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                         ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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Following are materials first sent to ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
stockholders on or about May 13, 2002. Prior to being sent, ICN did not
obtain the consent of the author or publication to use this material as
proxy soliciting material.




 UNDER REVIEW                                                   May 3, 2002
 ICN.N $27.80              COUNTRY: U.S.               SECTOR: Pharmaceuticals
 Fair Value:                YEAR-END         EPS      P/E     GROWTH/
 Under Review                 DEC            ($)      (x)      RATE
                             2000A          $1.14     --        --
 Richard R. Stover           2001A          $1.02    27.2      -10%
 Senior Analyst              2002E          $2.05    13.6      101%
 (212) 698-3141              2003E          $2.80     9.9       36%
                     Index: S&P 500 1084.56      Currency Rate: US$1 = NM
                     Market Cap. (Mil.): $2,259  52-Week Range: $34.73 - $24.01

Stephanie H. O'Brien
Research Associate
(212) 698-3149


First-quarter EPS rose 40% to $0.36 per share, in line with the First Call
consensus but below our $0.42 per share estimate.

Ribavirin royalty revenue more than doubled to $57 million versus $27.6
million a year ago. This was in line with our estimates, but above the
consensus. Specialty Pharma revenue rose 11% and gross profit margins
improved, reflecting manufacturing efficiencies in European operations.

Both SG&A spending and the tax rate were considerably higher than expected.
SG&A spending reflected approximately $8 million
in expenses related to restructuring and the current proxy fight.
Management did not provide a cogent explanation for why the tax rate of
40.2% in the quarter was higher than its previous guidance of 30%. It
reiterated its target to achieve a 30% tax rate later in the year.

Management provided guidance that EPS for the year would be higher than the
consensus estimate of $1.74 per share, which includes an expectation of
ribavirin royalty revenue in the range of $250-$300 million. Our estimate
remains unchanged at

Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Inc. has an investment banking advisory
relationship with ICN. A senior officer of Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder
maintains an advisory relationship with ICN.

[symbol] 2002 Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in
U.S.A. Reproduction or quotation in whole or in part without prior written
permission by Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Inc. is forbidden. All
information in this report is subject to change at any time without prior
notice. The information contained herein, while not guaranteed, has been
obtained from sources we consider reliable. This information is taken from
company reports and documents and/or Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Inc.
estimates, unless otherwise noted. This is not a solicitation of any order
to buy or sell. Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Inc., its officers and
employees including those involved in the preparation of this report,
directors and stockholders, and customers of this Firm whose accounts are
maintained on a discretionary basis may have substantial long or short
positions in, and buy or sell the securities or options of, companies
discussed in this report. Such positions may have been established, in any
and all cases, prior to the commencement of circulation of this report.
Additional information is available upon request.

$310-$315 million. Management also indicated that it expects Specialty
Pharma revenue to exceed $800 million in the 2002 fiscal year.

Further 2002 guidance includes:

o  A target G&A expense as a percentage of sales of about 7% in 2002, down
   from 11% in 2001.

o  An increase in R&D expenditures to about $70 million this year, of which
   approximately $50 million will be spent by Ribapharm.

o  A reduction in the tax rate to about 30%. It was unclear to us whether
   that represented a tax rate that could be achieved for the full year or
   in the fourth quarter.


We initiated coverage of ICN in May 2000 based on our expectation of
explosive growth in ribavirin royalties, believing that Rebetol in
combination with PEG-Intron would become the new standard of care in the
treatment of hepatitis C. The valuation case for the company's proposed
restructuring may have made sense given investor preferences that were
reflected in the financial markets two years ago. However, valuation
arguments for its implementation appear far less compelling given today's
market conditions, in our view.

Meanwhile, the diversion of organizational and financial resources to the
restructuring effort and the ongoing proxy contest appear to us to have
been more of a deterrent to building shareholder value.

The ICN we saw two years ago had prospects of burgeoning royalty revenue
from a blockbuster drug, a newly recruited research team to exploit the
potential of its proprietary library of nucleic acid analogs, and an
established global commercialization infrastructure. Indeed, this should
have represented an ideal strategic positioning relative to fledgling
biotech companies and the vast majority of specialty pharma companies.

But ICN's implementation of its restructuring plan appears to be
dismantling the company's previously enviable strategic position, owing to
the combination of what we believe is poor advice from its investment
bankers and persistent prodding by dissident shareholders, neither of which
have any appreciation of the strategic elements of the pharmaceutical
business, in our opinion.

