Form 6-K



Washington, D.C. 20549


Form 6-K


Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of

the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of July, 2006



(Translation of registrant’s name into English)

7-1, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo 100-8330, Japan

(Address of principal executive offices)


[Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or

will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.]

Form 20-F    X            Form 40-F            

[Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information

contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission

pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.]

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: July 31, 2006



/S/ Ryutaro Kusama

Name:   Ryutaro Kusama
Title:   Chief Manager, General Affairs
    Corporate Administration Division


Consolidated Financial Information

<consistent with Japanese GAAP>

for the first quarter ended June 30, 2006


Date:    July 31, 2006
Company name (code number):    Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (8306)
Stock exchange listings:    Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, New York
Headquarters:    Tokyo
Representative:    Nobuo Kuroyanagi, President & CEO
For inquiry:    Yoshihisa Harata, Chief Manager - Financial Planning Division
   (Phone) +81-3-5252-4160
Trading accounts:    Established
Audit corporation participation:    None

1. Notes to consolidated financial information


  (1) Adoption of simplified accounting method:

The allowance for credit losses and the others partially adopt the simplified accounting methods.

The allowance for credit losses is stated based on the following:

For a part of claims to debtors whose internal credit ratings are not changed from that as of the previous fiscal year, it is calculated using the loss ratios on the claims as of the previous fiscal year, etc.

For a part of claims to debtors whose internal credit ratings are changed from that as of the previous fiscal year, it is calculated using the loss ratios on the claims as of the previous fiscal year based on the internal credit ratio as of June 30, 2006, etc.

A part of assets is stated based on actual amounts as of the previous fiscal year, etc.


  (2) Change in accounting policies:

Please refer to the footnote of “2. Consolidated Statements of Income” on page 5.


  (3) Change in scope of consolidation and application of the equity method:


Consolidated subsidiaries:

   Newly included:    4    Excluded:    4

Affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method:

   Newly included:    4    Excluded:    2

2. Consolidated financial data for the first quarter ended June 30, 2006


(1)    Operating results   


     (Figures are rounded down to the nearest million yen)  
     (in millions of yen except per share data and percentages)  
     For the first quarter ended June 30,     (Reference)
For the year ended March 31, 2006
     2006     2005    

Ordinary income


Ordinary profit


Net income


Net income per common share (yen)

   22,095.65     14,591.09     93,263.16  

Net income per common and common equivalent share (yen)

   21,752.54     —       89,842.27  

(Reference) ex-UFJ Holdings, Inc.


     For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2005

Ordinary income


Ordinary profit


Net income


Net income per common share (yen)


Net income per common and common equivalent share (yen)



1. Percentages represent rate of change from the previous first quarter or the previous fiscal year.
2. The first quarter ended June 30, 2005 refers to the consolidated results of former Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group.


Qualitative information related to the consolidated operating results:

With respect to the economic environment between April and June 2006, overseas economies showed steady signs of economic growth. Meanwhile, stock prices worldwide sharply fell due to fears of inflation in the United States, which was partially due to the rise in oil prices. Similarly, the Japanese economy showed steady signs of economic growth, led by the steady increase in exports, domestic capital expenditures and private consumption, and the consumer price index followed a positive trend. During the period, stock prices in Japan also decreased.

Regarding the financial environment between April and June 2006, in the United States, the target for the federal funds rate was raised in May and June to 5.25%. Similarly, in the EU, the European Central Bank’s policy rate was raised to 2.75% in June. Meanwhile, in Japan, the Bank of Japan ended its quantitative easing policy, and short-term interest rates showed some signs of an increase. Regarding long-term interest rates, the yield on ten-year Japanese government bonds fluctuated in a wide range due to overseas interest rate movements and speculation regarding the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan. In the foreign exchange markets, the yen fluctuated in a wide range between 108 yen to 118 yen per US Dollar, as the US Dollar weakened at times due to the US trade deficit, while at other times the US Dollar strengthend due to fears of continuing interest rate hikes in the United States.

Amidst this environment, for the three months ended June 30, 2006, MUFG’s ordinary income was ¥1,312.3 billion, an increase of 106.5% compared to the first quarter ended June 30, 2005, ordinary profit was ¥321.7 billion, an increase of 113.9% compared to the first quarter ended June 30, 2005, and net income was ¥219.5 billion, an increase of 126.6% compared to the first quarter ended June 30, 2005.



(2) Financial condition



(in millions of yen except per share data and percentages)

     As of June 30,    


As of March 31, 2006

     2006     2005    

Total assets

   179,492,197     113,216,114     187,046,793  

Total net assets (*1)

   8,997,599     4,760,633     7,727,837  

Total net assets as a percentage of total assets (*1)(*2)

   3.9 %   4.2 %   4.1 %

Total net assets per common share (yen) (*1)

   655,547.61     689,478.87     692,792.39  

(Reference)ex-UFJ Holdings, Inc.

           As of June 30,

Total assets


Total net assets (*1)


Total net assets as a percentage of total assets (*1)(*2)

     1.6 %  

Total net assets per common share (yen) (*1)

     (12,726.00 )  




1. Item name and calculation method of above reference marks as “Total net assets”, “Total net assets as a percentage of total assets” and “Total net assets per common share” are revised from this first quarter in accordance with enforcement of the new company law in Japan and others (Those figures as of June 30, 2005 and March 31, 2006 are stated with old measures). “Total net assets” is a modification of “Shareholders’ equity” and existing “Shareholders’ equity” of this first quarter is 7,167,144 million yen. While “Total net assets as a percentage of total assets” and “Total net assets per common share” are modifications of “Shareholders’ equity as a percentage of total liabilities, minority interest and shareholders’ equity” and “Shareholders’ equity per common share” respectively, effect of this modifications to the numbers of the reference marks is minor. Please refer to next page for the formulas for calculating the reference marks.
2. Please refer to page 15 for “Consolidated risk-adjusted capital ratio based on the standards of the BIS”.


Qualitative information related to the consolidated financial condition:

Total assets decreased by ¥7,554.5 billion from ¥187,046.7 billion at March 31, 2006 to ¥179,492.1 billion at June 30, 2006, and total net assets decreased by ¥828.7 billion to ¥8,997.5 billion compared to the aggregate amount of minority interest and shareholders’ equity at March 31, 2006.

Regarding the change in balance of total net assets, though retained earnings increased, total net assets decreased mainly because net deferred losses on hedge transactions of ¥149.0 billion was reported for the three months ended June 30, 2006 (For the previous fiscal years, the amounts were recorded both in the Assets and Liabilities sections), treasury stock increased by ¥288.4 billion due to the repayment of public funds etc, and net unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale decreased by ¥443.6 billion due to a decrease of valuation differences of stock.

