Company shall have the power and the right to deduct or withhold, or
require a Participant to remit to the Company, an amount sufficient to satisfy Federal, State and
local taxes (including the Participants FICA obligation) required by law to be withheld with
respect to any grant, exercise, or payment made under or as a result of the Plan.
14.2 Stock Withholding. With respect to withholding required upon the exercise of
Non-Qualified Stock Options, or upon the lapse of restrictions on Restricted Stock, or upon the
occurrence of any other taxable event with respect to any Award, Participants may elect, subject to
the approval of the Committee, or the Committee may require Participants to satisfy the withholding
requirement, in whole or in part, by having the Company withhold Shares of Stock having a Fair
Market Value equal to the amount required to be withheld. The value of the Shares to be withheld
shall be based on Fair Market Value of the Shares on the date that the amount of tax to be withheld
is to be determined. All elections by Participants shall be irrevocable and be made in writing and
in such manner as determined by the Committee in advance of the day that the transaction becomes
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All obligations of the Company under the Plan, with respect to Awards granted hereunder, shall
be binding on any successor to the Company, whether the existence of such successor is the result
of a direct or indirect purchase, merger, consolidation or otherwise, of all or substantially all
of the business and/or assets of the Company.
16.1 Requirements of Law. The granting of Awards and the issuance of Shares of Stock under the
Plan shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and to such approvals by any
governmental agencies or self regulatory organizations as may be required.
16.2 Effect of the Plan. The establishment of the Plan shall not confer upon any Key Associate
or Director any legal or equitable right against the Company, a Subsidiary or the Committee, except
as expressly provided in the Plan. The Plan does not constitute an inducement or consideration for
the employment or service of any Key Associate or Director, nor is it a contract between the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries and any Key Associate or Director. Participation in the Plan
shall not give any Key Associate or Director any right to be retained in the service of the Company
or any of its Subsidiaries. No Key Associate or Director who receives an Award shall have rights as
a shareholder of the Company prior to the date Shares are issued to the Participant pursuant to the
16.3 Creditors. The interests of any Participant under the Plan or any Agreement are not
subject to the claims of creditors and may not, in any way, be assigned, alienated or encumbered.
16.4 Governing Law. The Plan, and all Agreements hereunder, shall be governed, construed and
administered in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Mississippi and the
intention of the Company is that ISOs granted under the Plan qualify as such under Section 422 of
the Code.
16.5 Severability. In the event any provision of the Plan shall be held illegal or invalid for
any reason, the illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts of the Plan, and the
Plan shall be construed and enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had not been included.
16.6 Unfunded Status of Plan. The Plan is intended to constitute an unfunded plan for
incentive and deferred compensation. With respect to any payments as to which a Participant has a
fixed and vested interest but which are not yet made to a Participant by the Company, nothing
contained herein shall give any such Participant any rights that are greater than those of a
general unsecured creditor of the Company.
16.7 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan Omnibus Provision. It is intended that any
compensation, benefits or other remuneration which is provided pursuant to or in connection with
the Plan which is considered to be nonqualified deferred compensation subject to Section 409A of
the Code shall be provided and paid in a manner, and at such time and in such form, as complies
with the applicable requirements of Section 409A of the Code to avoid the unfavorable tax
consequences provided therein for non-compliance. The Committee is authorized to amend any Award
Agreement as may be determined by it to be necessary or appropriate to evidence or further evidence
required compliance with IRC Section 409A.
16.8 Share Certificates and Book Entry. To the extent that the Plan provides for issuance of
stock certificates to represent shares of Stock, the issuance may be effected on a non-certificated
basis to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or the applicable rules of any stock exchange.
Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this Plan, in its discretion the Committee may
satisfy any obligation to deliver Shares represented by stock certificates by delivering Shares in
electronic form or book-entry credit. If the Company issues any Shares in electronic form or
book-entry credit that are subject to terms, conditions and restrictions on transfer, a notation
shall be made in the records of the transfer agent with respect to any such Shares describing all
applicable terms, conditions and restrictions on transfer. In the case of Restricted Stock granted
under the Plan, such notation shall be substantially in the form of the legend contained in Section
8.5 herein.
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P.O. BOX 291
JACKSON, MS 39205-0291
Shareholders may use the Internet to transmit their voting instructions and for electronic delivery
of information up until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time the day before the meeting date. To vote online,
have the proxy card in hand, access the website above, and follow the instructions given.
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by Trustmark Corporation in mailing proxy materials,
you can consent to receive all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports
electronically via email or the Internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please follow the
instructions above to vote using the Internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to
receive or access shareholder communications electronically in future years.
VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903
Shareholders may use any touch-tone telephone to transmit their voting instructions up until 11:59
p.m. Eastern Time the day before the meeting date. To vote by telephone, have the proxy card in
hand, call the toll-free number above, and follow the instructions given.
Shareholders should mark, sign, and date their proxy card and return it in the postage-paid
envelope provided or return it to Trustmark Corporation, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood,
NY 11717.
All |
All |
For All
Except |
To withhold authority to vote for any individual
nominee(s), mark For All Except and write the number(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below. |
Items of Business |
1. |
Election of Directors - To elect a board of twelve directors
to hold office for the ensuing year or until their successors
are elected and qualified. |
o |
o |
o |
Nominees: |
01) |
Adolphus B. Baker
07 |
) |
David H. Hoster II |
02) |
Fred E. Carl, Jr.
08 |
) |
John M. McCullouch |
03) |
William C. Deviney, Jr.
09 |
) |
Richard H. Puckett |
04) |
Daniel A. Grafton
10 |
) |
R. Michael Summerford |
05) |
Richard G. Hickson
11 |
) |
LeRoy G. Walker, Jr. |
06) |
Gerard R. Host
12 |
) |
William G. Yates III |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
2. Approval of the Amendment of the Trustmark
Corporation 2005 Stock and Incentive Compensation Plan to revise the definition of performance
goals for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
o |
3. Ratification of Selection of Independent Auditors - To ratify the selection of KMPG LLP as Trustmark Corporations independent auditors for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2010.
o |
4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. |
Instruction for Cumulative Voting for Directors: To cumulate votes for
directors, do NOT mark For All, Withhold All or For All Except above, but
check this box and specify the method of cumulative voting on the reverse side
of this card in the section called Cumulative Voting Instructions/Comments by
writing the number of shares of Common Stock to be voted for the individual
nominee(s) and the number(s) of the nominee(s). Cumulative voting can only be
processed by using the proxy card method of voting.
o |
Please indicate if you plan to attend this meeting.
o |
No |
Signature [Joint Owners]
Date |
Important Notice Regarding Internet Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting:
The Notice and Proxy Statement and 2009 Annual Report to Shareholders are available at
under Investor Relations/Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
May 11, 2010
The shareholder(s) hereby appoint(s) Daniel A. Grafton and R. Michael Summerford, or either
of them, as proxies, each with the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorize(s) them
to represent and to vote, as designated on the reverse side of this proxy card, all of the shares
of Common Stock of Trustmark Corporation that the shareholder(s) is/are entitled to vote at the
annual meeting of shareholders to be held in the Trustmark Ballroom at the Jackson Convention
Complex, located at 105 Pascagoula Street, Jackson, Mississippi, on Tuesday, May 11, 2010, at
10:00 a.m. Central Time.
Cumulative Voting Instructions/Comments: |
(If you noted any Cumulative Voting Instructions/Comments above, please mark corresponding box on the reverse side.)