We believe the restructuring would effectively dismantle what most
companies strive to attain.

 o  In its place, ICN shareholders will be left with a stake in Ribapharm
   (RNA.N - $ 10.60/Not Rated) a "biotechnology" company with strong cash
   flow, a modest early-stage pipeline, and we believe little depth in
   management. Ribapharm's CEO is an accomplished scientist and researcher,
   but the organization possesses no management experience whatsoever in
   business development or marketing. Ribapharm has disclosed that it plans
   to spend $140 million on R&D over the 2002-2003 period. Given the
   company's limited early-stage pipeline, this begs the question: "On

o  As a result of the restructuring, the Specialty Pharma business will be
   split geographically into two distinct business units with redundant
   administrative overheads, and abandon any prospect of being able to
   achieve global commercialization of any of its new products. None of the
   company's disclosures to date provides financial statements for these
   two entities (ICN Americas or ICN International) on a stand-alone basis.

Today, shareholders are faced with a proxy contest between ICN management
and a group of dissident shareholders led by two institutional groups that
established positions in ICN stock for their investment clients less than a
year ago.

In reading the proxy materials put forth by Iridian Asset Management and
Franklin Mutual Advisors, we are frankly disturbed by the absence of any
discussion of an alternative fundamental course for the company. This
subjects the stock to even greater uncertainty, in our view.

For its part, ICN management appears to have acquiesced to the clamoring of
most of its institutional shareholders, including the dissidents, by going
ahead with the restructuring program.

The Ribapharm partial IPO was completed, notwithstanding extremely
difficult market conditions, and management reiterated its commitment to
distribute the remaining Ribapharm shares as a dividend to shareholders
once its tax-free status is affirmed by the IRS. Management also reiterated
its commitment to spin out 40% of ICN International in an IPO once market
conditions improve, and distribute the remaining shares to shareholders.

In conversations with our institutional clients who own ICN shares, most
appear to favor the dissident shareholder "un-Panic" slate, in our view
willing to follow Iridian and Franklin Mutual (on their potentially
value-destructive path) like lemmings into the sea. The vast majority of
our institutional clients who don't like the company's management simply
don't own the stock, effectively voting their proxy on the trading desk.


For our part, any credible assessment of ICN's fundamentals or valuation
requires some visibility as to the future management direction of the
company. As noted above, this visibility does not now exist.

Accordingly, we are suspending our previous "Buy" recommendation and $35
fair value assessment, pending further clarification of the company's
future fundamental direction.

   o  We had anticipated that effective execution of the Ribapharm IPO
      would neutralize the dissenting shareholders' quest to gain control
      of the company.

   o  We had anticipated that management and its investment bankers would
      provide transparency to the financial statements of the company's
      Specialty Pharma business. Our analysis of the company's financial
      statements over the past several quarters exacerbates our concerns
      about the cost and expense burden of redundant administrative

   o  We had anticipated that by now management would have put forth a more
      proactive plan for succession that would strengthen investor
      confidence in ICN's ongoing strategic direction. Nor have the
      dissident shareholders outlined a succession or strategic plan, which
      heightens our concern that their actions may jeopardize the
      realization of value inherent in ICN and Ribapharm in the future.

The events of the next month, hopefully, will provide greater clarity in
terms of ICN's future direction and its prospects of realizing value that
we believe should be well in excess of the market appraisal it has today.



                                       First Quarter        Second Quarter     Third Quarter      Fourth Quarter
                                     -----------------    ------------------ -----------------  ------------------
($ Millions except per share)         2002   2001  %Chg.   2002E  2001 %Chg.  2002E 2001 %Chg.   2002E  2001  %Chg.
----------------------------         ----   ----  ----    -----  ---- -----  ----- ---- -----   -----  ----  -----
Pharmaceutical Products