Investment securities decreased by ¥1,653.3 billion from ¥48,508.9 billion at March 31, 2006 to ¥46,855.5 billion at June 30, 2006. Loans and bills discounted decreased by ¥659.0 billion from ¥85,763.1 billion at March 31, 2006 to ¥85,104.0 billion at June 30, 2006. Deposits decreased by ¥2,539.5 billion from ¥118,988.0 billion at March 31, 2006 to ¥116,448.5 billion at June 30, 2006.


Earning projections for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007


     (in millions of yen)
     Ordinary income    Ordinary profit    Net income

For the six months ending September 30, 2006

   2,570,000    630,000    340,000

For the year ending March 31, 2007

   5,460,000    1,430,000    750,000


Projected net income per common share for the year ending March 31, 2007 (yen): 73,742.33

Qualitative information related to the earning projections:

There are no changes to our earnings projections issued on May 22, 2006 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007.


This financial summary report and the accompanying financial highlights contain forward-looking statements regarding estimation, forecast, target and plan in relation to the results of operations, financial conditions and other general management of the company and/or the group as a whole (the “forward-looking statements”). The forward-looking statements are made based upon, among other things, the company’s current estimations, perceptions and evaluations. In addition, in order for the company to adopt such estimation, forecast, target and plan regarding future events, certain assumptions have been made. Accordingly, the statements and assumptions are inherently not guarantees of future performance and may result in inaccuracy from an objective point of view and in material differences from the actual result. For instance, the estimation and forecast regarding the company is based on the assumption that the business integration plan with the former UFJ Holdings Group will be implemented smoothly. Also, the statements regarding collectibility of the deferred tax assets are based on estimation and other assumptions such as our business plan and the premises thereof, and exemplify such situation as above. There exist a number of factors that might lead to uncertainties and risks. For the main matters that may be currently forecasted, please see the financial highlight, the Annual Securities Report, Disclosure Book, and Annual Report, and other current disclosures that the company announced.




Formulas for computing ratios for the first quarter ended June 30, 2006 are as follows.


 Net income per common share


Net income - Amount not available to common shareholders*1

Average outstanding shares of common stock during the period*2


Net income per common and common equivalent share


Net income - Amount not available to common shareholders*1 + Adjustments in net income

Average outstanding shares of common stock during the period*2 + Incremental shares of common stock


ƒ Total net assets as a percentage of total assets (For the first quarter ended June 30, 2006)


Total net assets - Subscription rights to shares - Minority interests

   × 100
Total assets   

Shareholders’ equity as a percentage of total assets

(For the first quarter ended June 30, 2005 and for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006)


Total shareholders’ equity

   × 100
Total assets   


Total net assets per common share (For the first quarter ended June 30, 2006)


Total net assets - Deduction from total net assets*3

Outstanding shares of common stock at the end of this quarter*2

Shareholders’ equity per common share

(For the first quarter ended June 30, 2005 and for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006)


Total shareholders’ equity - Deduction from total shareholders’ equity*4

Outstanding shares of common stock at fiscal term end*2

Formula for computing projected earning ratio for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007 is as follows.

Projected net income per common share


Projected net income - Projected total dividends on preferred stock

Outstanding shares of common stock at the end of fiscal year*2


*1 equivalent of dividends on preferred stock and others
*2 excluding treasury stock and stocks held by its subsidiaries and affiliated companies
*3 amount of preferred stock issued, equivalent of dividends on preferred stock, subscription rights to shares, minority interests and others
*4 amount of preferred stock issued, equivalent of dividends on preferred stock and others



Mitsbishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

1. Consolidated Balance Sheets



As of June 30,



As of March 31,




As of June 30, 2005


(in millions of yen)

       (A)-(B)     (ex-MTFG)     (ex-UFJHD)  



Cash and due from banks

   9,002,277     12,347,561     (3,345,283 )   7,351,244     5,251,495  

Call loans and bills bought

   1,054,459     2,467,717     (1,413,258 )   752,383     193,148  

Receivables under resale agreements

   2,114,232     1,077,911     1,036,321     929,021     2,242,254  

Receivables under securities borrowing transactions

   4,346,299     5,425,527     (1,079,228 )   3,997,467     3,037,401  

Monetary claims bought

   3,049,563     2,675,007     374,556     2,310,399     381,083  

Trading assets

   9,451,549     10,070,779     (619,230 )   7,606,528     4,941,923  

Money held in trust

   408,149     410,545     (2,395 )   441,717     47,899  


   46,855,585     48,508,977     (1,653,391 )   33,483,434     23,296,240  

Allowance for losses on securities

   (27,224 )   (26,663 )   (560 )   (1,193 )   —    

Loans and bills discounted

   85,104,092     85,763,106     (659,014 )   46,837,744     36,492,949  

Foreign exchanges

   1,251,978     1,267,808     (15,829 )   733,140     622,875  

Other assets

   5,626,665     6,517,435     (890,770 )   3,462,908     2,661,250  

Tangible fixed assets

   1,342,748     —       1,342,748     —       —    

Intangible fixed assets

   621,693     —       621,693     —       —    

Premises and equipment

   —       1,517,892     (1,517,892 )   849,378     613,460  

Deferred tax assets

   988,943     705,140     283,803     397,618     1,121,741  


   —       145,250     (145,250 )   —       1,538  

Customers’ liabilities for acceptances and guarantees

   9,614,445     9,533,542     80,903     4,787,240     4,195,891  

Reserve for possible loan losses

   (1,313,261 )   (1,360,745 )   47,484     (722,920 )   (1,311,399 )

Allowance for losses on securities

   —       —       —       —       (4,249 )