North America                    $46.9    $42.3    11%   $51.0   $44.1     16%   $46.0    $39.0    18%   $54.0     $47.2    14%
Latin America                     29.5     26.1    13%    33.0    29.6     11%    34.0     30.7    11%    47.0      42.0    12%
Western Europe & Central Europe   54.9     52.5     5%    56.0    49.9     12%    53.0     47.6    11%    63.0      56.2    12%
Eastern Europe (Russia)           29.8     24.4    22%    25.0    23.0      9%    25.0     22.9     9%    36.0      33.2     8%
Asia, Africa & Australia          11.8     10.6    11%    14.0    13.0      8%    13.5     12.5     8%    14.5      12.9    12%
Human Pharmaceuticals           $172.9   $155.9    11%  $179.0   $159.6    12%  $171.5   $152.7    12%  $214.5    $191.5    12%
Biomedical Products               15.8     15.5     2%    15.0    14.8      2%    15.0     14.4     4%    17.0      16.8     1%
                                           ----                   ----            ----     ----           ----      ----
Product sales                   $188.7   $171.4    10%  $194.0  $174.4     11%  $186.5   $167.0    12%  $231.5    $208.3    11%
Royalty revenues                  57.0     27.6   107%    75.2    31.4    139%    82.0     24.0   242%    98.0      54.0    81%
TOTAL REVENUES                  $245.7   $199.0    23%  $269.2   $205.8    31%  $268.5   $191.1    41%  $329.5    $262.3    26%

Cost of sales                    $71.1    $69.8     2%   $73.9   $69.2      7%   $72.0    $65.5    10%   $86.0     $81.3     6%
% of product sales                37.7%    40.7%          38.1%   39.7%           38.6%    39.2%          37.1%     39.0%
Selling, general &
administrative                    91.6    73.4     25%    91.4    79.2     15%    95.0     83.2    14%    97.0      84.6    15%
Amortization of goodwill &
intangibles                        7.2    8.2     -12%     7.0     7.9    -11%     7.0      7.9   -11%     7.3       8.1   -10%
Research & development             9.9    6.4      55%    16.1     6.5    150%    20.0      6.9   188%    24.0      10.7   124%
                                   ---    ---             ----     ---            ----      ---           ----      ----
Total operating costs
  & expenses                    $179.8   $157.8    14%  $188.4  $162.8     16%  $194.0   $163.5    19%  $214.3    $184.7    16%

Operating Income                 $65.9    $41.2    60%   $80.8   $43.1     88%   $74.5    $27.5   170%  $115.2     $77.6    49%
 Margin                          28.9%   35.1%           27.5%   33.6%           26.8%    34.3%          26.1%     31.0%
Translation gain (loss)          (2.1)    (0.4)          (2.0)     4.7           (2.0)    (1.3)          (2.0)     (1.8)
Interest income (expense)- net  (13.2)   (10.8)          (7.0)  (10.9)           (7.0)   (12.1)          (7.0)    (12.4)
INCOME before taxes              $50.6    $30.0    68%   $71.8   $36.9     95%   $65.5    $14.1   365%  $106.2     $63.4    68%
Pretax margin                    26.8%   20.7%           30.0%   20.9%           27.7%    14.4%          35.0%     29.6%
Provision for taxes              $20.3    $9.3    120%   $25.8   $14.5     78%   $23.6     $4.7   405%   $37.2     $30.2    23%
Effective tax rate                40.2%   30.8%           36.0%   39.4%           36.0%    37.0%          35.0%     47.6%
Minority interests                (0.0)    0.3            (1.5)   (0.8)           (1.5)    (0.3)          (2.0)      0.3
NET INCOME                       $30.2    $21.0    44%   $44.4   $21.6    106%   $40.4     $9.2   341%   $67.0     $33.5   100%
Convertible interest add back     $5.7                    $5.7                    $5.7                    $5.7      $5.7
Shares outstanding - Diluted      84.3    82.3            84.4    83.2            84.5     83.6           84.5      83.6
Shares - assuming conversion      99.6                    99.7                    99.8                    99.8      98.9
EARNINGS PER SHARE               $0.36   $0.26     40%   $0.50   $0.26     94%   $0.46    $0.11   322%   $0.73     $0.40    84%
                                 =====   =====           =====   =====           =====    =====          =====     =====

        Full year
  2002E   2001   %Chg.
  -----   ----  -------

  $197.9   $172.6   15%
   143.5    128.4   12%
   226.9    206.2   10%
   115.8    103.5   12%
    53.8     49.1   10%

  $737.9   $659.7   12%
    62.8     61.4    2%
    ----     ----
  $800.7   $721.1   11%
   312.2    137.0  128%
$1,112.9   $858.1   30%

  $303.0   $285.7    6%
    37.8%    39.6%
   375.0    320.5   17%
    28.5     32.1  -11%
    70.0     30.5  130%
  $776.5   $668.8   16%
  $336.4   $189.4   78%
    27.2%   33.3%
    (8.1)     1.2
   (34.2)   (46.1)
  $294.0   $144.4  104%
    30.2%    22.1%
  $106.9    $58.6   82%
    36.4%    40.6%
    (5.0)    (0.5)
  $182.1    $85.3  114%
    84.4     83.3
   $2.05    $1.02    101%

Source: Company reports and Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder estimates

Global Equity Research
UBS Warburg

MAY 8, 2002               BIOTECHNOLOGY                          UNITED STATES

RIBAPHARM INC (RNA)[2]                                                     BUY

Key Statistics
  Price                     $10.45
  52-Wk Range               $12-10
  Price Target              $16.00
  Return Pot'I.              53.1%
  Mkt. Cap(MM)              $1,568
  Sh. Out.(MM)               150.0
  Float                         NA
  Inst. Hldgs.                0.0%
Avg. Volume(K)               1,588
CUrr.Div./Yield            None/NA
Sec.Grwth.Rate                 13%
  Convertible?                  No
  Debt/Capital                  NA
  ROE LTM                       NA
  Book Value/Share
  Price/Book                    NA

Quarterly Earnings Per Share (fiscal year ends December)

                       2001A        2002E          Prev      20003E        Prev
 1Q                    $0.10         $0.15
 2Q                    $0 11          0.18
 3Q                     0.07          0.20
 4Q                     0.20          0.18
 Year                  $0.48         $0.71                    $0.76
 FC Cons.:                NA            NA                       NA
 P/E:                  21.8x         14.7x                    13.8x
 Revs.(MM):             $144          $250                     $283
 P/Rev.:               10.9x          6.3x                     5.4x
 EBITDA(MM):            $112          $177                     $207

Ribapharm is a biotechnology company with a primary focus on the
development and commercialization of anti-viral and anti-cancer
therapeutics. The company currently has one marketed product Ribavirin, a
major component of the standard treatment for Hepatitis C. Through its
marketing partner, Schering Plough (SGP), Ribapharm has built the 2nd
largest biotechnology franchise behind Amgen's Epogen. In addition,
Ribapharm is developing 2nd generation products which are both targeting
the hepatitis C market.
Source: UBS Warburg LLC and First Call consensus estimates



o    We are initiating coverage on RNA with a Buy rating and a $16 price
     target. Our Buy rating is based upon strong expected earnings growth
     driven by sales of ribavirin.

o    We also expect several near-term events including a potential licensing
     deal with Roche and the completion of the ICN spin-off to provide
     further catalysts for the stock.

o    RNA is a profitable biotechnology company focusing on the development
     and commercialization of anti-viral and anti-cancer therapeutics. RNA
     has one marketed product, ribavirin, a major component of the leading
     HCV treatment.


Our $16 price  target is based upon a 21x multiple on our 2003 EPS estimate
of $0.76. Our 21x multiple represents a slight discount to that afforded to
the large cap biotech companies currently trading at 25x 2003 earnings.  In
addition,  our 21x  multiple  represents  a slight  premium  to  comparable
companies  such as Enzon  and  Biogen.  We  believe  that our 21x  multiple
comfortably accounts for the company's risk profile, while also recognizing
the growth  opportunities  associated  with ribavirin.  Indeed,  as we gain
further clarity on outstanding issues such as the launch of Roche's Pegasys
and the generic issue, we believe RNA may be afforded a higher multiple.


+1 212 713 2611


+1 416 814-1430


+1 212 713 2717

1    In addition to the UBS Warburg web site,
     WWW.UBSWARBURG.COM/RESEARCHWEB, our research products are available
     over third-party systems provided or serviced by: Bloomberg, First
     Call, I/B/E/S, IFIS, Multex, QUICK and Reuters. UBS WARBURG IS A

Ribapharm Inc May 8, 2002


We are initiating coverage with a Buy rating and a 12-month price target of
$16/share.  Our Buy  rating  and $16 price  target  are based  upon  strong
expected  royalties from increasing  sales of ribavirin.  Specifically,  we
expect  Ribapharm  to realize  $250  million in  royalties in 2002 and $293
million in 2003. This should  translate into EPS of $0.71 in 2002 and $0.76
in 2003; a potential  licensing deal with Roche could provide upside to our
2003 estimates as well as to our outyear  forecasts.  In addition,  we also
cite several  near-term events,  including a possible  management change at
ICN in late  May and  the  completion  of the RNA  spin-off  from  ICN,  as
additional catalysts for the stock.