Total assets

   179,492,197     187,046,793     (7,554,596 )   113,216,114     83,785,505  




   116,448,550     118,988,093     (2,539,543 )   68,217,713     49,963,120  

Negotiable certificates of deposits

   5,740,798     6,586,425     (845,627 )   2,824,913     3,237,515  

Call money and bills sold

   4,507,579     9,428,846     (4,921,266 )   7,202,139     6,509,118  

Payables under repurchase agreements

   4,417,060     4,885,491     (468,431 )   4,501,678     2,764,622  

Payables under securities lending transactions

   4,385,700     4,339,568     46,132     3,565,962     2,662,673  

Commercial paper

   422,221     309,384     112,836     197,291     128,112  

Trading liabilities

   5,026,235     4,361,905     664,329     3,453,843     4,236,845  

Borrowed money

   3,542,696     2,974,031     568,664     1,347,104     1,181,620  

Foreign exchanges

   1,261,547     1,312,568     (51,021 )   1,529,598     251,211  

Short-term corporate bonds

   317,400     490,700     (173,300 )   1,042,600     289,100  

Bonds and notes

   6,585,940     6,634,559     (48,618 )   4,224,320     2,509,796  

Bonds with warrants

   49,165     49,165     —       49,165     —    

Due to trust account

   2,231,701     2,429,068     (197,367 )   1,196,694     1,111,834  

Other liabilities

   5,551,282     4,469,097     1,082,185     3,693,357     1,751,074  

Reserve for bonuses

   15,203     50,857     (35,653 )   3,899     4,051  

Reserve for employee retirement benefits

   79,812     82,239     (2,427 )   44,987     14,004  

Reserve for losses on compensation claim

   —       —       —       —       2,495  

Reserve for expenses related to EXPO 2005 Japan

   —       —       —       292     —    

Reserves under special laws

   2,114     2,058     55     1,560     386  

Deferred tax liabilities

   84,322     81,963     2,358     57,010     26,599  

Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation

   210,819     210,875     (56 )   133,098     74,549  

Acceptances and guarantees

   9,614,445     9,533,542     80,903     4,787,240     4,195,891  

Total liabilities

   170,494,598     177,220,444     (6,725,846 )   108,074,473     80,914,623  

Net assets:


Capital stock

   1,383,052     —       1,383,052     —       —    

Capital surplus

   1,917,944     —       1,917,944     —       —    

Retained earnings

   3,493,914     —       3,493,914     —       —    

Treasury stock

   (1,062,394 )   —       (1,062,394 )   —       —    

Total owners’ equity

   5,732,516     —       5,732,516     —       —    

Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale, net of taxes

   1,325,909     —       1,325,909     —       —    

Net deferred gains (losses) on hedging instruments, net of taxes

   (149,081 )   —       (149,081 )   —       —    

Revaluation reserve for land, net of taxes

   149,455     —       149,455     —       —    

Foreign currency translation adjustments

   (40,737 )   —       (40,737 )   —       —    

Total valuation and translation adjustments

   1,285,546     —       1,285,546     —       —    

Minority interests

   1,979,536     —       1,979,536     —       —    

Total net assets

   8,997,599     —       8,997,599     —       —    

Total liabilities and net assets

   179,492,197     —       179,492,197     —       —    

Minority interests

   —       2,098,512     (2,098,512 )   381,007     1,516,888  

Stockholders’ equity:


Capital stock

   —       1,383,052     (1,383,052 )   1,383,052     1,000,000  

Capital surplus

   —       1,915,855     (1,915,855 )   832,969     —    

Retained earnings

   —       3,325,980     (3,325,980 )   1,871,459     72,895  

Revaluation reserve for land, net of taxes

   —       149,534     (149,534 )   149,508     109,537  

Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale, net of taxes

   —       1,769,525     (1,769,525 )   635,329     259,517  

Foreign currency translation adjustments

   —       (42,168 )   42,168     (108,679 )   (85,225 )

Treasury stock

   —       (773,941 )   773,941     (3,006 )   (2,733 )

Total stockholders’ equity

   —       7,727,837     (7,727,837 )   4,760,633     1,353,992  

Total liabilities, minority interest and stockholders’ equity

   —       187,046,793     (187,046,793 )   113,216,114     83,785,505  

Note: “ex-MTFG” represents ex-Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc. and “ex-UFJHD” represents ex-UFJ Holdings, Inc.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

2. Consolidated Statements of Income


     For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2006
   For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2005



For the year ended

March 31, 2006

(in millions of yen)

   (A)    (ex-MTFG)

Ordinary income:


Interest income:

   782,837    371,044    249,477     411,793     2,365,923

(Interest on loans and discounts)

   483,050    222,340    172,947     260,709     1,411,124

(Interest and dividends on securities)

   170,484    78,300    42,771     92,184     598,194

Trust fees

   39,774    13,043    4,918     26,731     122,898

Fees and commissions

   304,127    132,857    114,586     171,269     1,000,853

Trading income

   39,411    29,458    18,398     9,953     148,524

Other operating income

   69,912    66,837    107,627     3,075     391,226

Other income

   76,294    22,259    17,415     54,034     264,524

Total ordinary income

   1,312,357    635,500    512,423     676,856     4,293,950

Ordinary expenses:


Interest expense:

   312,861    142,824    68,950     170,036     884,422

(Interest on deposits)

   140,072    69,730    24,610     70,342     414,861

Fees and commissions

   43,217    17,472    19,766     25,745     117,058

Trading expenses

   436    495    —       (58 )   1,113

Other operating expenses

   38,700    33,325    60,326     5,374     170,456

General and administrative expenses

   515,762    270,390    187,353     245,372     1,663,458

Other expenses

   79,588    20,543    33,591     59,044     379,380

Total ordinary expenses

   990,566    485,051    369,988     505,514     3,215,888

Ordinary profit

   321,790    150,448    142,435     171,342     1,078,061

Extraordinary gains

   72,877    21,386    58,538     51,490     451,571

Extraordinary losses

   1,464    696    32,748     767     28,535

Income before income taxes and others

   393,204    171,138    168,225     222,065     1,501,097

Provision for income taxes and others

   15,740    6,597    6,257     9,143     108,982

Deferred income taxes

   126,013    57,974    (4,155 )   68,039     525,011

Minority interest

   31,905    9,659    2,596     22,245     96,383

Net income

   219,543    96,907    163,527     122,636     770,719


As for trust fees of our domestic trust banking subsidiaries, timing of revenue recognition is changed from this first quarter. In previous fiscal terms, in principle, the fees had been recognized as revenue at the end of calculation period of the trust contracts. From this first quarter, in order to make more appropriate periodic accounting of profit and loss in accordance with recent improvement of information disclosure system, the fees became recognized as revenue on accrual basis along with elapse of calculation period of the trust contracts other than trust fees whose calculation methods were not based on calculation period of trust contracts or balance of entrusted assets. This change became able to be made by development of the calculation system of the subsidiaries in this first quarter which made it possible that the accrual accounting of the fees based on calculation period of trust contracts or balance of entrusted assets.

This change causes an increase of 19,354 million yen in “Ordinary income”, “Ordinary profit” and “Income before income taxes and others” respectively, compared to the previous revenue recognition method.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

3. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Asset

For the first quarter ended June 30, 2006


     (in millions of yen)  
     Owners’ equity  
     Capital stock    Capital surplus   Retained earnings     Treasury stock     Total owners’ equity  

Balance at the end of previous period

   1,383,052    1,915,855   3,325,980     (773,941 )   5,850,946  

Changes of items during the period


Dividends from surplus

        (49,398 )     (49,398 )

Bonuses to directors

        (163 )     (163 )

Net income

        219,543       219,543  

Acquision of treasury stock

          (289,442 )   (289,442 )

Disposal of treasury stock

      2,089     988     3,078  

Reversal of land revaluation excess

        81       81  

Decrease in company accounted for by the equity method

        (2,129 )     (2,129 )

Total changes of items during the period

   —      2,089   167,934     (288,453 )   118,429  

Balance at the end of the current period

   1,383,052    1,917,944   3,493,914     (1,062,394 )   5,732,516  


     (in millions of yen)  
     Valuation and translation adjustments              
     Net unrealized
gains (losses)
on securities
for sale,
net of taxes
    Net deferred
gains (losses)
on hedging
net of taxes
for land,
net of taxes
net assets

Balance at the end of previous period

   1,769,525     —       149,534     (42,168 )   1,876,891     2,098,512     9,826,349  

Changes of items during the period


Dividends from surplus

               (49,398 )

Bonuses to directors

               (163 )

Net income


Acquision of treasury stock

               (289,442 )

Disposal of treasury stock


Reversal of land revaluation excess


Decrease in company accounted for by the equity method

               (2,129 )

Net changes of items other than owners’ equity

   (443,615 )   (149,081 )   (78 )   1,430     (591,344 )   (118,976 )   (710,320 )

Total changes of items during the period

   (443,615 )   (149,081 )   (78 )   1,430     (591,344 )   (118,976 )   (828,750 )

Balance at the end of the current period

   1,325,909     (149,081 )   149,455     (40,737 )   1,285,546     1,979,536     8,997,599  

Note: Minority interests is added up to Total net assets as of the end of previous period.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

(Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation)

4. Statement of Trust Assets and Liabilities

Statement of Trust Assets and Liabilities which is obtained by adding up Trust Assets under Service-Shared Co-Trusteeship


(in millions of yen)


As of
June 30, 2006



As of
March 31, 2006


   (A) - (B)    


As of June 30, 2005

           ex-MTB    ex-UTB



Loans and bills discounted

   343,002    350,037    (7,035 )   538,200    594,358


   50,194,683    49,971,674    223,009     27,255,129    13,149,795

Beneficiary rights to the trust

   25,240,575    24,690,554    550,020     12,625,111    12,643,478

Securities held in custody accounts

   1,304,125    1,129,454    174,671     933,424    281,817

Money claims

   11,363,844    11,398,024    (34,180 )   4,504,392    3,274,993

Premises and equipment

   6,662,966    6,363,329    299,636     2,832,396    2,738,851

Surface rights

   18,405    17,805    600     2,752    16,525

Real estate lease rights

   60,311    —      60,311     —      —  

Lease rights

   —      52,094    (52,094 )   31,182    14,180

Other claims

   2,195,865    2,333,082    (137,216 )   1,420,704    447,655

Call loans

   1,318,492    1,396,008    (77,516 )   1,090,651    459,939

Due from banking account

   2,231,518    2,428,889    (197,370 )   1,729,837    1,225,378

Cash and due from banks

   1,102,318    1,054,442    47,876     826,514    493,336


   —      —      —       —      0

Total assets

   102,036,108    101,185,395    850,713     53,790,296    35,340,310



Money trusts

   29,248,184    29,699,587    (451,403 )   19,101,842    7,810,028

Pension trusts

   12,356,137    12,150,927    205,209     8,488,502    3,838,750

Property formation benefit trusts

   14,736    14,583    153     12,844    4,546

Loan trusts

   608,069    653,459    (45,390 )   486,739    449,341

Investment trusts

   23,765,571    22,892,430    873,140     11,407,096    12,634,166

Money entrusted other than money trusts

   2,913,012    2,946,860    (33,847 )   2,253,669    931,479

Securities trusts

   1,614,268    1,560,549    53,719     1,365,556    351,731

Money claims trusts

   11,777,144    11,783,807    (6,663 )   4,731,618    3,381,893

Equipment trusts

   45,696    27,027    18,669     —      51,339

Land and fixtures trusts

   116,845    118,056    (1,210 )   97,965    63,122

Land and fixture lease trusts

   266    —      266     —      —  

Land leases trusts

   —      265    (265 )   —      262

Composite trusts

   19,576,174    19,337,839    238,334     5,844,460    5,823,650

Other trusts

   0    0    (0 )   0    0

Total liabilities

   102,036,108    101,185,395    850,713     53,790,296    35,340,310

Note: “ex-MTB” represents ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and “ex-UTB” represents ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

5. Business segment information

“Ordinary profit” represents the results of ex-MTFG for the first quarter ended June 30, 2005.


<For the first quarter ended June 30, 2006>   


     (in millions of yen)
     Banking    Trust Banking    Securities    Other    Total    (Elimination)     Consolidated

Ordinary profit

   218,699    58,449    12,741    192,746    482,636    (160,845 )   321,790




    1. “Ordinary profit” is presented as counterparts of operating profit of companies in other industries.
    2. “Other” primarily includes credit card and leasing businesses.
    3. “Other” primarily includes dividend of a total of 156,531 million yen from our domestic banking subsidiary and trust banking subsidiary.
    4. As for trust fees of our domestic trust banking subsidiaries, timing of revenue recognition is changed from this first quarter. In previous fiscal terms, in principle, the fees had been recognized as revenue at the end of calculation period of the trust contracts. From this first quarter, in order to make more appropriate periodic accounting of profit and loss in accordance with recent improvement of information disclosure system, the fees became recognized as revenue on accrual basis along with elapse of calculation period of the trust contracts other than trust fees whose calculation methods were not based on calculation period of trust contracts or balance of entrusted assets. This change became able to be made by development of the calculation system of the subsidiaries in this first quarter which made it possible that the accrual accounting of the fees based on calculation period of trust contracts or balance of entrusted assets.


     This change causes an increase of 19,354 million yen in“Ordinary profit of trust banking” compared to the previous revenue recognition method.


<For the first quarter ended June 30, 2005>   


     (in millions of yen)
     Banking    Trust Banking    Securities    Other    Total    (Elimination)     Consolidated

Ordinary profit

   118,455    22,159    3,485    186,488    330,589    (180,140 )   150,448




    1. “Ordinary profit” is presented as counterparts of operating profit of companies in other industries.
    2. “Other” primarily includes credit card and leasing businesses.
    3. “Other” primarily includes dividend of a total of 180,193 million yen from ex-MTFG’s domestic banking subsidiary and trust banking subsidiary.