COMPANY BACKGROUND - RNA is a biotechnology company with a primary focus on
the  development  and   commercialization  of  anti-viral  and  anti-cancer
therapeutics.  The company currently has one marketed product: ribavirin, a
major  component of the standard  treatment for hepatitis C (HCV).  Through
its marketing  partner,  Schering Plough,  RNA has built ribavirin into the
second largest biotechnology  franchise behind Amgen's Epogen. In addition,
RNA is developing  second-generation  products targeting HCV, cancer,  HIV,
and hepatitis B.

Prior to its IPO on April 12, 2002, RNA was the biotechnology business unit
of ICN  Pharmaceuticals,  responsible  for  ribavirin  and other  follow-on
anti-viral/  anti-cancer  compounds.  ICN  sold  roughly  20% of RNA to the
public in early  April;  we expect the  remaining  80% of the company to be
spun-off tax-free to ICN shareholders by the end of 4Q02. While RNA has two
follow-on  products  expected to move into Phase II development  later this
year for the  treatment  of HCV,  investor  focus is clearly on  ribavirin.

is an orally available  nucleoside  analogue  developed by ICN in the early
1980's for the treatment of a variety of viral infections.  With an initial
approval for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants in 1985, the drug
later  demonstrated broad anti-viral  activity,  particularly in HCV. While
its  mechanism  of  anti-viral  activity is not fully  understood,  several
mechanisms have been proposed including inhibition of the genetic machinery
of rapidly  replicating  viruses,  as well as an immune modulating  effect.
This  latter  understanding  regarding  its effect is the basis for several
method of use patents  issued to ICN,  now  transferable  to RNA, in effect
until 2016.

Currently,  ribavirin  is the  treatment  of choice  for  chronic  HCV,  in
combination with  interferon-alpha.  This combination was approved in 1998,
and until  October  of last year was only  available  as a  combined  brand
called Rebetron (ribavirin capsules + interferon-alpha injectable) marketed
by SGP . In October,  2001  ribavirin was launched as a stand-alone  brand,
Rebetol,  for use with SGP's  recently  approved and  pegylated  version of
interferon-alpha,  PEG-Intron.  The combination  therapy produces sustained
virologic responses in 54% of patients treated, and is better tolerated and
more convenient to use than traditional combination therapy.  Nevertheless,
HCV remains a tremendously  under-diagnosed  and under-treated  disease. Of
the 10-12 million infected persons in the US, Europe,  and Japan, only 6-8%
are  diagnosed  and  only  25-30%  of  those  diagnosed  are  treated  with
appropriate  combination  therapy.  As a  result,  there  is a huge  market
opportunity still available to HCV therapies.

CHALLENGES  ON THE HORIZON - Several  potential  competitive  threats  have
emerged over the last year that appear to challenge the  sustainability  of
the  ribavirin  HCV  franchise.  Included in these  challenges  are Roche's
intention  to  launch  a  competing   combination  pegylated  interferon  +
ribavirin  product  without  paying a royalty  to RNA as early as 4Q02.  In
addition,   generic  ANDA's  have  been  filed  by  Geneva,   Three  Rivers
Pharmaceuticals  and Teva in August,  2001.  We believe  that RNA's  patent
position  will provide  strong  leverage in reaching a licensing  agreement
with Roche. Further, we believe that the combined patent estates of SGP and
RNA  detailing  combination  therapy  will provide a high hurdle to generic

CATALYSTS - In the near term we believe  there is a reasonably  high degree
of probability for a Roche/RNA  licensing  agreement.  We believe that both
Roche's  commitment  to  coming  to  market  as soon as  possible,  and the
potential  hindrance  posed by RNA's patent  position make a potential deal
the logical  outcome.  We also expect to gain  better  visibility  into the
generic issue over the next 6-12 months as these cases enter  litigation in
mid-2003.  In  addition  to  these  issues,  we  believe  that a  potential
management  change at ICN could  provide  an  additional  catalyst  for the
stock. Specifically, dissident shareholders in favor of new management have
been  gaining  momentum  in  recent  weeks.  We  expect  that  a  potential
management  change at ICN's annual  meeting on May 29th could prove to be a
catalyst  for RNA  shares.  Regardless  of the outcome at the  meeting,  we
believe  the  spin-off  will  occur by the  end of 2002;  and in so  doing,
effectively removing the ICN taint from RNA. However, a new management team
would  likely  bolster  investor  confidence  in the  probability  of  this