<For the year ended March 31, 2006>   


     (in millions of yen)
     Banking    Trust Banking    Securities    Other    Total    (Elimination)     Consolidated

Ordinary profit

   825,646    204,781    80,598    1,072,159    2,183,185    (1,105,124 )   1,078,061


    1. “Ordinary profit” is presented as counterparts of operating profit of companies in other industries.
    2. “Other” primarily includes credit card and leasing businesses.
    3. “Other” primarily includes dividend of a total of 1,010,251 million yen from our domestic banking subsidiary and trust banking subsidiary.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

6. Financial Results




The following financial results of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc. and ex-UFJ Holdings, Inc..


     (in billions of yen)

For the first quarter ended

June 30, 2006(A)


For the first quarter ended

June 30, 2005(B)


Gross profits

   841.5     765.6     75.9 

Net interest income

   470.7     409.2     61.4 

Trust fees

   39.7     17.9     21.8 

Credit costs for trust accounts (1)

   —       (0.1 )   0.1 

Net fees and commissions

   260.9     210.2     50.7 

Net trading profits

   38.9     47.3     (8.3)

Net other operating income

   31.2     80.8     (49.6)

Net gains (losses) on debt securities

   (24.8 )   69.5     (94.3)

General and administrative expenses

   504.8     438.8     66.0 

Net operating profits before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for formula allowance for loan losses

   336.6     326.9     9.7 

Provision for formula allowance for loan losses (2)

   —       —       —   

Net operating profits*

   336.6     326.8     9.8 

Net non-recurring gains (losses)

   (14.9 )   (33.9 )   19.0 

Credit related costs (3)

   (22.9 )   (23.7 )   0.7 

Losses on loan charge-offs

   (23.1 )   (22.1 )   (0.9)

Provision for specific allowance for loan losses

   —       —       —   

Other credit related costs

   0.1     (1.5 )   1.7 

Net gains (losses) on equity securities

   0.7     (1.8 )   2.6 

Gains on sales of equity securities

   7.7     11.4     (3.7)

Losses on sales of equity securities

   (0.2 )   (9.4 )   9.1 

Losses on write down of equity securities

   (6.7 )   (3.9 )   (2.8)

Other non-recurring gains (losses)

   7.2     (8.3 )   15.6 

Ordinary profit

   321.7     292.8     28.9 

Net extraordinary gains

   71.4     46.4     24.9 

Reversal of allowance for loan losses (4)

   11.2     53.7     (42.4)

Income before income taxes and others

   393.2     339.3     53.8 

Income taxes-current

   15.7     12.8     2.8 

Income taxes-deferred

   126.0     53.8     72.1 

Minority interests

   31.9     12.2     19.6 

Net income

   219.5     260.4     (40.8)


*Netoperating profits = The 2 Banks’ non-consolidated net operating profits + Other consolidated entities’ gross profits - Other consolidated entities’ general and administrative expenses - Other consolidated entities’ provision for formula allowance for loan losses - Inter-company transactions




Total credit costs (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)

   (11.7 )   29.8     (41.5)



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

[Total of the 2 Banks]


The following financial results of this first quarter represent the aggregated figures of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation and those of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd., ex-UFJ Bank Limited, ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  

For the first quarter ended

June 30, 2006(A)


For the first quarter ended

June 30, 2005(B)


Gross profits

   540.4     543.9     (3.5 )

Net interest income

   346.5     330.9     15.6  

Trust fees

   29.4     13.2     16.1  

Credit costs for trust accounts (1)

   —       (0.1 )   0.1  

Net fees and commissions

   116.0     106.9     9.0  

Net trading profits

   13.5     19.9     (6.4 )

Net other operating income

   34.7     72.8     (38.0 )

Net gains (losses) on debt securities

   (24.0 )   69.1     (93.2 )

General and administrative expenses

   310.2     292.9     17.3  

Net operating profits before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for formula allowance for loan losses

   230.1     251.1     (21.0 )

Provision for formula allowance for loan losses (2)

   —       8.2     (8.2 )

Net operating profits

   230.1     259.2     (29.1 )

Net non-recurring gains (losses)

   (14.8 )   (36.0 )   21.1  

Credit related costs (3)

   (15.7 )   (25.7 )   9.9  

Losses on loan charge-offs

   (16.2 )   (15.7 )   (0.5 )

Provision for specific allowance for loan losses

   —       (9.8 )   9.8  

Other credit related costs

   0.5     (0.1 )   0.6  

Net gains (losses) on equity securities

   0.0     4.8     (4.8 )

Gains on sales of equity securities

   6.0     8.6     (2.5 )

Losses on sales of equity securities

   (0.2 )   (0.3 )   0.1  

Losses on write down of equity securities

   (5.8 )   (3.4 )   (2.3 )

Other non-recurring gains (losses)

   0.8     (15.1 )   15.9  

Ordinary profit

   215.2     223.2     (7.9 )

Net extraordinary gains

   90.0     71.2     18.7  

Reversal of allowance for loan losses (4)

   31.9     58.0     (26.1 )

Income before income taxes and others

   305.3     294.4     10.8  

Income taxes-current

   1.5     (0.0 )   1.6  

Income taxes-deferred

   115.9     49.3     66.6  

Net income

   187.7     245.2     (57.4 )



Total credit costs (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)

   16.1     40.4     (24.2 )



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

[The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. : Non-consolidated]



The following financial results of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. and ex-UFJ Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  
     For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2006(A)
    For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2005(B)

Gross profits

   431.7     460.4     (28.6 )

Net interest income

   272.9     295.9     (22.9 )

Net fees and commissions

   90.7     82.7     8.0  

Net trading profits

   12.0     18.4     (6.3 )

Net other operating income

   55.9     63.3     (7.4 )

Net gains (losses) on debt securities

   (1.4 )   55.9     (57.4 )

General and administrative expenses

   258.2     239.9     18.3  

Net operating profits before provision for formula allowance for loan losses

   173.5     220.5     (46.9 )

Provision for formula allowance for loan losses (1)

   —       —       —    

Net operating profits

   173.5     220.5     (46.9 )

Net non-recurring gains (losses)

   (14.4 )   (21.9 )   7.5  

Credit related costs (2)

   (16.2 )   (14.3 )   (1.9 )

Losses on loan charge-offs

   (16.2 )   (14.2 )   (2.0 )

Provision for specific allowance for loan losses

   —       —       —    

Other credit related costs

   —       (0.1 )   0.1  

Net gains (losses) on equity securities

   (1.5 )   4.6     (6.2 )

Gains on sales of equity securities

   3.9     6.9     (3.0 )

Losses on sales of equity securities

   (0.1 )   (0.2 )   0.1  

Losses on write down of equity securities

   (5.3 )   (2.0 )   (3.3 )

Other non-recurring gains (losses)

   3.3     (12.3 )   15.7  

Ordinary profit (loss)

   159.1     198.5     (39.4 )

Net extraordinary gains

   84.3     63.8     20.4  

Reversal of allowance for loan losses (3)

   29.6     53.0     (23.3 )

Income before income taxes and others

   243.4     262.3     (18.9 )

Income taxes-current

   1.4     (0.1 )   1.5  

Income taxes-deferred

   91.6     40.6     51.0  

Net income (loss)

   150.3     221.9     (71.6 )



Total credit costs (1)+(2)+(3)

   13.4     38.7     (25.2 )



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

[Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation : Non-consolidated]


The following financial results of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  
     For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2006(A)
    For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2005(B)

Gross profits

   108.6     83.4     25.1  

(Gross profits before credit costs for trust accounts)

   (108.6 )   (83.6 )   (25.0 )

Net interest income

   73.5     34.9     38.6  

Trust fees

   29.4     13.2     16.1  

Credit costs for trust accounts (1)

   —       (0.1 )   0.1  

Net fees and commissions

   25.2     24.2     1.0  

Net trading profits

   1.4     1.5     (0.0 )

Net other operating income

   (21.1 )   9.4     (30.6 )

Net gains (losses) on debt securities

   (22.6 )   13.1     (35.8 )

General and administrative expenses

   52.0     52.9     (0.9 )

Net operating profits before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for formula allowance for loan losses

   56.6     30.6     25.9  

Provision for formula allowance for loan losses (2)

   —       8.2     (8.2 )

Net operating profits

   56.6     38.7     17.8  

Net non-recurring gains (losses)

   (0.4 )   (14.0 )   13.5  

Credit related costs (3)

   0.4     (11.4 )   11.9  

Losses on loan charge-offs

   (0.0 )   (1.4 )   1.4  

Provision for specific allowance for loan losses

   —       (9.8 )   9.8  

Other credit related costs

   0.5     (0.0 )   0.5  

Net gains on equity securities

   1.6     0.1     1.4  

Gains on sales of equity securities

   2.1     1.6     0.4  

Losses on sales of equity securities

   (0.0 )   (0.1 )   0.0  

Losses on write down of equity securities

   (0.4 )   (1.3 )   0.9  

Other non-recurring gains (losses)

   (2.5 )   (2.8 )   0.2  

Ordinary profit

   56.1     24.6     31.4  

Net extraordinary gains

   5.7     7.4     (1.6 )

Reversal of allowance for loan losses (4)

   2.2     5.0     (2.7 )

Income before income taxes and others

   61.8     32.1     29.7  

Income taxes-current

   0.1     0.0     0.0  

Income taxes-deferred

   24.2     8.7     15.5  

Net income

   37.4     23.2     14.1  



Total credit costs (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)

   2.7     1.7     1.0  



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

7. Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law

Total of the 2 Banks [Banking and Trust accounts]



The following disclosed claims as of June 30, 2006 and March 31, 2006 represent the aggregated figures of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation and those as of June 30, 2005 represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd., ex-UFJ Bank Limited, ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  
     As of
June 30, 2006
    As of
June 30, 2005
    As of
March 31, 2006

Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors

   134.2     257.9     152.3  

Claims under high risk

   721.6     1,291.0     749.4  

Claims under close observation

   807.7     1,179.3     924.1  

Total (A)

   1,663.6     2,728.3     1,825.9  

Total claims (B)

   88,044.2     89,682.6     88,098.2  

Non-performing claims ratio (A) / (B)

   1.88 %   3.04 %   2.07 %




The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. [Banking accounts : Non-Consolidated]



The following disclosed claims of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. and ex-UFJ Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  

As of

June 30, 2006


As of

June 30, 2005

    As of
March 31, 2006

Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors

   116.0     215.0     128.9  

Claims under high risk

   648.2     1,112.7     683.0  

Claims under close observation

   700.3     1,020.2     800.8  

Total (A)

   1,464.6     2,348.1     1,612.8  

Total claims (B)

   77,040.1     78,091.1     77,264.6  

Non-performing claims ratio (A) / (B)

   1.90 %   3.00 %   2.08 %



Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation [Banking accounts : Non-Consolidated]


The following disclosed claims of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  

As of

June 30, 2006


As of

June 30, 2005

    As of
March 31, 2006

Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors

   18.0     38.7     23.2  

Claims under high risk

   73.1     173.4     66.0  

Claims under close observation

   106.4     125.7     122.3  

Total (A)

   197.6     337.9     211.7  

Total claims (B)

   10,821.5     10,625.2     10,644.2  

Non-performing claims ratio (A) / (B)

   1.82 %   3.18 %   1.98 %



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation [Trust accounts]



The following disclosed claims of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  
     As of
June 30, 2006
    As of
June 30, 2005
    As of
March 31, 2006

Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors

   0.1     4.1     0.1  

Claims under high risk

   0.2     4.8     0.2  

Claims under close observation

   0.9     33.3     0.9  

Total (A)

   1.3     42.2     1.3  

Total claims (B)

   182.5     966.2     189.4  

Non-performing claims ratio (A) / (B)

   0.73 %   4.37 %   0.71 %



Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation [Banking and Trust accounts]


The following disclosed claims of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.


     (in billions of yen)  
     As of
June 30, 2006
    As of
June 30, 2005
    As of
March 31, 2006

Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors

   18.1     42.8     23.3  

Claims under high risk

   73.4     178.2     66.3  

Claims under close observation

   107.3     159.0     123.3  

Total (A)

   199.0     380.2     213.0  

Total claims (B)

   11,004.0     11,591.5     10,833.6  

Non-performing claims ratio (A) / (B)

   1.80 %   3.28 %   1.96 %


The above figures are classified by the claims category under Article 4 of “Regulation Rules of the Law relating to Emergency Measures for Revitalization of Financial Systems”. The results of the self-assessment as of June 30, 2006 and as of June 30, 2005 are reflected in the above figures for each fiscal quarter, except for a part of assets which are not material.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

8. Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Based on the Standards of the BIS





    (in billions of yen except percentages)  
    As of
June 30, 2006
(Preliminary basis)
    As of
March 31, 2006