2   UBS Warburg LLC

Ribapharm Inc     May 8, 2002

In the more  immediate  term, we believe that  physicians  and patients are
increasingly  adopting the improved combination  therapy,  translating into
strong revenue and earnings  growth.  Indeed,  it already  appears that the
company is on pace to enroll roughly  100,000 new patients,  which measures
comfortably with our projection of 60,000 patients  (including  significant
patient  attrition  rates close to 40%) in 2002.  Additional  increases  in
prescription trends could provide upside to our 2002 EPS estimate of $0.71.


o    There are a number  of risks  inherent  in  investing  in the  biotech
     industry.  These  include,  but are not  limited  to,  clinical  trial
     failures,   capital  restrictions,   failure  to  achieve  significant
     revenues  and  earnings,  as  well as  other  unforeseen  events.  Any
     investment should carefully weigh all aspects of the company's product
     portfolio and financial position in relation to any upside potential.

3   UBS Warburg LLC

Ribapharm Inc     May 8, 2002
Fiscal Year Ends December 31.                                                 2002E
                                        -------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
 INCOME STATEMENT (mins)                2000A      2001A      10Q2E     2Q02E     3Q02E    4Q02E(2)   2002E     2003E
                                        -------  --------                                            -------  ---------


    Product Sales                       $    -   $     -   $    -     $    -     $    -    $    -    $     -  $     -
    Product Services                         -         -          -        -          -         -          -        -
    Product Royalties                     154.8     143.6       50.0      61.5       68.4      70.2    250.0      293.1
                                        -------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
TOTAL REVENUE                           $ 154.8  $  143.6  $    50.0  $   61.5   $   68.4  $   70.2  $ 250.0  $   293.1

    Cost of Goods Sold                  $    -   $     -   $      -   $     -    $     -   $     -   $    -   $      -
    R&D Expense                            13.0      25.2       10.1      15.1       17.3      17.8     60.3       72.3
    SG&A Expense                           11.1       5.9        3.3       3.3        3.3       3.3     13.1       14.1
                                                                 ---       ---        ---       ---      ---
TOTAL EXPENSES                             24.1      31.2       13.4      18.3       20.6      21.1     73.4       86.3
-----------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
OPERATING INCOME                          130.7     112.5       36.6      43.1       47.8      49.0    176.6      206.8
-----------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
Depreciation and amortization                -         -          -         -          -         -        -          -
EBIT                                      130.7      1125       36.6      43.1       47.8      49.0    176.6      206.8
    Interest Income                                    -           -        -          -         -        -         3.5
    Interest Expense                                   -           -      (0.1)      (0.3)     (0.3)    (0.7)      (0.1)
Total Other Income (Expense)                                       -      (0.1)      (0.3)     (0.3)    (0.7)       3.4
Pre-Tax Income                             1307      1125       36.6      43.1       47.5      48.7    175.9      210.2
Income taxes                               48.7      40 5       13.6      15.9       17.6      18.0     65.1       77.8
                                        -------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
Recurring Net Income                    $  82.0  $   72.0  $    23.1  $   27.1  $    29.9  $   30.7  $ 110.8   $  132.4
                                        =======  ========  =========  ========  =========  ========  =======  =========
Non-Recurring Items (inc.
   extraordinary, net of taxes)              -         -          -         -          -         -       -            -
                                        -------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
 Reported Net Income                    $  82.0  $   72.0  $    23.1  $   27.1  $    29.9  $   30.7  $ 110.8   $  132.4
                                        =======  ========  =========  ========  =========  ========  =======  =========
-----------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
    RECURRING EPS                       $  0.55  $   0.48  $    0.15  $   0.18  $    0.20  $   0.18  $  0.71   $   0.76
-----------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------
    Extraordinary item (net of taxes)       -         -          -         -          -         -        -
    Reported EPS                           0.55      0.48       0.15      0.18       0.20      0.18     0.71       0.76
Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding          150.0     150.0      150.0     150.0      150.0     174.1    156.0      175.1