(1) Risk-adjusted capital ratio

  11.75 %   12.20 %

  Risk-adjusted Tier 1 capital ratio

  6.74 %   6.80 %

(2) Tier 1 capital

  7,428.5     7,501.6  

(3) Tier 2 capital includable as qualifying capital

  5,848.0     6,293.7  

  i) The amount of unrealized gains on investment securities, includable as qualifying capital

  1,006.5     1,343.1  

 ii) The amount of land revaluation excess includable as qualifying capital

  162.1     162.1  

iii) Subordinated debt

  3,712.1     3,786.6  

(4) Tier 3 capital includable as qualifying capital

  —       —    

(5) Deductions from total qualifying capital

  334.3     334.9  

(6) Total qualifying capital (2)+(3)+(4)-(5)

  12,942.2     13,460.3  

(7) Risk-adjusted assets

  110,134.2     110,292.6  

9. Return on Equity





     For the first quarter ended
June 30, 2006
   For the year ended
March 31, 2006


   15.85    16.58

Note: * ROE is computed as follows:

[For the first quarter ended June 30, 2006]


{(Net income for the first quarter) × 4 - Equivalent of annual dividends on nonconvertible preferred stock}

   × 100
{(Owners’ equity at beginning of period - Number of nonconvertible preferred stock at beginning of period × Issue price + Foreign currency translation adjustments at beginning of period) + (Owners’ equity at end of quarter - Number of nonconvertible preferred stock at end of quarter × Issue price + Foreign currency translation adjustments at end of quarter)} / 2   

[For the year ended March 31, 2006]


(Net income - Dividends on nonconvertible preferred stock)

   × 100
{(Shareholders’ equity at beginning of period - Number of nonconvertible preferred stock at beginning of period × Issue price - Revaluation reserve for land, net of taxes at beginning of period - Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale, net of taxes at beginning of period) + (Shareholders’ equity at end of period - Number of nonconvertible preferred stock at end of period × Issue price -Revaluation reserve for land, net of taxes at end of period -Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale, net of taxes at end of period)} / 2   



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

10. Investment Securities [Consolidated]

I. As of June 30, 2006


Following tables include:

Investment securities

Trading securities, trading commercial paper and trading short-term corporate bonds in “Trading assets”

(1) Trading securities



(in billions of yen)


As of June 30, 2006          


Balance sheet amount

               Valuation losses recognized on
statement of operations


         (3.7 )

(2) Marketable debt securities being held to maturity


     (in billions of yen)
     As of June 30, 2006

Balance sheet


   Market Value    Differences    





Domestic bonds

   2,505.2    2,485.7    (19.5 )   1.4    21.0

Government bonds

   2,384.5    2,363.7    (20.7 )   0.0    20.7

Municipal bonds

   83.8    84.4    0.6     0.9    0.2

Corporate bonds

   36.9    37.4    0.5     0.5    0.0

Foreign bonds

   54.7    54.9    0.1     1.5    1.4


“Other” is not listed.

(3) Marketable securities available for sale


     (in billions of yen)
     As of June 30, 2006
     Cost    Balance sheet
    Gains    Losses

Domestic equity securities

   4,468.3    6,880.6    2,412.2     2,511.1    98.8

Domestic bonds

   24,060.0    23,843.7    (216.2 )   3.1    219.4

Government bonds

   21,748.2    21,559.7    (188.4 )   1.8    190.2

Municipal bonds

   235.5    232.8    (2.7 )   0.5    3.2

Corporate bonds

   2,076.2    2,051.0    (25.1 )   0.8    25.9

Foreign bonds

   6,880.9    6,729.2    (151.6 )   11.4    163.0


“Foreign equity securities” and “Other” are not listed.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

II. As of June 30, 2005

Following tables include:

Investment securities

Trading securities, trading commercial paper and short-term corporate bonds in “Trading assets”

Following results represent ex-Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc.’s results.

(1) Trading securities


(in billions of yen)

As of June 30, 2005               

Balance sheet amount

               Valuation profits (losses) recognized on
statement of operations



(2) Marketable debt securities being held to maturity


     (in billions of yen)
     As of June 30, 2005

Balance sheet


   Market Value    Differences    Gains    Losses

Domestic bonds

   2,122.9    2,152.9    30.0    30.0    —  

Government bonds

   1,999.2    2,023.3    24.0    24.0    —  

Municipal bonds

   89.2    93.6    4.3    4.3    —  

Corporate bonds

   34.4    36.0    1.6    1.6    —  

Foreign bonds

   39.7    41.1    1.3    1.5    0.2


    “Other” is not listed.

(3) Marketable securities available for sale


     (in billions of yen)
     As of June 30, 2005
     Cost    Balance sheet



   Gains    Losses

Domestic equity securities

   2,415.8    3,307.1    891.2    971.2    80.0

Domestic bonds

   18,185.9    18,268.5    82.5    86.5    4.0

Government bonds

   16,245.3    16,311.7    66.3    70.3    3.9

Municipal bonds

   134.4    136.1    1.7    1.7    0.0

Corporate bonds

   1,806.1    1,820.6    14.4    14.5    0.0

Foreign bonds

   6,457.0    6,507.7    50.7    78.3    27.5


“Foreign equity securities” and “Other” are not listed.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

(Reference) As of March 31, 2006

Following tables include:

Investment securities

Trading securities, trading commercial paper and short-term corporate bonds in “Trading assets”

Negotiable certificates of deposits in “Cash and due from banks”

Beneficiary certificates of commodity investment trusts in “Monetary claims bought”

(1) Trading securities



         (in billions of yen)


As of March 31, 2006              


Balance sheet amount

               Valuation profits (losses) recognized on
statement of operations


         (22.0 )

(2) Marketable debt securities being held to maturity


     (in billions of yen)
     As of March 31, 2006
     Balance sheet
   Market Value    Differences     Gains    Losses

Domestic bonds

   2,376.5    2,361.8    (14.7 )   2.0    16.8

Government bonds

   2,253.9    2,237.3    (16.6 )   0.1    16.7

Municipal bonds

   85.6    86.8    1.1     1.2    0.0

Corporate bonds

   36.9    37.6    0.6     0.6    0.0

Foreign bonds

   50.7    50.9    0.2     1.5    1.3


   381.4    381.3    (0.0 )   0.0    0.0


   2,808.6    2,794.1    (14.5 )   3.6    18.2

(3) Marketable securities available for sale


     (in billions of yen)
     As of March 31, 2006

Balance sheet


    Gains    Losses

Domestic equity securities

   4,485.3    7,466.1    2,980.8     2,996.1    15.2

Domestic bonds

   25,621.8    25,411.6    (210.1 )   7.2    217.4

Government bonds

   23,210.5    23,022.2    (188.3 )   4.8    193.1

Municipal bonds

   246.7    245.5    (1.1 )   0.9    2.1

Corporate bonds

   2,164.4    2,143.8    (20.5 )   1.5    22.1

Foreign equity securities

   67.9    159.4    91.5     92.3    0.7

Foreign bonds

   6,458.1    6,367.1    (90.9 )   15.3    106.2


   3,077.3    3,259.3    181.9     228.7    46.7


   39,710.5    42,663.8    2,953.2     3,339.7    386.4



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

11. Deferred gains (losses) with derivatives [Consolidated]


    Following results of the previous quarter represent ex-Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc.’s results.