MARGIN ANALYSIS                           2000A      2001A      1Q02E     2Q02E     3Q02E    4Q02E(2)   2002E     2003E

Product Royalties                         100.0%    100.0%     100.0%    100.0%     100.0%    100.0%   100.0%     100.0%
COGS (as a % of Product Sales)                -         -          -         -          -         -        -       0.0%
R&D Expense                                 8.4%     17.6%      20.1%     24.5%      25.3%     25.4%    24.1%      24.7%
SG&A Expense                                7.2%      4.1%       6.6%      5.3%       4.8%      4.7%     5.3%       4.8%
Operating Income                           84.4%     78.3%      73.3%     70.2%      69.9%     69.9%    70.6%      70.5%
Pre-Tax Income                             84.4%     78.3%      73.3%     70.1%      69.5%     69.5%    70.4%      71.7%
Tax Rate                                   37.3%     36.0%      37.0%     37.0%      37.0%     37.0%    37.0%      37.0%
Recurring Net Income                       53.0%     50.1%      46.1%     44.1%      43.8%     43.8%    44.3%      45.2%


Product Royalties                          41.3%     (7.2%)     71.0%     84.6%     158.4%     28.5%    74.1%      17.2%
Total Revenue                              41.3%     (7.2%)     71.0%     84.6%     158.4%     28.5%    74.1%      17.2%
COGS                                         --        --         --        --         --        --       --         --
R&D Expense                               135.7%     93.7%      96.1%    172.6%     197.2%    104.6%   139.2%      19.8%
SG&A Expense                               98.0%    (46.5%)    244.1%    111.2%      66.8%    123.4%   121.0%       7.1%
Operating Income                           32.7%    (14.0%)     58.3%     64.5%     155.9%     10.4%    57.0%      17.1%
Pre-Tax Income                             32.7%    (14.0%)     58.3%     64.2%     154.4%      9.7%    56.4%      19.5%
Recurring Net Income                       30.1%    (12.2%)     58.3%     59.4%     182.6%      3.0%    54.0%      19.5%
Recurring EPS                             755.1%    141.6%      58.3%     59.4%     182.6%   (11.2%)    48.0%       6.4%

(1)  Ribavirin was approved for use in conjunction with SDP's alpha
     interferon for chronic Hepatitis C in mid-1998.

(2)  ICN, the parent company of RNA, issued $525 million of 6.25%
     convertible notes (convertible at $34.25/share) in July, 2000. Under
     the terms of the offering, both ICN and RNA are liable for interest
     and principal payments on the notes. However, a subsequent agreement
     between the two companies states that ICN will be solely responsible
     for all payments. This arrangement can only be altered with a majority
     vote from RNA shareholders who are not ICN shareholders. The SEC has
     ruled that RNA is not required to report interest expense on its pro
     forma income statement; however, the $525 million liability will be
     reflected on the company's pro forma balance sheet. Upon conversion of
     the notes, bondholders are entitled to 23.07195 million shares of RNA
     (15.3 million shares of ICN X 1.51 shares of RNA as per the proposed
     spin-off of the company). We assume this spin-off will occur in 4Q02;
     at this point, RNA will have roughly 174 million fully diluted shares.

RNA has its IPO in April, 2002; All previous results are Pro Forma as per

Source: UBS Warburg Research and company reports

4   UBS Warburg LLC

Ribapharm Inc     May 8, 2002

  Company Name                           Ticker          Price      Company Name                           Ticker         Price

  Amgenh[l]                              AMGN           $46.54      Biogen Inc.[l]                         BGEN          $40.29
  Enzon[l]                               ENZN           $28.82      ICN Pharmaceuticals[2,30,37,48]        ICN           $26.29
  Schering-Plough[48]                    SGP            $27.01

Price quoted on May 7, 2002 Source: UBS Warburg

1.   UBS Warburg LLC and/or one of its affiliates makes a market in the
     securities and/or ADRs of this company.

2.   UBS AG, its affiliates or subsidiaries has acted as manager/co-manager
     in the underwriting or placement of securities of this company or one
     of its affiliates within the past three years.

30.  UBS Warburg is acting as a financial advisor to this company.

37.  UBS AG, its affiliates or subsidiaries has acted as financial advisor
     or provided corporate finance or capital markets related services to
     this company or one of its affiliates within the past year.

48.  UBS Warburg LLC is acting as proxy advisor to ICN regarding a
     dissident shareholder matter.

PHONE: +1-212-713-2000

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5   UBS Warburg LLC