     (in billions of yen)  
     As of June 30, 2006  

Deferred gains



Deferred losses



Net gains (losses)

(A) - (B)


Interest rate futures

   4.3    15.0    (10.6 )

Interest rate swaps

   203.0    446.6    (243.6 )

Currency swaps

   100.2    93.1    7.1  

Other interest rate-related transactions

   —      0.6    (0.6 )


   —      —      —    


   307.6    555.4    (247.7 )



  1. Deferred gains (losses) which are accounted for on accrual basis based on “Accounting standard for financial instruments” are not included in the above table.
  2. Deferred gains (losses) attributable to the macro hedge accounting are included in the above table.


     (in billions of yen)  
     As of June 30, 2005  

Deferred gains



Deferred losses



Net gains (losses)

(A) - (B)


Interest rate futures

   8.6    10.5    (1.9 )

Interest rate swaps

   259.0    202.6    56.3  

Currency swaps

   26.1    29.0    (2.9 )

Other interest rate-related transactions

   1.2    0.8    0.4  


   0.6    0.6    0.0  


   295.6    243.7    51.9  



  1. Deferred gains (losses) which are accounted for on accrual basis based on “Accounting standard for financial instruments” are not included in the above table.
  2. Deferred gains (losses) attributable to the macro hedge accounting are included in the above table.



     (in billions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2006  

Deferred gains



Deferred losses



Net gains (losses)

(A) - (B)


Interest rate futures

   5.0    12.1    (7.0 )

Interest rate swaps

   224.1    435.7    (211.5 )

Currency swaps

   46.7    43.3    3.3  

Other interest rate-related transactions

   0.2    0.5    (0.2 )


   5.8    0.6    5.2  


   282.0    492.4    (210.3 )




  1. Deferred gains (losses) which are accounted for on accrual basis based on “Accounting standard for financial instruments” are not included in the above table.
  2. Deferred gains (losses) attributable to the macro hedge accounting are included in the above table.



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.



1. The following results of “Total of the 2 Banks” as of June 30, 2006 and March 31, 2006 represent the aggregated figures of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation and those of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd., ex-UFJ Bank Limited, ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.
2. The trust accounts of the previous quarter represent the aggregated figures of ex-The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.

12. Loans and Deposits [Total of the 2 Banks]


     (in billions of yen)
     As of
June 30, 2006
   As of
June 30, 2005
   As of
March 31, 2006

Deposits (ending balance)

   110,506.7    112,539.1    112,981.8

Deposits (average balance)

   110,954.8    112,173.9    112,352.6

Loans (ending balance)

   79,651.4    78,722.6    79,978.5

Loans (average balance)

   79,284.3    79,352.3    80,382.3

Note: The average balances as of June 30, 2005 and March 31, 2006 include the figures of ex-UFJ Bank Limited and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.

13. Domestic Deposits [Total of the 2 Banks]


     (in billions of yen)
     As of
June 30, 2006
   As of
June 30, 2005
   As of
March 31, 2006


   60,680.3    60,576.0    60,217.8

Corporations and others

   39,791.1    41,299.6    42,719.4

Domestic deposits

   100,471.4    101,875.6    102,937.2

Note: Amounts do not include negotiable certificates of deposits and JOM accounts.

14. Domestic consumer loans


Total of the 2 Banks [Banking accounts]   


     (in billions of yen)
     As of
June 30, 2006
   As of
June 30, 2005
   As of
March 31, 2006

Total domestic consumer loans

   19,340.7    19,256.8    19,438.1

Housing loans

   18,080.0    17,800.7    18,145.7


   1,260.7    1,456.1    1,292.4


Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation [Trust accounts]   


     (in billions of yen)
     As of
June 30, 2006
   As of
June 30, 2005
   As of
March 31, 2006

Total domestic consumer loans

   97.6    546.5    100.5

Housing loans

   96.2    541.3    98.9


   1.4    5.1    1.5

15. Domestic loans to small and medium-sized companies


Total of the 2 Banks [Banking accounts]   


     (in billions of yen)  
     As of
June 30, 2006
    As of
June 30, 2005
    As of
March 31, 2006

Domestic loans to small and medium-sized companies

   44,401.6     43,737.4     44,652.9  

Percentage to total domestic loans

   62.55 %   60.81 %   62.56 %


Loans to Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. are classified as “Loans to large-sized companies” as of June 30, 2006. However, “Domestic loans to small and medium-sized companies” as of June 30, 2005 included loans to parent company of 338.4 billion yen in total by ex-UFJ Bank Limited and ex-UFJ Trust Bank Limited.


Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation [Trust accounts]   


     (in billions of yen)  
     As of
June 30, 2006
    As of
June 30, 2005
    As of
March 31, 2006

Domestic loans to small and medium-sized companies

   280.4     861.7     280.7  

Percentage to total domestic loans

   81.77 %   76.09 %   80.21 %



Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

16. Status of Deferred Tax Assets

Tax Effects of the Items Comprising Net Deferred Tax Assets

[Total of the 2 Banks]



The following results of “Total of the 2 Banks” represent the aggregated figures of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation


     (in billions of yen)  

As of June 30, 2006

           Change from March 31, 2006  

Deferred tax assets

   1,993.5     (33.4 )

Allowance for loan losses

   592.6     (3.3 )

Write down of investment securities

   390.0     (33.8 )

Net operating loss carryforwards

   1,256.9     (63.0 )

Reserve for employees’ retirement benefits

   111.2     (5.6 )


   481.7     87.5  

Valuation allowance (D)

   839.2     15.0  

Deferred tax liabilities

   1,121.4     (312.8 )

Gains on placing trust for retirement benefits

   47.2     —    

Unrealized gains on securities available for sale

   774.8     (297.3 )


   299.3     (15.4 )

Net deferred tax assets

   872.1     279.3  
[Consolidated]      (in billions of yen )

Net deferred tax assets

   904.6     281.4  

Percent of Tier 1 Capital

   12.1 %   3.8 %

